Minutes of FOGs meeting 2nd November 2015

Present - Linda Hanson, Lucy Jardine, Emma Shone, Lyn Ashton.

Parents – Sarah Keys, Pippa Sugden, Jeannette Wilcock, Jo Barnes, Sarah Barton.

Apologies – Helen Jessop, Tracy Clough.

Action points from previous minutes –

The fresh food from Harvest festival went to Salvation Army.

Raffle tickets have been ordered and sent out for Christmas fair.

review of recent fundraising events –

Cinema nights – this event was a great success and was easy to organise so it was decided that we would hold this type of event again, to replace the valentine disco and to hold another one at the end of May.

AP – LH to look at dates available around February and May ideally KS1 one week and KS2 the week after.

A total raised £253.00.

Nearly new sale – all tables were sold although some people gave back word at last minute so in future it was agreed that we must collect fees up front.

The event wasn’t widely attended by the public and it was agreed that we would need to place a small advert in the newspaper.

Also need to ensure we put tables in the middle for people to sit at.

We may look at doing this event again in spring.

A total raised £149.00.

Christmas fair –

A sub committee needs to be set up to ensure all ideas and suggestions are discussed in full and put in place where required.

It was agreed that we do the following –

Mulled wine and mince pie.

Turkey sandwiches.

Tea and coffee with cake

Face painting



30 helpers needed split into 2 shifts

Suggestions from last years fair – can we ensure that the activities i.e.+ Tombola/ classactivities went on for longer as some parents who came later missed out on these.

AP – RH to speak with staff regarding ideas suggestions for class activities

Other suggestions /ideas to be considered–

Pin the antlers on Rudolph

Craft tables

Coffee and clay stall

The book people

Christmas card stall

Gift-wrap service

Guess the weight of the Christmas cake

2nd hand school uniform stall

It was suggested that we look at offering more shopping opportunities and after discussion we agreed that we would look at the following

Craft room

Shopping room

Santa’s room

Food hall

KS1/KS2/FSU activity room

It was also suggested that a few of the teachers were very good at face painting so we may be able to utilise their skills.

Raffle – everyone was asked to confirm whom they would be contacting regarding raffle prizes through personal contacts and then we can let Helen know ASAP.

The list is as follows –

22 the square – JB

Sutton Fish and chip shop – JW

Keelham – JB

Christmas arrangement (ALAN) – JW

Voucher for April & Mae – LH

B & M – JW

Thornton hall farm – already have

Billy bob parlour – TC

Naylors Brewery – JW

Barber’s – RH

Aggie – RH

Sports cool – RH

Linzi Williamson treatment voucher – JB

AP - Please can you confirm ASAP to either JW or PS once we have confirmation of prizes then this info can be passed on to HJ.

Other suggestions to contact were –


New laithe farm shop (win your Christmas dinner)


Claire waterhouse has confirmed that she would like to take over organising of the disco PS to liaise with CW

Disco for Christmas has been confirmed as 16th December

AP – RH to speak to Aggie regarding dates for Easter disco and summer disco.

It was discussed regarding spending of the funds raised and the school council are to come and pitch to FOGS on things they would like money for.

AP – LH to ensure school council are aware and arrange to come to next meeting.

LH also discussed that a nice to have would be a trim trail which can be added to in the future it was agreed that we should look into this along with the safety aspect too.

AP - LH to cost up a trim trail and bring information to next meeting.

We need to promote to parents what we spend the money on that they contribute to so it was suggested that we do a PowerPoint presentation so we can show it at future events. AP – JW/PS to arrange.