Extra-Curricular Activity

«Catch Your Fish»

Level:the 5th form

Objectives:- to check the pupils’ knowledge of English;

-to deepen their interest in studying the English language.


  1. To divide all the pupils of the form into 3 teams.
  2. Drawn fish (60-70)
  3. 3 pictures of different places (river, ocean, sea, lake)
  4. marker, scotch, clean shits of paper.
  5. 3 cards with the list of things for the second task.
  6. Coloured shits of paper (white, black, blue, green, yellow, red, brown)
  7. Placard with letters a, b, d, e, i, n, o, p, s.
  8. 3 diplomas.


  1. Teacher: Good afternoon, pupils, teachers, and our guests. We have gathered here to have a party, a sort of competition.

We have devided our form into 3 teams which are going to compete today.

But first, let me introduce our jury. They are: …

  1. Now, I think, it’s high time for the teams to introduce themselves. You are welcome.

Thank you.

And do you know what are we going to do today? No? Let me ask you some questions first.

How do you usually spend your free time? And, boys, what do you do in summer? Has anybody of you ever gone fishing?

Well, today we’ll go fishing. You are to fulfill some tasks. If you do this you’ll catch your fish, it maybe from 1 to 5 fish for each task. The more the better.

  1. But first we must choose a place where to go fishing.

I have some pictures for you. You must describe them and prove that it is the best place to go.

Here you are. You have some time to prepare.

While the teams are getting ready I need a volunteer from the audience. We’ll have some fun.

Here I have a clean shit of paper for you. Now I’ll close your eyes with that scarf and you must draw what I tell you.

OK. You can’t see anything. Here, take a marker.


  1. Draw a house without a roof.
  2. OK. Now draw a roof, then windows, a door.
  3. Draw a chimney on the roof.
  4. To the right of the house draw a firtree.
  5. Now, draw a road to the house.
  6. OK. Draw the fence near the house.
  7. And the last. Draw a boy going to the house.

Now you may open your eyes. And show your picture to the audience. How do you like it? You may sit down.

Well, I think our teams are ready. I ask our jury to be very attentive and see whose description is the best.

Team 1. You are welcome.

Team 2.

Team 3.

OK. Thank you. Now I want to ask our jury how much fish has each team caught. Thanks.

  1. Now we must choose things to take with us. Our next task will be the following. Each team will get a list of things. You are to tell which of them you’ll take if you go fishing and why. Here are the cards. Choose 5 most necessary things.

And I want to read the list to our jury and our guests for them to know. It is the following.

  1. A book “ How to catch fish”
  2. A sleeping bag.
  3. A compass.
  4. A tent.
  5. An umbrella.
  6. A fishing rod.
  7. A camera.
  8. A map.
  9. Trainers.
  10. A suitcase.
  11. A rucksack.
  12. A tin opener.
  13. A beautiful dress.
  14. Spoons.

Well, dear guests. Do you want me to read you some jokes? OK.

Joke 1.

Teacher: Jimmy, what are the three words which children often use at school?

Jimmy: I don’t know.

Teacher: That’s right.

Joke 2.

Sam: My dog can do sums.

Teacher: Can he?

Sam: Yes, ask him how much two minus two is and he says nothing.

Well, teams. Your time is up. Tell us what you have chosen and why.

OK. How much fish has each team got?

  1. You have done the first two tasks quite well. But there are 2 tasks left. Your next task is: I show you a shit of paper of some colour and you must name this colour. But you also must name 3 things of that colour.

e.g. White.

Snow is white.

Milk is white.

An egg is white.



Team 1 - black, blue.

Team 2 – green, yellow.

Team 3 – red, brown.

Excellent. Let our jury decide how much fish we give to our teams.

  1. Let’s turn to our last task. I’ll show you a placard with letters. Your task will be to make as many words as possible.

a, b, d, e, i, n, o, p, s

While the teams are preparing I want you to tell me some jokes or poems or songs.

And my jokes are:

Teacher: How much is 2+1?

Schoolboy: I don’t know.

Teacher: Well, I can help you. I give you 2 dogs and then 1 dog. How many dogs have you now?

Schoolboy: 4 dogs.

Teacher: Why 4?

Schoolboy: Because I have already one dog at home.

Mother: Nick, you must not go to Pete’s house. He is a bad, bad boy.

Nick: Well, Mum. May Pete come to our house?

Well, I think our teams are ready. Now, write your words on the blackboard. One word from each team without repetitions.

OK. Let’s see how much fish has each team caught today. You have worked very hard and now it’s high time to find out who is the winner of our competition.

Well, you are good fishermen, I should say.

Now the jury will announce who has won the 1st place, the 2nd and the 3rd one.

I congratulate our winner and ask the other teams not to give up. You did your best, too.

Here are your diplomas.

I hope you have enjoyed our competition. Thank you for participation. Good-bye.