Unit Y112: england and a new century

Note: Based on 3x 50 minute lessons per week

Terms based on 6 term year.

Key Topic / Term / Week Number / Indicative Content / Extended Content / Resources
Political issues c.1900–1914 / 1 / 1 / England in 1900; /
  • How Britain was ruled
  • British society
  • The economy
  • The empire and foreign policy
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

1 / 1 / The Conservative government under Balfour 1902–1905; /
  • Problems revealed by the Boer War
  • Defence changes
  • Reversal of isolation
  • Economic policy changes under Balfour
  • Social policies under Balfour
  • Policies in Ireland – the Conservative Irish Land Act of 1903
  • South Africa mining problems and solutions
  • Successes and failures of Balfour’s government
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

Version 11© OCR 2017

Key Topic / Term / Week Number / Indicative Content / Extended Content / Resources
1 / 1 / reasons for the Liberal landslide; /
  • Factors leading to the Liberal win in 1906:
  • Dividing opposition
  • Trade unionist opposition
  • Non-conformist opposition
  • Chinese slavery issue
  • Cruelty to civilians during the Boer War
  • United Liberal party
  • Role of the leadership
  • Attraction of new liberalism to voters
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

1 / 2 / the origins and development of the Labour Party and the Trade Unions from 1893 to 1914;
Trade Unions and problems of industrial unrest. /
  • Origins of the party and ideological roots
  • Factors leading to a growth in the Labour party.
  • Extent of the success of Labour party to 1914.
  • Challenges faced by Trade Unions after 1893:
  • Technology
  • Challenge to traditional crafts
  • Grower strength of employers’ associations
  • New unions and growing militancy
  • Legal challenges
  • Need for political representation
  • Use of union power for political ends
  • Rising cost of living and growing unemployment
  • Growth of membership
  • Growth of industrial unrest 1910-14
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • The Rise of the Labour Party, Phillips, Routledge
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

1 / 3 / constitutional crisis, causes, course and results; /
  • The powers of the House of Lords
  • Causes of the crisis
  • Rejection of Liberal reforms
  • Contents of the 1909 budget
  • House of Lords rejection and reasons for rejection
  • Election results of January and February 2010 and the subsequent need for Asquith to rely on Labour and the Irish nationalists
  • Consequence of December 2010 election
  • The Parliament Act
  • Results of the crisis
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

1 / 3 / the issue of women’s suffrage 1906–1914; /
  • Reasons why the issue of women’s suffrage became so prominent during the period
  • Actions and consequences of the suffragette movement
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

1 / 4 / problems in Ireland 1910–1914; /
  • Origins of the problems in Ireland
  • Development of the Home Rule movement into a political party
  • Actions of the government in dealing with the home rule movement
  • Extent of the success of government actions
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

Social issues 1900–1918 / 1 / 4 / The development of ideas of new liberalism, including the role of Lloyd George and Churchill; /
  • Changing beliefs of liberalism and declining influence of Gladstone belief
  • Joseph Chamberlains beliefs and the influence on Lloyd George and Churchill
  • New Liberal ideals
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder

1 / 5 / the debate over poverty (Booth, Rowntree and Galt) and the debate over national efficiency; /
  • The role of individuals and their beliefs /actions
  • The debates on how best to deal with poverty
  • Concerns over national efficiency
  • Significance and impact of the debates
  • Reforms introduced
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

1 / 5 / education and young people: the acts of 1902, 1906 and 1918, school measures, the Children’s Charter; /
  • Changes in legislation regarding young people
  • Education acts and their impact
  • Problems with education acts
  • Development of maternity and child welfare centres
  • Increased midwife training
  • Birth registration and health visitors
  • Education introductions in health and hygiene aimed at girls
  • School medical service
  • Provision of school meals
  • Dependency on charities
  • Children Act of 1908 and the Children’s Charter
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

1 / 6 / Old Age pensions; /
  • Reasons for the introduction of old age pensions and arguments for and against them
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

1 / 6 / National Insurance; /
  • Why it was introduced
  • The National Insurance Act, its origins and contents
  • Impact of Act
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

1 / 7 / Measures to protect workers. /
  • Measures introduced to protect workers
  • Workmen’s Compensation Act (1906)
  • Mining legislation
  • The ‘Sweated’ industries
  • Winston Churchill and the Trade Boards Bill
  • The Shops Act
  • Impact of the measures
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • The Edwardian Crisis, Britain 1901-14, Powell, Macmillan
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

Britain at war 1914–1918 / 2 / 8 / Attitudes to war; /
  • Different attitudes in Britain to war and explanations of them
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

2 / 8 / the impact of war on the Home Front; /
  • Defence of the Realm Act – contents and significance
  • Increased power of the state
  • Conscription
  • Impact on living standards
  • Increase in voluntary work
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

