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!)= kf7\oqmd nfu" ldlt M—

k|yd tyf låtLo kq M— ;]jf ;DaGwL, ;fdfGo 1fg / ;DalGwt sfg"g

v08 (A) - ;]jf ;DaGwL

1.  Principle of Electricity

1.1  Sources of Electricity, Electrical Conductor and Insulator

1.2  Current, Voltage, Resistance, Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's first and second law

1.3  Electrical circuit : series, parallel and mixed circuits

1.4  Electrical work, energy and power

2.  Alternating Current (A.C.) Fundamentals

2.1  Comparison between AC and DC voltage/current

2.2  Three Phase System

2.3  Voltage and Current relations for Star and Delta connected System

2.4  Balanced and Unbalanced Load on Three Phase System

2.5  Three Phase Power measurement

3.  Electric Machines

3.1  Transformers : types, characteristics, operating principle and application

3.2  Generators : types, characteristics, operating principle and application

3.3  Motors : types, characteristics, operating principle and application

3.4  Synchronous Generator (Alternator) and Synchronous Motor : introduction, types, constructional details and principle of operation, parallel operation and synchronizing of alternator

4.  Power Generation

4.1  Types of Generating Plants- Thermal, Hydro, Diesel and Solar (Working Principles, Equipment, Bus Bar, Automatic Voltage Regulator AVR and Reactors

4.2  Stand by Generator and Auto Transfer Switch

4.3  Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)

4.4  Basic Principle of No-break power generation

5.  Power Distribution and Transmission Lines

5.1  Electrical apparatus, control and protective devices

5.2  Electrical wiring, earthling and its objective, causes of over voltages and its protection, neutral earthling and body earthling

5.3  Overhead Line - Types of Conductors, Line Supports, Spacing between Conductors, Length of Span, Sag

5.4  Underground Cables- Classification of Cables, Cable Conductors, Cable Insulation, Mechanical Protection

5.5  Methods of Earthing- Measurement of Earth resistance

5.6  Lay out concept of Sub-stations and Power-stations (Cabling, auxiliary plants-such as batteries etc., Fire protection and grounding system)

6.  Power System Control and Protection

6.1  Principle of Power System Protection

6.2  Fuses, Isolators and Contractors

6.3  Circuit Breakers - Classification, Construction, Operating principle

6.4  Distribution Board

6.5  Panel Board

6.6  Protection against over Voltage

6.7  Relay and Protection Schemes

6.8  Power/frequency Control

7.  Electrical Tools and Measuring Instruments

7.1  Electrical Tools: Types and their uses

7.2  Electrical measuring and testing instruments : Ammeter, Voltmeter, Multimeter, Potentiometer, Moving coil meter, Moving iron meter, Frequency meter, Energy meter, Clamp-on-tester, Megger

8.  Economics of Power Utilization

8.1  Basic concept about energy audit, load management, TOD meter, demand side management

8.2  Power factor improvement: causes and effects of low power factor, advantages and methods of power factor improvement

8.3  Concept of Industrial Energy management

9.  Maintenance Management

9.1  Importance of maintenance

9.2  Maintenance schedules – periodic, preventive and emergency maintenance

9.3  Fault reporting and fault finding: fault reporting procedures, fault category and action plan, maintaining log, fault clearing and logging and fault recording system

9.4  Check list of equipment – Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly

9.5  Knowledge about repair and electrical maintenance of the following Machines and Equipments:

9.5.1  Power transformer

9.5.2  E/H Dampers

9.5.3  Automation of different conveying system

9.5.4  PLC control system

9.5.5  High tension motors

9.5.6  Power receiving from NEA and its distribution in UCIL

9.5.7  Motors/parts and accessories

9.5.8  Generators

9.5.9  Bag Filters

9.5.10  ESP

9.5.11  Functions of variable frequency drive (VFD)

9.5.12  Electric circuit

9.5.13  Weighing bridge

9.5.14  Weighing feeders

10.  Occupational Safety and Health

10.1  Importance occupational safety and health

10.2  Safety rules and regulations

10.3  Safety and precaution

10.4  Safety tools and devices for electricity

10.5  First Aid

11.  Cement Industry and Cement Production/Technology

11.1  Cement manufacturing process and its types

11.2  Knowledge of Ropeway System

11.3  Basic concepts of crusher, reclaimer, stacker, preheater, calciner, roller mill, grinding mill, kiln burner and burning

11.4  Knowledge of Weighing Feeder System, Clay receiving, Crushing, Drying, Reclaiming System, Grinding, Belding, Storage System, Transportation System, Conveying System, Raw Mill Hydraulic System, Lubrication System, GCT and GBF System, Clinker Cooling System

11.5  Concept, causes and effects of pollution, pollution control measures and equipments, working principles of Bag filters, Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP), cyclone, gravel bed filter

11.6  General considerations for installation of electrical machine

v08 (B) - ;fdfGo 1fg

12.  ;fdfGo 1fg

12.1  pbok'/ l;d]06 pBf]u kl/ro, :yfkgfsf] p2]Zo, ljwdfg cj:yf, ;Defjgf / r'gf}tLx?

12.2  pbok'/ l;d]06 pBf]u lnld6]8 sd{rf/L ;]jf zt{ lgodfjnL @)%^

12.3  pbok'/ l;d]06 pBf]u lnld6]8 cfly{s k|zf;g tyf vl/b ;DalGw ljlgodfjnL @)^%

12.4  >d P]g, @)$* / >d lgodfjnL, @)%)

12.5  6«]8 o'lgog P]g, @)$( / 6«]8 o'lgog lgodfjnL, @)%)

12.6  ei6«frf/ lgjf/0f P]g, @)%(

12.7  jftfj/0f ;+/If0f P]g, @)%# / jftfj/0f ;+/If0f lgodfjnL, @)%$

12.8  g]kfnsf] jt{dfg ;+lawfgsf] ;fdfGo hfgsf/L

12.9  g]kfnsf] ef}uf]lns, P]ltxfl;s, ;fdflhs, ;f:s[lts / cfly{s cj:yf ;DjGwL hfgsf/L

12.10  lbuf] ljsf;, jftfj/0f / k|b'if0f ;DjGwL hfgsf/L

12.11  /fli6«o / cGt{/fli6«o dxTjsf ;d;fdlos 36gf tyf gjLgtd ultljlwx?

k|yd tyf låtLo kqdf oyf;Dej lgDgfg';f/ k|Zgx? ;f]lwg]5 .

k|yd kq
v08 / cÍef/ / k|Zg ;+Vof
j:t'ut / ljifout
A / &) / #% k|Zg x @ cÍ = &) / –
B / #) / !% k|Zg x @ cÍ = #) / –
låtLo kq
v08 / cÍef/ / k|Zg ;+Vof
ljifout / ;d:of ;dfwfg
A / *) / $ k|Zg x % cÍ = @)
# k|Zg x !) cÍ = #) / @ k|Zg x !% cÍ = #)
B / @) / @ k|Zg x % cÍ = !)
! k|Zg x !) cÍ = !) / –

UCIL/Page 4