Patterson PTA Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2011
I. Call to order - 9:37 a.m.
A. Welcome from Donna Widmann, President, and Executive Board introduction
II. Nurse’s report from Kathy Smart (Patterson RN) and Karen Elmgren (District 204 RN)
A. Lice
i. Kathy has some information sheets available
ii. Shared sports equipment, sleepovers are common modes of transmission
iii. Parents need receipt or box code as proof children were treated in order to return to school
iv. Preventative treatments are available
v. Lice can become resistant to treatment so follow instructions
B. Flu shots are already being advertised
C. Frequent hand washing is the best way to prevent flu and colds
D. If a child is running a fever over 100, they need to stay home and be off of medication for 24 hours before returning to school
E. With the stomach flu, child must go 24 hours without vomiting and is able to keep down food
III. The PTA Agenda will be provided on a white board for each meeting and will also be available on the Patterson website a few days prior to the meeting. If anyone has a request for a speaker or topic, let the Executive Board know and we will try to cover requested topics.
IV. Review and approval of 2010-11 Audit Results
A. Audit results were presented by Janet Juarez
B. Michelle Bassi, Karen Amundsen, Janet Juarez, and Sally Bernard were on the committee to prepare and complete audit.
C. The Committee met on July 14th and reviewed disbursements and receipts. 11 random transactions reviewed by committee. 1 from each month, plus one additional
D. For Receipts, 10 random transactions were reviewed by the committee
E. Motion to approve audit report by Janet Juarez. Second by Cheryl Pastore. Motion passes to accept the 2010-2011 audit results.
V. Budget
A. Budget has been posted in the office since August 12
B. Motion to approve budget as posted by Janet Juarez. Second by Eileen Boffa. Budget passes.
VI. Presidents Report
A. Oops bin
i. There are bins for grades 1-5 in the foyer. The bins are checked on the way to specials and lunch.
ii. Items must be left in the bin. It’s too disruptive to interrupt classes.
iii. For Kindergarten they will send someone down
B. Thanks to Michelle Bassi, Liz Lawrence and Lori Bradshaw for helping with Kindergarten students on the first few days of school. The helpers walked kids in to the school and helped alleviate anxiety. They also did it again after the long Labor Day weekend.
C. Carpool line
i. Things are going pretty smoothly
ii. Parents need to stay off of the phone while in the carpool line; it’s a state law – no phone use in school zone
iii. Donna asked parents to get carpool number if they see something questionable
D. The Sue Black Bullying Assembly will be on September 22 in the evening for parents. The student assembly will be September 23 for kids.
E. Curriculum Night is on Thursday, September 15. This will be a new format this year. Parents will start in gym first and then be dismissed to classrooms; Apparel, PTA Executive Board and PTA membership will all have tables in the foyer.
VII. Executive Committee Reports
A. Administration
i. Assignment notebooks are out. Thanks to Alissa Chrisos for putting them together.
ii. Community Care: They are reaching out to a Patterson family that lost their mother last week. They have had a great response for volunteers.
iii. Yearbook: Picture day today.
iv. Ice cream social: Thanks to all involved.
v. Room Parties
a) Most parties full, but still some openings. Signup sheets will be out again at Curriculum Night and teachers can put something in newsletters as well.
b) Reviewed themes for the year,
c) Room Parent meeting on September 28.
d) Notifications will go out this week.
e) Community Service for Fall will be game donations to new Ronald McDonald Room at Edward Hospital.
vi. Walk to School day is Wednesday, October 5. Cheryl Pastore is organizing this event
B. Enrichment
i. Art Awareness
a) There are still some more spots available. There will be signups at Curriculum Night; people can sign up more than once.
b) All lessons are already prepared
c) October presenters will be contacted by Friday
ii. Brown Baggers Book Bunch
a) Registration forms are on the website
b) Registration is so early because books need to be ordered
c) It meets one day per week
d) Parent volunteers are needed to lead book clubs
iii. Fall Family Fun night
a) Date is October 15 at Players Sports in Naperville
b) There will be 2 time slots 5-7 and 7-9
c) 9 different activity stations
d) Cost will be $11/person
e) Forms should be going home next week
iv. Reflections
a) Form should be on website next week
b) It is open to students Preschool – G12
c) Create works of art outside of school (dance, literature, video, etc.)
d) Theme this year is “Diversity Means…”
C. Finance
i. Membership: 329 family memberships so far (total of 414 last year); 34 staff/faculty have signed up
ii. Alternative funding
a) Picture with Pete: $10; 65 out of 70 kids participated
b) We will have a Culver’s night on October 17
iii. Apparel
a) 1st order submitted after Meet and Greet
b) Orders will be distributed September 19
c) We will send in a 2nd order after Curriculum night
iv. Boxtops – keep sending them in
v. Gift Wrap
a) Kick off is tomorrow
b) Mrs. Frost will make an announcement and there will be reps in each classroom to review fundraiser materials with the kids
c) 50% goes to school
d) This is our largest fundraiser each year
e) It will run through September 28
f) There will be raffles for prizes throughout the sale
g) If families choose not to sell, they should still turn in packet
VIII. Treasurer’s Report
A. Income: Naperville Gift Cards, Pictures with Pete, Membership
B. Expenses: School Supply kits
C. Summary report of activity from July 1, 2011 – 9/12/2011 is on file (dated 9/12/11).
IX. Principal’s Report
A. Thanks for great start to year.
B. Heat Day: No changes to the school calendar because there was a high enough percentage of students in attendance in district and teachers came in
C. Introduced Katie Purse, Student Services Coordinator and Bill Lia from the teacher leadership team and instructional technology team. He is next line in case Katie and Michelle are out. He will take notes at the PTA and pass information along to teachers. There will be a teacher rep every month at PTA meetings
D. The first Rosati’s night will be Tuesday, September 27; 20% of all sales will go to Patterson; teachers also get a discount that day
E. Register your Target card to donate to Patterson; Patterson received a $500 check from this program; if you hear of other offers, let Michelle know
F. Curriculum Night will start with everyone in gym. Michelle will introduce the whole staff, including our new social worker, school psychologist, etc. She will also talk about PBIS and arrival and dismissal procedures. Usbourne books will have a table as well.
G. Parent Resource library: A small meeting room has been set up across the hall from office. This will house the Parent Resource library and contain books for parents and kids covering a variety of topics. It will also provide a place for parents to meet with staff members. She is looking for book suggestions as well, covering a variety of topics. Some of the books for kids focus on bully prevention. Michelle will occasionally bring some resources to PTA meetings.
H. Question regarding peanut free table; it’s up to the parent to decide if child sits at peanut free table or regular table; nurse calls all parents of peanut allergy students to determine lunch table location
X. New Business: Reviewed changes to Patterson PTA Standing Rules. Motion to approve changes by Michelle Bassi. Second by Rita Malloy. Motion passes to approve changes to Standing Rules.
XI. Meeting Adjourned at 10:25 a.m.
Members In Attendance:
Eileen Boffa / Cheryl Pastore / Karen AmundsenJanet Juarez / Donna Widmann / Alissa Chrisos
Rita Malloy / Michelle Bassi / Gretchen Greever
Colllen Garrison / Amy Martin / Jen Beason
Amy Sutcliffe / Jorie Snyder / Laura Barreto
Danielle Minnerick / Becky Swartz / Katie Purse
Pam Blanchard / Shobha Kumerepuram / Emily Dobry
Michelle Frost / Bill Lia