2 / 9 / political developments during the war: the coalition of 1915, the creation of the Lloyd George Coalition; /
  • Growing criticism of British war effort
  • Makeup of the coalition of 1915
  • Significance of the coalition
  • Setbacks in 1916 and the growing desire for a new approach
  • Resignations of Asquith and George and subsequent return of Lloyd George as Prime Minister
  • Reasons for Lloyd George becoming leader
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

2 / 9 / the splits in the Liberal Party and their importance; /
  • Origins of the split in the Liberal party
  • Split caused by war
  • Lloyd George’s policy of greater state intervention
  • Significance of the split
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

2 / 10 / the development of the Labour Party and its Constitution of 1918; /
  • Impact of the war on the Labour Party
  • Impact of the Russian revolution
  • Contents of the new constitution and clause IV
  • Labour and the New social order
  • Reorganisation of the party and improved local organisation and improved share of the vote by 1918.
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

2 / 10 / the role of women in the war, and the extension of the franchise in 1918. /
  • The change in the role of women and its significance
  • Impact of war in extending the franchise
  • Why the franchise was extended
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Government and Reform, 1815-1918, Pearce and Stearn, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

Unit Y112: Britain 1918-1951

Key Topic / Term / Week Number / Indicative Content / Extended Content / Resources
British politics 1918–1929 / 2 / 11 / The result of, and reasons for, the outcome of the 1918 election; /
  • Reasons for the Conservatives and some liberals wishing to continue with the coalition
  • Results of the ‘Coupon Election’
  • Reasons why the coalition won
  • Consequences of the election
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Britain: Domestic Politics 1918-39, Pearce, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

2 / 11 / Lloyd George’s coalition, policies and reasons for fall; /
  • Foreign policies, including Versailles and British aims
  • Problems with new mandates
  • Problems with the peace treaties
  • The Chanak crisis
  • Rise of Japan
  • Russian revolution – impact in Britain
  • Successes and failures of foreign policy
  • Policies in Ireland
  • Social policies and the successes and failures
  • Reasons for Lloyd George losing office
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Britain: Domestic Politics 1918-39, Pearce, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

2 / 12 / the 1923 election and its significance; /
  • Results and significance of the elections
  • Issues with free trade
  • Rise of labour and decline of the Liberal party
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Britain: Domestic Politics 1918-39, Pearce, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

2 / 12 / the first Labour government 1924, MacDonald’s aims, domestic reforms, international relations and fall from power; /
  • Aims of the Labour party in office
  • Extent of Labour achievements in foreign policy and domestic policy
  • Reasons why the Labour government fell in October 1924 – withdrawal of the prosecution of JR Campbell
  • Defeat in the Commons by the Liberals and Conservatives
  • The election and the ‘Red Scare’
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Britain: Domestic Politics 1918-39, Pearce, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

2 / 13 / the decline of the Liberal party to 1924; /
  • Reasons for the decline of the Liberals:
  • Not representative of the economic groups
  • Impact of war on Liberal beliefs
  • Traditional supporters better represented by other parties
  • Extension of the franchise
  • War time split
  • Lloyd George foreign actions
  • Outdated beliefs
  • ‘Coupon Election’ split
  • Rise of Labour as an alternative to the Conservatives
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Britain: Domestic Politics 1918-39, Pearce, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

2 / 13 / the Conservative recovery 1918–1924; the Conservatives in power 1924–1929, the leadership of Baldwin, Churchill as Chancellor, the work of Neville Chamberlain; /
  • Reasons for the Conservative recovery
  • Baldwin as politician and Prime Minister – decisions made and policies brought in
  • The work of Neville Chamberlain as Minister for Health and social reforms
  • Financial Policy
  • Winston Churchill as chancellor
  • Foreign Policy, including Locarno, Kellogg-Briand and the League of Nations
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Britain: Domestic Politics 1918-39, Pearce, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

2 / 14 / extension of the franchise; the 1929 election. /
  • Impact of the extension of the Franchise
  • Increasing role of women in politics
  • Reasons why the Labour party were able to win the 1929 election
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Britain: Domestic Politics 1918-39, Pearce, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

British domestic politics 1929–1939 / 2 / 14 / The Second Labour government 1929–1931, economic problems, domestic policies, MacDonald as leader, Snowden as Chancellor; /
  • The situation in 1929
  • Domestic policies including the Housing Act of 1930, the Unemployment Insurance Act of 1930,the Road Traffic Act of 1930
  • Measure brought in increasing state control
  • Successes and failure of domestic policy
  • Economic situation in 1929
  • Measures took by Lord Snowden
  • The crisis of 1931
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Britain: Domestic Politics 1918-39, Pearce, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

