

Part One: Identification – Terms (10 points-1 point each)



Judicial review


War Hawk





Trail of Tears


Part Two: Timeline (12 points) – Need to know 10 events, and 2 dates

1763 –French and Indian War ends

1770 –Boston Massacre

1773-Boston Tea Party

1775-Battle of Lexington and Concord

______- Declaration of Independence signed

1783 – The American Revolution ends

______- Constitution is signed

1803 – Louisiana Purchase is signed

1804 – Lewis and Clark lead the Corps of Discovery

1814 – Second war with Great Britain ends

1830 – Republic of Texas is formed

1848 – Mexican War ends

Part Three: Positions in Government (Matching -10 points)

List the name of the person and the position they hold in the federal, state, and local government.

1.Vice President of the United States ______

2.Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ______

3. Chief of Staff of the Cabinet______

4. Attorney General ______

5. Secretary of State______

6. Speaker of the House______

7. Governor of New Jersey ______

8.One Senator from New Jersey______

9.Another Senator from New Jersey______

10. Representative from Montclair in the House______

Part Four: Fact vs. Opinion (10 points)

Use the index and glossary to find information about these events

Great Awakening

Sons of Liberty and their methods

Declaration of Independence

The Constitutional Convention

Hamilton’s economic policies

Election of 1800

The cotton gin and its effect on slavery

Quasi War with France

War of 1812

Election of 1824

Part Five: Fill-in – Bill of Rights – (10 points-1 point each)

Name each right and place it next to the correct number for the amendment. ½ point for spelling and ½ point for location.











Part Six: Presidents In Order (Matching - 12 points)

1.  George Washington 7. Andrew Jackson

2.  John Adams 8. Martin Van Buren

3.  Thomas Jefferson 9. William Henry Harrison

4.  James Madison 10. John Tyler

5.  James Monroe 11. James Polk

6.  John Quincy Adams 12. Zachary Taylor

Part Seven: Short Answers (6 points)

Answer two short answer questions featuring political cartoons associated with a historical event. Each is worth 3 points.

Part Eight: Essays (30 points) -20 minutes each totaling 60 minutes

Below is a list of essays. You must do the required essay, then you can choose 2 from the following list. Each essay requires anywhere from two to three paragraphs. Be sure to include a topic sentence for each paragraph, detail, and a concluding sentence. Each is worth 10 points.


1.  In the early 1800s, the concept of Manifest Destiny influenced western settlement. In the first paragraph, define Manifest Destiny and use the painting to show how Americans felt about this concept. In your second paragraph, discuss one significant event that helped make it possible for Americans to expand westward. Describe how it helped America reach the goal of Manifest Destiny. (Note: You must do an essay on a topic you did not present!!)

Transportation Revolution The Texan War The Mexican War

The California Gold Rush The Oregon Territory The creation of western trails

Choose 2:

1.  The North and South clearly had many differences between them as America expanded. In a two paragraph essay, discuss in detail the ways that these two regions were different in terms of political beliefs, economic power, and social beliefs.

2.  The creation of political parties led to greater conflict in our nation, but also led to a two-party system in our country. In one paragraph, describe the conflict between two political parties over philosophy in a certain time period. Then, in a second paragraph, describe in detail a particular event (treaty, election, purchase, war. state’s rights) where these two sides were in conflict.

3.  Foreign relations between America and France had numerous ups and downs in the latter half of the 1700s and the early 1800s. In a three paragraph essay, choose three events (The American Revolution, The Genet Affair, the XYZ Affair, the Quasi War, the Louisiana Purchase) and describe how they affected American and French relations in a positive and negative way.

4.  Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton had two different visions of America. In one paragraph, describe how Jefferson and Hamilton had different viewpoints in two areas, whether in terms of the economy, politics, and goals. In a second paragraph, describe an event or occurrence that showed how each of their visions was made a reality in the early 1800s.

5.  America became a different country after the conclusion of the War of 1812. Discuss some of the political and economic changes that led to America begin a changed nation after this conflict.

6.  Recently, a decision was made to change the person represented on the front of the $20 dollar bill from Andrew Jackson to Harriet Tubman. Much of this was due to the way Jackson’s presidency is interpreted today. In a three paragraph, summarize the three crisis Jackson dealt with (the Nullification Crisis, Indian Removal, the Bank of the United States), and assess whether Jackson handled these situations well and should be removed or kept on the $20 bill.