2016-17 & 2017-18 Porter Ridge Middle School Improvement Plan

Porter Ridge Middle School Contact Information
School / Porter Ridge Middle School / Date Prepared by Committee / 09/20/16
Address / 2827 Ridge Road
Indian Trail, North Carolina, 28079 / Date Approved by School / 09/27/16
Phone Number / 704 225-7555
School Website / http://unioncounty.schoolwires.net/Domain/35 / Fax Number / 704 226-9844
Principal / Dr. Brian Patience / Superintendent / Dr. Andrew Houlihan
Porter Ridge Middle School Improvement Team
Committee Position / Name / Email / Date Elected
Principal / Brian Patience / / 8/22/17
Assistant Principal Representative / Stacy Vickers / / 8/22/17
Teacher Representative / Christine Courtney / / 8/22/17
Teacher Representative / Celeste Myers / / 8/22/17
Teacher Representative / Aimee Burford / / 8/22/17
Teacher Representative / Erika Leon / / 8/22/17
Teacher Assistant Representative / Jean McLeod / / 8/22/17
Instructional Support Representative / Susan Lefko / / 8/22/17
Parent Representative / Casey Ball / / 8/22/17
Parent Representative / Beth Medlin / / 8/22/17
Parent Representative / Kim Pace / / 8/22/17
Parent Representative
Parent Representative
Parent Representative
2016-17 & 2017-18 Porter Ridge Middle School Improvement Plan
Porter Ridge Middle School Assessment Data Snapshot
Porter Ridge Middle School’s overall achievement last year was 73% of students performing on grade level with a 71% in ELA, 67% in Math, 87% in Science, and 100% in Math I and Math II. This was a five percent increase in our percentage of students scoring on grade level. Similarly, our growth index increased over five points from 2015-2016 meaning significantly more students achieved growth than in our prior year. As a result, our school’s report card score determined by state accountability standards improved from a C to a B. Areas of strength include Math I at 100% proficiency and 8th Grade Science at 87% proficiency. Areas needing focus and growth include 7th Grade Math at 61.8% proficiency and 8th Grade Math at 63.1% proficiency. In addition, we will target our LEP and SWD groups to improve their proficiency and college and career ready targets.

2016-17 & 2017-18 Porter Ridge Middle School Improvement Plan

Porter Ridge Middle School Profile
Porter Ridge Middle is a public middle school with a current student population of 1,318 students. Our student demographic breakdown consists of 65% White, 21% Hispanic, 12% African American, and 2% Asian or American Indian students. The economically disadvantaged population determined by free and reduced lunch is approximately 40%. Our staff consists of 71 teachers, 3 counselors, 4 administrators, and several additional support personnel. At Porter Ridge Middle School, 28 staff members hold Master’s degrees, and five staff members have earned National Board certification. Also, we have several initiatives we are proud of and believe positively impact students’ learning. For example, we have a large number of students enrolled in high school World Languages such as Russian, French, and Latin through North Carolina Virtual School. Similarly, we are a STEAM & Performing Arts School with an emphasis on musical theater, coding, robotics, 3D Printing and more. Also, we have implemented a mini club program that occurs twice a week where students take part in clubs, which allows them to receive support from a variety of staff members and develop a mentor relationship that supports their learning. Our list of clubs currently over 50 includes Quiz Bowl, Math 24, National Geography Bee, Health & Wellness, Jewelry Making and numerous other programs. Finally, we have implemented a Literacy professional development plan this year with the goal of nurturing students’ purposeful reading, critical thinking, and effective communication.
State Board of Education Goals
Goal 1 – / Every student in the NC Public School System graduates from high school prepared for work, further education, and citizenship
Goal 2 – / Every student has a personalized education
Goal 3 – / Every student, every day has excellent educators
Goal 4 – / Every school district has up-to-date financial, business, and technology systems to serve its students, parents, and educators
Goal 5 – / Every student is healthy, safe, and responsible
District Goals Aligned to State Board of Education Goals
District Goal 1- / High achieving and globally competitive students
Supports SBE Goals 1&2
·  Every student in the NC Public School System graduates from high school prepared for work, further education, and citizenship.
·  Every student has a personalized education.
District Goal 2- / Quality teachers, administrators, and staff providing innovative leadership for 21st century schools
Supports SBE Goal 3
·  Every student, every day has excellent educators
District Goal 3- / Safe, orderly, and caring schools producing healthy and responsible students.
Supports SBE Goal 5
·  Every student is healthy, safe, and responsible
District Goal 4- / 21st century system operating effectively and efficiently
Supports SBE Goal 4
·  Every school district has up-to-date financial, business, and technology systems to serve its student, parents, and educators.
District Goal 5- / Leadership will guide innovation in collaboration with family, business, and community members.
2016-17 & 2017-18 Porter Ridge Middle School Improvement Plan
Vision Statement
District: High Achieving and Globally Competitive Students
School: To create a nurturing, rigorous learning environment that promotes academic success for all students and prepares them to succeed in a globally diverse world.
Mission Statement
District: High Achieving and Globally Competitive Students
School: Reach, Teach, Serve
Porter Ridge Shared Beliefs
·  All students have the ability and potential to succeed academically
·  Developing students’ understanding of our global society is essential to student growth and success
·  All staff members must continue to grow professionally through local, state, and national professional development opportunities
·  It is the responsibility of all school stakeholders to ensure students’ safety / ·  Integrating technology into instruction and operations will enable our students to become productive 21st century citizens
·  Collaborating with parents is fundamental to school success
·  Leadership must be distributed throughout our school, which will foster continuous growth and improvement.
Porter Ridge Priority Goals
1.  Formalize and implement with fidelity, system-wide procedures that ensure and support operation as Professional Learning Communities
2.  Engage students through the Gradual Release of Responsibility instructional model to ensure achievement of learning expectations
3.  Develop, implement, and evaluate policies in all schools ensuring that each student is well known by at least one adult advocate who supports their educational experience
4.  To attain district and or state recognition as a 2016-17 International school by accruing 70+ points on the rubric
5.  Increase Grade Level Proficiency and College and Career Readiness Proficiency by 5% in Math, Language Arts, and 8th Grade Science and meet growth, which will move our school from a C to a B under the state’s performance grading structure.

