Your task is to assemble a notebook of information about an upcoming election. You decide whether to follow the race between Rick Synder and Mark Schauer for Governor of Michigan or Gary Peters and Terry LynnLand for U.S. Senate. Be sure to follow all instructions for each requirement. Place the items in the following order:

A. Find a minimum of twoarticles in newspapers or periodicals related to the election. Briefly summarize the article on the Article Summary Sheet (Sheet A) and clip or photocopy the first page of the article to it. Be sure to identify the author, title, source and date of each article using proper bibliographic form.

B. Collect at least two pieces of campaign literature (pamphlets, cards, brochures)about candidates that are sent to voters or given out by campaign workers. Attach each to Sheet Bin your notebook and give it a grade (A,B, C, D, E) and comment on it. Explain the type of propaganda used. Explain if the literature is or is not. Does it make you want to vote for the candidate? Why or why not?

C.Find at least two political cartoons from a newspaper, magazine, or internet site concerning the election. Attach the cartoon to a Sheet )and write your L.I.E. analysis on the paper.

Be sure to identify the author, title, source and date of each article using proper bibliographic form.

D.Clip two RECENT editorials pertaining to the election and attach them to Sheet D. Explain the position the author is taking and whether or not you agree. Be sure to identify the title, source and the date using the correct bibliographic form.

E. Summarize two TV adson Sheet E– one for each candidate. Identify the form of political propaganda that has been used in each (see pp. 259 -260) andevaluate whether you think the advertisement was effective.

F.Interview a person who works on a campaign (either a paid position or unpaid). Please see the requirements on Sheet G (Interview sheet). The preferred method for the interview is in person or you may speak with the person on the phone or finally via email. See rubric for grading options.

Some suggestions for resources:

Political Cartoons

Articles, Editorials and Political Cartoons

The candidate’s own website is full of material.

Please feel free to use other appropriate resources such as REALpaper magazines and newspapers. Many times, they are more convenient and useful.

Due on ______

No exceptions or excuses!

2014Election Notebook

(5) / Good
(4.25) / Average
(3.75) / Poor
(3.25) / Not included (0)
Articles / Appropriate articles. All information included. Excellent summary / Appropriate articles. Most of the information included is relevant. / Appropriate articles. Summaries could be expanded. / One article missing or incomplete summaries. / Not included / X2 / /10
Literature / All the requirements completed in a superior manner. / Appropriate literature. Most of the elements included. / Relevant literature although missing some of the requirements. / Parts not appropriate or relevant to campaign / Not included / X2 / /10
Cartoons / Outstanding analysis using the LIE method / Adequate analysis using the LIE method / Used the LIE method- analysis could be expanded / Analysis lacks depth or incomplete / Not Included / X2 / /10
Editorials / Superior summary. Relevant and accurate information / Accurate and appropriate summary. / Completed most of the requirements. / Editorials not relevant or incomplete analysis / Not included / X2 / /10
TV Ads / All of the requirement completed in a superior manner / Requirements completed in a reasonable manner. / Completed most of the requirements. / Missing an ad. Some requirements missing. / Not included / X2 / /10
Interview / Conducted in person. Appropriate person and excellent write-up / Conducted by phone. Appropriate person and decent write-up of the interview / Conducted by email. Appropriate person and a fair write-up of interview. / Inappropriate person and/or incomplete interview. / Did not complete the interview portion. / X3 / /15
Overall Presentation / X1 / /5

Total /70


Staple the article to the back of this sheet.





Summary: (at least 5 sentences, no more than 10 sentences)

Your Opinion:

Campaign Literature – Sheet B

  1. Candidate’s name:
  1. Grade the literature’s effectiveness from A – E:


  1. Form of propaganda:

Evidence to support your conclusion:

  1. Additional comments:


Staple/paste cartoon to the empty space below.


(Must be in complete sentences.)





Staple the editorial to the back of this sheet.




Position of the Editorial:

Your Opinion:

Political Advertisement- Sheet E

DATE: ______CHANNEL: ______TIME: ______

1. Which candidate is being endorsed in this ad?

2. Provide a brief summary or description of the ad.

3. Explain the campaign propaganda being used.

4. Who sponsored the advertisement? Was it the candidate, or another independent group?

5. Grade this ad (A – F). Explain your response.

Is this ad controversial? Was it fact checked by a media outlet for its accuracy?

If so, explain.

Interview Sheet G NOTES

Name of interviewee:

Position or title of their job:

Email and/or phone number:

Please include a brief biography of the interview subject. ( Schooling, previous employment, etc)
Explain why the person joined the campaign.
What are their specific responsibilities?
Would they recommend working on a campaign? Explain.
Other questions?

****This sheet is to be used for your notes when conducting the interview. The completed interview should be typed up and placed in your election notebook.