MUSI 4213.01Marching Band Techniques

Fall Semester, 2016

TR8:00-8:50amJGMB 136

Instructor: Mr. Mark Crim

Office: REDW 107

Phone:(903) 923-2168 office (903) 576-1455 cell


Note: You are welcome to “friend” and message me through facebook, although facebook should not be used for academic communication.

Office Hours: MW 9-10am, TRF 11am-Noon MTWRF 3-4pm and by appointment.

Catalog Description

Designed for students in the instrumental track of the music education major, this course provides instruction on teaching marching band, the use of technology for drill design, and arranging music for the marching band. Prerequisite: MUSI 2100.

Required Text

No Required Text. Course materials will be posted to Blackboard and given as handouts in class

DVDs on Reserve in the Music Lab

Materials To Be Provided By Students

Sturdy 2” binder to hold class notes and handouts

Pad of Military Marching charting paper

Flash drive (at least 2 gigs of storage)

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Compose a personal philosophy of the marching band in a secondary school setting.
  • Examine the history and stylistic development of the marching band in the United States.
  • Develop curriculum, lessons and evaluations for marching band instruction.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the terminology, physical skills and teaching of marching fundamentals.
  • Demonstrate marching band production planning from concept through music selection, musical and visual phrase analysis and storyboarding.
  • Produce contemporary and military drill segments. Familiarize using hand charting tools and the Pyware 3D Java drill charting aid,
  • Observe and evaluate marching band rehearsal, football game and contest processes.
  • Observe and evaluate auxiliary marching band units including colorguard, winterguard and winter percussion programs.

Course Assessments

Students will be assessed with papers, written exams, kinesthetic evaluations (marching fundamental teaching presentations), drill sequences charted by hand and computer-aided, and production of a resource notebook containing class notes, handouts and assignments.


Students’ grades will be calculated as follows

Statement of Marching Band Philosophy=5% (includes revision)

Contemporary Fundamentals Teaching 10%

Military Fundamentals Teaching=10%

Observations (3)=15%

Military Drill=20%

Contemporary Drill=20%

Resource Notebook=10%

Final Exam=10%



F—Below 60 or more than 6 absences

Final Exam

The Final Examination will be a comprehensive written assessment. The final exam will be administered on Tuesday, December 6, 8:00-9:50am.


East Texas Baptist University is committed to the policy that regular and punctual attendance is essential to successful scholastic achievement. Attendance at all meetings of the course for which a student is registered is expected. To be eligible to earn credit in a course, the student must attend at least 75 percent of all class meetings. For additional information, please refer to page 30 of the 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog.

Students who exceed the absence limit in a course before the official withdrawal date will have the opportunity to withdraw from the class. Students in this situation who do not choose to withdraw on or before the official withdrawal date or who exceed the absence limit in a course after the official withdrawal date will receive a grade of XF.

This course is preparing you for work as a professional musician. As such, my attendance expectations for you are the same as if you were a professional employee under my supervision. You will be considered tardy 10 minutes into the class meeting. The following is the attendance policy is in effect for the course:

1-4: no penalty

5-6: lowered one letter grade

7-8: lowered two letter grades

Over 8: failure (XF) due to absences

Tardies will be recorded as follows: 3 tardies = 1 absence

Students will not be allowed to make up missed assignments or exams without prior approval of the instructor.

Course Withdrawal

A student may withdraw from a course or courses or from the University beginning with the first day through 75 percent of the semester without academic penalty. The final day to withdraw from this course is Friday, November 11.

To withdraw from a course or courses or from the University the student must secure a withdrawal form from the Registrar’s Office, his/her advisor, or from the ETBU website, and follow the directions on the form, securing all required signatures. Students must process their own withdrawals. For additional information, please refer to page 29 of the 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog.

Student Expectations - Additional Policies

In-Class Expectations: In this course, students are held to high standards of excellence and professionalism in rehearsal and performance. The professor will be prepared to teach, dedicated to student success and to treating all students with respect, and committed to demonstrating the love of Christ in his work. Students should interact with their peers and the professor in a positive and encouraging manner, asking questions and contributing to rehearsal in a positive way. Disrespectful or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. The professor will follow a progressive discipline plan including, but not limited to, warnings, removal from class and referral to the Dean of Students.

Cell Phones: Students are requested to silence all cell phones (including notifications) during class and to keep those phones completely out of sight during class. Cell phone etiquette is still evolving, but respect for your professor and fellow students should be your guide for appropriate use.

