Small Group Guide
The Church at Brook Hills Dennis Blythe April 3, 2016 Acts 6:1-7
Message Outline
To download the outline for this week’s sermon, visit
Message Summary
Acts 6:1-7 presents a problem within the early church regarding the needs of Hellenistic (Greek) widows being neglected. Because the Apostles were going to potentially be distracted from their essential call to prayer and spreading the gospel by trying to meet this need themselves, they proposed a plan to identifyqualified people in the body of believers to do the work necessary for ministry. Implementing this plan resulted in the spread of the gospel, the lost being saved, and the church being served.If we as a church want to see the gospel advanced, the lost saved, and church multiplied, then we need to be committed to the Word and prayer. We also need to be able to organize ourselves for effective ministry by enlisting, equipping, and empowering Christians to serve the body well. Finally, we need to ask ourselves what we are personally doing to help ensure that the ministry of the Word and prayer is both prioritized and protected at Brook Hills. All of us can grow as members of the local body. We can use our time and gifts faithfully to strengthen the church in areas of ministry such as worship attendance, small group community, missions involvement, prayer support, financial support, and serving the body.If we serve,the gospel will spread to the nations and disciples will be multiplied for God’s glory.
Digging Deeper
Based on Acts 6:1-7, Pastor Dennis gave us as a church and as individuals several implications for applications.As a small group, go over each one listed below and talk through how they affect you personally and as a group and how you can practically respond in service to the church and through the church for the sake of the God’s glory.
What are the implications for us as a church?
- Do we want to see the gospel advanced, the lost saved and the church multiplied?
- Are we committed to maintaining a priority on the proclamation of the Word and prayer?
- Are we willing to organize ourselves for effective ministry?
- What does this involve?
- Will we do what it takes to enlist, equip, and empower our people to serve the body well?
- What does this look like? How can we do this?
- Will we be a church who ministers faithfully to widows, the poor and the disenfranchised?
- What does this mean for you and for your small group? What are ways that you can be part of ministering to these groups of people?
- Let’s not miss the reminder God’s Word gives us about the responsibility we have as a church to care for those in need.
What are the implications for me personally?
- What am I doing to help ensure that the ministry of the Word and prayer is prioritized and protected at Brook Hills?
- Where do I need to grow in my responsibilities as a Brook Hills member? In which of the following responsibilities are you weakest? Why? How can you take steps to change in that particular area?
- Worship attendance
- Small group community
- Missions involvement
- Prayer support
- Financial support
- Serving the body
- How am I using my time and gifts to serve and strengthen the local church?
- Am I spiritually ready to serve? If not, what needs to begin to change?
- Am I eager and willing to serve, or am I quick to develop excuses?
- Am I serving faithfully in my current area(s) of responsibility? If not, why? What needs to change? How can I take steps to change?
Pray as a group that God would grow you in the areas of ministry He has gifted you for and called you to.
Group Discussion & Application
Use the following questions to examine what the sermon and its text mean, to apply the Word to your life, and to guide how you pray.
- What was the problem that the Apostles faced in Acts 6:1-2? How could it have been a distraction to the ministry they were called to do? Why was it such a big deal?
- If it is true that “growing churches are going to have problems,” then discuss some examples of potential problems we face as a growing body within The Church at Brook Hills?
- What problems might you face in your small group as it grows? What are examples of potential problems that a maturing Christian might face?
- How can problems that come up within church growth cause leaders to experience ministry overload if not careful?How does Acts 6:3-4 show the Apostles combating that?
- Read 1 Timothy 5:3-16. Why is caring for widows a responsibility of the church that is to be taken seriously? What are ways we are caring for widows as a church? As a small group? As individuals?
- How were the Apostles faced with the prospect of giving up their primary responsibilities and making them secondary and taking their central call and making it peripheral? What were the potential consequences?Why is it so important to serve the church as a whole body and not just a few doing the serving?
- What are ways we as a church can apply the practical steps of enlisting qualified people for ministry coupled with equipping and empowering those people to do the work of ministry?
- Why is it so important for those who are serving the body to be spiritual, sensible, trustworthy, and mature in their faith? What are examples of qualities that we should look for in a spiritually mature leader?
- How is Acts 6:1-7 a beautiful picture of unity and trust within the body while dealing with problems that arise within a growing church?
- Discuss some practical examples of us as church members doing the work of ministry, letting our pastors bring us as members to maturity through preaching and prayer.
- Read Exodus 18:21-22. How is this practical and reproducible model presented by Jethro to an over-loaded Moses applicable to the example given in Acts 6:3-4? What are ways we can break up overwhelming ministry tasks into manageable parts at Brook Hills? In our Small Groups? In our homes? In our personal lives?
- What is the difference between growing by addition and growing by multiplication as a church? How can that be done well at Brook Hills?
- How is something seemingly so little or insignificant like pushing a bye-bye buggy in preschool ministry in fact incredibly crucial to the advancement of the gospel and multiplication of disciples in reference to our passage today?
- How is the health of the Brook Hills directly tied to the health of the preaching ministry? In what ways do we need to organize ourselves as a church to be effective for ministry?
- How is getting actively involved in a small group an answer to the pastoral staff asking us to meet them “half way” with regards to organizing ourselves for effective ministry?
- What is an example of saying “no” to a good thing in order to stay focused on the essential things we are currently doing as a church to advance the gospel and make disciples of all nations?
- Pastor Dennis mentioned that, “Far too FEW believers are asking the question…how will I be able to serve? How might the Lord use me, for His glory, among this body of believers?” Why is that? How do we rationalize or spiritualize our way out of serving? How can you as a small group and individual be part of the solution instead of making excuses that add to the problem?
- Generally, do you lean forward when needs are mentioned, or do you look the other way? Are you dependable? Are you serving with joy? Are you serving whole-heartedly? If service is half-hearted or done out of duty, how can you change your attitude and cultivate delight in serving God?
- How can we discern when we should say “yes” or “no” to a new serving role? How do we know what our “best yes” is?
Resources for Small Group Leaders
Weekly Prayer Focus
- Pray for Our Church:
- Pray for our Elder Selection Team as they continue in the process of identifying potential new elders from our nominations.
- Thank God for the gift of our deacons who serve our faith family in so many ways so that our ministry as a church might be effective.
- Pray especially for our small group leaders who help care for and attend to the needs of our people on a weekly and even daily basis.
- Pray for God to help us all see our role in service and love to one another for our good and His glory.
- Pray for Our City:
- Pray for Oliver Elementary School and the Love Oliver Campaign that launched this week.
- Pray for Philadelphia Baptist Church, and Pastor Cory Varden.
- Pray for Our World:
- Pray for Brook Hills Mid-Termer, Julia B., serving in North Africa.Prayfor the impact she is having by serving as the principal of an international primary school.
“Serving for the Sake of the Gospel,” April 3, 2016 | Page 1