3 / 15 / the formation, nature and impact of the National Government; the Abdication Crisis; MacDonald, Baldwin and Chamberlain as Prime Ministers; /
  • Resignation of MacDonald and formation of new national government with Conservatives, Liberals a minority of supportive Labour MPs
  • Events that led to the formation
  • How national the government actually was
  • Impact of the national government
  • Significance of the abdication crisis and why it caused problems
  • Leadership of the three men, how they differed and how effective each was
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Britain: Domestic Politics 1918-39, Pearce, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

3 / 16 / political extremism including Communism, Moseley and the British Union of Fascists; /
  • Growth of Communism and reasons for it
  • Reasons for the lack of growth in Fascist party
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Britain: Domestic Politics 1918-39, Pearce, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

3 / 16 / the impact of foreign affairs on domestic government. /
  • Growing problem of maintaining the peace
  • British reactions to rise of Nazism
  • Political influences on foreign policy
  • Effects on domestic policy
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Britain: Domestic Politics 1918-39, Pearce, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

Economic issues 1918–1939 / 3 / 17 / Post-war economic conditions; /
  • Impact of First World War on economic conditions
  • Post war boom
  • Longer term impact of the war
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

3 / 17 / the problems of the staple industries; /
  • Significance of the staple industries
  • Problems affecting staple industries
  • Impact of the slump in 1929 on staple industries
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

3 / 18 / economic unrest; the problems of the mining industry, the causes and failure of the General Strike; /
  • Growth of Trade Unions and industrial action
  • Problems in the mining industry and its significance
  • Events leading to the strike
  • Reasons for the strike
  • Government responses
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

3 / 18 / the impact of the Great Depression; /
  • Effect of the Great Depression on Britain
  • Comparisons with other nations
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

3 / 19 / unemployment in the interwar period, causes, extent, regional patterns; /
  • Causes of unemployment in the 1930s
  • Seriousness of unemployment in the 1930s
  • Regional variations
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

3 / 19 / the economic policies of the National Government, success and limitations; /
  • Measures taken by the national government to deal with the economic problems
  • Protection
  • Direct aid to depressed areas
  • Attempts to manage production
  • Impact of rearmament
  • Extent of the successes of economic policies
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

4 / 20 / social policies of the National Government; /
  • Social policies towards education and the young, transport, conditions for workers, living standards
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

4 / 21 / the recovery, causes, extent, regional variations. /
  • Causes of recovery
  • New industries
  • Low interest rates
  • Limited wage increases
  • Support for consumer spending
  • Falling prices of food
  • Falling prices of raw materials
  • Government aid
  • Rearmament
  • Extent of recovery
  • Regional variations
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

Domestic politics 1940–1951 / 4 / 21 / The fall of Chamberlain and replacement by Churchill; /
  • Chamberlain and appeasement
  • Actions during the war (‘Phoney War’)
  • The Norwegian campaign
  • Chamberlains resignation and the appointment of Churchill.
  • Reasons for Churchill becoming and remaining prime minister until 1945
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

4 / 22 / the effects of the war on food, women, industry, health and housing; wartime reports and their impact, including Beveridge (1942) and Butler Act (1944); /
  • Effects of the war on food, women, industry, health and housing and the significance of wartime plans/measure to improve post-war Britain.
  • The Beveridge report, content, impact and extent of success
  • The Education Act, 1944 (Butler), content, impact and extent of success
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

4 / 23 / the issues in the 1945 election, the reasons for Labour victory, reputation of the Conservative and Labour parties, outcome of the election; /
  • Reasons for Labour winning the election of 1945:
  • Strengths of the Labour Party
  • Weaknesses of the Conservative Party
  • Changing attitudes in Britain, particularly towards state intervention, desire for health and welfare reforms and admiration for USSR war effort
  • Results of the election
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

4 / 23-24 / the Labour government’s 1945–1951, Attlee as Prime Minister, government policies and achievements, its record on national insurance, health, education and nationalisation; the impact of their reforms; /
  • Post war reforms and importance of clause IV
  • Nationalisation of industry
  • National Insurance Act of 1946 and its criticisms
  • National Health Service Act – contents and impact
  • Education reforms
  • Extent of success of dealing with domestic problems
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

4 / 25 / Labour’s achievements, the problems of balance of payments, rationing, wage freezes, /
  • Dealing with the economic problems
  • US Loans, 1946
  • Convertibility Crisis, 1947
  • Recovery and devaluation
  • The state of the economy by 1950
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder

4 / 25 / internal divisions, Conservative reorganisation; the 1950 and 1951 elections. /
  • Recovery of the conservative party
  • Divisions within the Labour party
  • Reasons for increased Conservative support in the 1950 election
  • Reasons for the Conservative victory in 1951
  • OCR A Level History: Britain 1846-1951, Mike Wells, Hodder
  • Modern British History 1900-1999, Lynch, Hodder
  • Access to History, 1900-1951, Lynch, Hodder