Middle States Accredited

Eastern Suffolk BOCES School Library System


Friday, June 3, 2016~8:45A.M.- 10:00 A.M.

Suffolk Cooperative Library System (Blue Room)

627 North Sunrise Service Road, Bellport, NY11713


Members Present:

Bonnie Bredes

Daniene Byrne Cheryl Carr

Valerie Ware Comneck

Claire Cucchi

Leah Donley

Dana Antonucci-Durgan Robert Hines Catherine Lynch Melissa McParland Jan Miller

Members Absent:

Peggie Staib, Ed.D

Pat McCabe

Derek Ivie

1) Welcome by Valerie Ware Comneck, Chairperson- meeting convened at 8:48am


2) Minutes fromMarch 4, 2016 Council Meeting (lilac handout) – Already approved via email


3) Status of Co-Sers:

a) Library Automation Co-Ser508

1. 42 districts plus two non-public schools ~ Ross School and St. John the Baptist participate

2. Current financial status: Revenue $402,481.73 (last year $391,510.25)

b) Library Services/Media Co-Ser 516

1. Virtual Reference Collection (VRC) listed on Shared Services Response Pages at $ 9.30 per student in

grades 3-12 ~ (this amount includes a 1% increase for 2016-2017)

2. 47 districts plus two non-publics, Amityville UFSD (grades 4-12), BabylonUFSD,

Half Hollow Hills CSDand Smithtown(2 High Schools) in Western Suffolk participate in Co-Ser 516

3. Digital Media Library (DML) listed on Shared Services Response Pages at $5.05per student in grades

PreK-12.34 districts ~ (this amount includes a 1% increase for 2016-2017)

4. Current financial status: Revenue $1,953,448.24 (last year $1,891,465.86)

4) Participation Fees for 2016-2017:

1 – 600$1,042.00

601 – 2000 1,736.00

2001 – 5000 2,342.00

5001 – 8000 3,012.00

8001 – 11000 3,468.00

11001 – plus 4,078.00

5) School Library System Databases

Union Catalog has891,389 Bibliographic records and 2,535,113 Item records


6)Liaison/Program Meeting Evaluation from the March 3, 2016 meeting- rely on this to plan meetings in the


7)ESSA Update- Every Student Succeeds Act/Title 1 – need to allocate funds, push is for- School Libraries

Knowledge Quest article – advocating for school libraries and programming

8)SLJ spending survey- overview of budget trending, itemized spending, money spent per pupil and maker


9)eBook & Technology Adoption in School Libraries

10)School Libraries 101 for Administrators-Pre-Service toolkit for Principals & Teachers- value of school


11)School Librarians: Getting Back to the Book ~ 2016 Carol A. Kearney Educational Leadership Institute, Cornell University, July 28 – 29, 2016 Workshop on how to get students excited about reading.

12) Meeting dates for next year- Gail wants to put into place before she leaves.

Tentative dates are:

September 30, 2016

November 30, 2016

March 10, 2017

May 19, 2017

13) Partners in Science- date set for December 9, 2016

Gail thanked everyone for their service and is definitely looking forward to her retirement!

Motion to adjourn at 9:45am- by Cheryl Carr, seconded by Bonnie Bredes

Happy Summer!