Week 8; Study 7
2 Timothy 3:10-17

Main Idea: We can endure hardship and be effective in the Christian life because God has given us the Scriptures which are His very Words.

Getting Started

Context Questions

  1. What do you remember from last week? DRN’s, growth group, sermon?
  1. The false teachers of Timothy’s day are basically the example of those Paul says will threaten the gospel throughout the last days. What will they be like? (2 Tim. 3:1-5)

Read 2 Timothy 3:10-17

Looking at verses 10-13…

  1. How does Paul compare himself to the false teachers?
  1. What do you learn here about the normal shape of the Christian life?
  1. What is the cost of pursuing godliness?
  1. Where do you see this happening today?
  1. How do you feel about this?
  1. After reminding Timothy about the persecution Paul had endured, what do you think Paul means in v.11, “but the Lord rescued me from them all?” (See 2 Tim. 1:12-14 ESV)
  1. What is the most unique reality the Christian can rely on when facing times of persecution?

Looking at verses 14-17…

  1. What is the source of the Christian’s strength and confidence?
  1. What makes the Scriptures so unique?
  1. What does that mean? (Compare with Heb. 4:12-13)
  1. What are the Scriptures able to do?
  1. How would these words have helped Timothy’s confidence?
  1. What about us?

Thinking about it

  1. Given Paul’s circumstances, why were these words so important to remind Timothy about?
  1. How does today’s passage challenge your view of the Bible?
  1. As you think about the increasing hostility towards Christianity why are these words so important for us today?
  1. Hand out the attached question guide and give people some time to reflect on the passage for themselves…. (They don’t need an answer for every box, only those that are relevant)

Is there a SIN to confess? Does God’s Word make you aware of something you need to make right with God?
Is there a PROMISE to claim? There are more than 7,000 promises in God’s Word. Ask yourself if the passage you’ve read contains a universal promise.
Is there an ATTITUDE to change? Is there something you need to think about differently? Do you need to work on a negative attitude, worry, guilt, fear, loneliness, bitterness, pride, apathy, or ego?
Is there a COMMAND to obey? Is there a command you need to obey, no matter how you feel?
Is there an EXAMPLE to follow? Are there positive examples to follow or negative examples to avoid?
Is there a PRAYER to pray? Paul, David, Solomon, Elijah, and Isaiah, among others, pray in the Bible. You can use their prayers and know that they’ll be answered because they’re in the Bible and in God’s will.
Is there an ERROR to avoid? It’s wise to learn from experience, and it’s even wiser to learn from the experience of others! We don’t have time to make all the mistakes ourselves. So what can you learn from the mistakes of those in Scripture?
Is there a TRUTH to believe? Often, we’ll read something in Scripture that we can’t do anything about. We simply have to believe what it says about God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the past, the future, Heaven, Hell, or other topics in the Bible.
Is there SOMETHING for which to praise God? You can always find something in a passage you can be grateful to God for, like something God has done or protected you from.

Praying about it

Now turn this into a prayer:

  1. How can you pray about this for yourself?
  1. How can you pray about this for our church family?
  1. How can you pray about this for your Mission Partner?