Online Communication: Official communication for the course will be delivered via Blackboard and ETBU Tigermail. Students should check both resources regularly. In keeping with the policy of professional standards stated above, email communication with your professors should reflect college-level writing skills. Professional emails include salutations and signatures, complete sentences, and proper use of grammar and capitalization and punctuation. However, if a student seeks assistance from the professor and does not desire a personal consultation, he/she is encouraged to email the professor any questions. Students should not use texting, Facebook or other online social networks to communicate official academic business.

Academic Integrity Policy

Students enrolled at East Texas Baptist University are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity avoiding all forms of cheating, illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, unwarranted access to instructor’s solutions’ manuals, plagiarism, forgery, collusion and submissions of the same assignment to multiple courses. Students are not allowed to recycle student work without permission of the faculty member teaching the course. Students must ask permission before submitting the work since it will likely be detected by plagiarism detection programs. If the student does not inform the instructor or ask permission before the assignment is due and submitted, the instructor may treat this as an academic integrity offense.

Penalties that may be applied by the faculty member to individual cases of academic dishonesty by a student include one or more of the following:

• Failure of the class in question

• Failure of particular assignments

• Requirement to redo the work in question

• Requirement to submit additional work

All incidents related to violations of academic integrity are required to be reported to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and multiple violations of academic integrity will result in further disciplinary measures which could lead to dismissal from the University.

Disability Statement

A student with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course by contacting the Office of Academic Success, Marshall Hall, Room 301, and providing the required documentation. If accommodations are approved by the Disability Accommodations Committee, the Office of Academic Success will notify the student and the student’s professor of the approved accommodations. The student must then discuss these accommodations with his or her professor.Students may not ask for accommodations the day of an exam or due date. Arrangements must be made prior to these important dates. For additional information, please refer to page 15-16 of the 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog.

Weapons in Class

The on-campus possession of firearms, explosives, or fireworks is prohibited with the exception of the transportation and storage of firearms and ammunition by concealed handgun license holders in private vehicles (as described in SB1907) Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law, may not enter this property (ETBU) with a concealed handgun. The ETBU President may grant authorization to a qualified and certified full-time faculty or staff member, who is a license holder with a concealed handgun to conceal carry on the University campus, at a University-sponsored event or within or on a University vehicle.

Tentative Course Outline

Class Topics / Assignments
August 23 / Introduction and Philosophy / Topical Essay Your Marching Band Philosophy+
August 25 / History of the Marching Band
August 30 / Overview of Marching Band Styles / Assignment Due: Topical Essay
September 1 / Curriculum for Marching Band / Assignment: Review TEKS for Music
September 6 / Marching Fundamentals-Contemporary
September 8 / Marching Fundamentals-Contemporary / Assignment: Teach Contemporary Fundamentals
September 13 / Marching Fundamentals-Contemporary / Assignment Due: Teach Contemporary Fundamentals
September 15 / Marching Fundamentals-Military
September 20 / Marching Fundamentals-Military / Assignment: Teach Military Fundamentals
September 22 / Marching Fundamentals-Military / Assignment Due: Teach Military Fundamentals
September 27 / Release date for Observation #1
September 29 / Music Sourcing and Selection
October 4 / Music Sourcing and Selection / Assignment Due: Observation #1 (Rehearsal)
October 6 / Fall Break- No Class
October 11 / Contemporary Design Principles / Assignment: Observation #2 (Football Game)
October 13 / Marching Contest Procedures / Assignment: Observation #3 (Marching Contest)
October 18 / Pyware 3D Java Charting Basics
October 20 / Pyware 3D Java Charting Basics
October 25 / Pyware 3D Java Charting Basics
October 27 / Pyware 3D Java Charting Basics / Assignment: Contemporary Drill
November 1 / Military Charting Basics / Assignment Due: Observation #2 (Football Game)
November 3 / Military Charting Basics / Assignment due: Observation #3 (Contest)
November 8 / Military Charting Basics
November 10 / Military Charting Basics / Assignment: Military Drill
November 15 / Technology in the Marching Band
November 17 / Student Leadership Development
November 22 / Uniform design, purchase and upkeep
November 24 / Thanksgiving Holiday
November 29 / Winterguard/Winter Percussion
December 1 / Exam Review and Conclusions / Assignment Due: Resource Notebook and Keychain Drive
December 6 / Final Exam / Assignment Due: Contemporary and Military Drills