Wales in Bloom
Marking Sheet 2016
Name of Entry: Abergavenny / Judging Date: 12 July 2016Category: Class 4 - Town / Judge: Jim Goodwin
Introduction (introductory remarks from the judges):
A warm welcome for a return for me to this colourful market town. There was much to commend this entry, and the on-going improvement works in the square, are going to be significant improvements. Whilst accepting the preparations for the Eisteddfod were on-going, it did not appear to affect the tour adversely. Colourful displays were apparent in many places, and there was an obvious pride in improving the overall image of the town. Thank you for the varied and interesting tour, which appeared to cover most aspects of the criteria. I hope you find my comments useful in further submissions.
SECTION A – Horticultural Achievement
Assessing year-round horticultural achievement including conservation and natural areas.
A1. / Impact – design, colours, appropriate choice of plants, special features, presentation, innovation / 20 / 18
A2. / Horticultural practice – cultivation and maintenance, quality of plants, sustainability, new planting / 20 / 15
A3. / Residential and Community Gardening – residential, communal areas, allotments, public buildings (grounds of churches, schools etc.), car parks / 20 / 16
A4. / Business Areas and Premises – retail and shopping areas, leisure sites, transport terminals, car parks, farms, rural businesses, pubs, post offices, tourist areas/attractions, offices, estate agents etc. / 20 / 16
A5. / Green Spaces – verges, parks and open public spaces / 20 / 17
50% of maximum points / 100 / 81
Areas of Achievement:
- The standard of baskets, containers, railing planters were generally of a high standard provided by the Town Council. I noted good displays at the Shackelton Conservative Club, and Robert Price also Gablard & Company. The new Park Avenue bed was particularly colourful.
- The mature trees in Linda Vista park are superb, but some need attention. The development of the Arboretum is good. It would be good to see definite labelling of all trees. An overall tree survey carried out by a qualified Arboricultural Officer would be useful here, and in Bailey Park.
- The Herb beds, and Sensory Garden at Bailey Park were good features.
- We saw good examples of private gardens, impressed with the North Street one, and the funds raised.
- The Mental Health group garden was a very good feature.
- The Volunteer Incredible Edible Herb beds were good. Fruit Trees need replacing.
- The enthusiasm at the school was infectious. Good to see enthusiastic children, and teachers. One minor point suggest renewal of the Carex grass at the main entrance.
Areas for Improvement:
- There was weed growth at footpath edges, walks and roadsides at several places in the town. Several shrub areas had infestations of convolvulus.
- Useful to consider visiting an Allotment or Cemetery as part of the visit.
- The baskets at the Hen & chickens had bare bases exposed.
- There was a dead tree at the entrance to the Castle.
- A shame the Shopping Precinct had a disaster with their watering system, but there was evidence of high quality in some planters which were unaffected.
SECTION B – Environmental Responsibility
Assessing year-round activities improving environmental responsibility.
B1. / Conservation and biodiversity – areas ofnatural habitat, wildlife and conservation sites / 10 / 7
B2. / Resource management – recycling, minimising demand placed on natural resources and any harmful impact on the environment / 10 / 7
B3. / Local heritage –management and development of local heritage and/or identity, inclusive of natural heritage / 10 / 8
B4. / Local environmental quality – management of vacant premises and plots, litter, graffiti, fly-posting, dog fouling etc. / 10 / 8
B5. / Pride of place – management of street furniture, signage, art in the landscape and hard landscaping / 10 / 8
25% of maximum points / 50 / 38
Areas of Achievement:
- The Victorian Garden at the Castle, and the Herb beds were a delight a good standard to set.
- The willow themes at the Castle were novel, important to keep them trimmed.
- The new landscaping at St John’s Square was very effective, with good street furniture and trees. I noted that some planters might be re-introduced, and this would a good addition to give colour.
Areas for Improvement:
- The Wildflower beds by the Sandwich Bar were good, but might be better merged together for better effect.
- I did note some ragwort in the Castle area which needs removal.
SECTION C – Community Participation
Assessing year-round community participation
C1. / Development and continuity - Development and sustainability of the local Bloom initiative and evidence of ongoing projects / 10 / 7
C2. / Communication and education – community awareness and understanding, engagement with schools and young people and/or other community groups, press coverage, publicity materials / 10 / 7
C3. / Community participation – engaging a wide range of people across all areas of the community / 10 / 8
C4. / Year-round involvement – schedules of events and supporting evidence of year-round activity (primary evidence to be presented in 15 minute presentation) / 10 / 6
C5. / Funding and Support – initiatives to secure ongoing support for the local Bloom campaign including local business support / 10 / 7
25% of maximum points / 50 / 35
Areas of Achievement:
- The involvement of the volunteers in Bailey Park was good to see. There were some good sustainable beds, and great enthusiasm. Perhaps consider the removal of the rose beds, which were poor. The Wildflower beds would be better amalgamated into one unit. The area around the Traction Engine was full of weeds, and the Fruit Tree area was overgrown. I do however recognise the efforts being made here, without the major local authority support. I also admired the fundraising efforts.
Areas for Improvement:
- Linda Vista Park has great potential, and is a major asset to the town, and it is regrettable that the County Council has little interest. A major challenge for the Town Council, and its volunteers who seemed committed to it preservation. This whole area needs a long term plan, with radical thinking as there is too much ornamental planting here for the enthusiastic volunteers to tend successfully. Its strengths are its trees, sculptures, history, and some of the sustainable planting undertaken recently.
- Good to have the itinerary in advance. However, you do have the opportunity to have a 15 minute presentation, which could illustrate your all year round activity, and show features unable to be visited. Additionally an optional simple portfolio is an advantage to judges, when they make their assessments after the tour. Press involvement always useful.
(max.) / 154