2016-17 & 2017-18 Porter Ridge Middle School Improvement Plan

Porter Ridge Middle School Priority Goals
Priority Goal #1: / Formalize and implement with fidelity, system-wide procedures that ensure and support operation as a Professional Learning Community
Supports District Goal: / Quality teachers, administrators, and staff providing innovative leadership for 21st Century schools
Supports State Goal: / Every student, every day has excellent educators
Data Used: / PLC Checklist, Benchmark/Common Assessment Results
Strategy 1: Establish and prepare a School Leadership Team and grade-level/departmental PLCs
·  Select and organize team members
·  Build shared knowledge
·  Compile and analyze school data
·  Review the School Improvement Plan
·  Establish a clear structure and purpose for PLC meetings
·  Teach collaboration strategies
·  Build trust / Point Person
Admin Leadership Team, SI Team Members / Evidence of Success
PLC Meeting Agendas, PLC Minute Analysis, Checklists, Approved SI Plan, EOG and EOC Analysis from Year to Year, Teacher Survey Data, admin review of their plcs / Funding
N/A / Personnel Involved
All Licensed and Classified Staff Including SI Team Members Internal and External Stakeholders / Timeline
Strategy 2: Carry out the tasks of a PLC
·  Address the most pressing instructional challenges by studying the standards, selecting research-based strategies and assessment techniques, plan and implement lessons, agree on and collect evidence of student learning, analyze the data, reflect and adjust teaching
·  Be continuous learners
·  Focus on student success / PLC Chairpersons / Analysis of EOG Standard Disaggregated Data, Common Assessment Review and Analysis, MTSS District Training, Literacy year-long pd Walkthrough Feedback / N/A / Admin, Teachers, Counselors, District MTSS Team, ITF, ICFs / 2017-2018
Strategy 3: Support and value the work of PLCs
·  Provide enough time regularly throughout the year for teams to do their work
·  Monitor and give feedback on the work of the PLC in meetings and while implementing in the classroom
·  Provide learning opportunities
·  Empower teachers to be decision-makers
·  Nurture innovation / Admin Leadership Team / Master Schedule, School Level Professional Development in, Leadership of PLCs, Teacher Survey Data / N/A / Admin, Teachers, District Staff / 2017-2018

School Improvement Plan Priority Goals

Porter Ridge Middle School Priority Goals
Priority Goal #2: / Research, plan for, create and implement a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), including the use of PBIS, to support academics and behavior of all students.
Supports District Goal: / Every student has a personalized education & Every student is healthy, safe, and responsible
Supports State Goal: / High achieving and globally competitive students & Safe, orderly, and caring schools producing healthy and responsible students.
Data Used: / EOG/EOC results, benchmarks, attendance, behavioral data
Strategy 1: Establish and implement PBIS
·  Define roles and responsibilities of PBIS team members
·  Train all staff in implementation of PBIS
·  Implement and run school store for positive reinforcement
·  Reflection/Evaluation Action Step / Point Person
Admin Leadership Team, PBIS Leadership Team, Counselors / Evidence of Success
Decreased behavioral incidents: behavioral data / Funding
School funds / Personnel Involved
All staff, PBIS Leadership team, Admin Leadership team / Timeline
Strategy 2: Plan for and implement a school MTSS process
·  Conduct a core instruction needs assessment and data analysis, develop Tier 1 foundational plans
·  Use a data-based problem-solving approach to make educational decisions
·  Establish school based intervention Tier 3 team / Admin Leadership Team, PLC Chairpersons / Increased student achievement:
EOG/EOC data, benchmark data / N/A / All staff, MTSS Tier 3 team, Admin Leadership team / 2017-2018
Strategy 3: Evaluate the effectiveness and fidelity of the implementation of MTSS/PBIS
·  Utilize the Self-Assessment of MTSS Implementation (SAM)
·  Utilize the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TIF) / Admin Leadership Team, MTSS & PBIS Leadership Teams / Behavioral data, academic data (EOG results, benchmarks) / N/A / Admin, MTSS/PBIS team / 2017-2018

School Improvement Plan Priority Goals

Porter Ridge Middle School Priority Goals
Priority Goal #3: / Develop, implement, and evaluate policies in all schools ensuring that each student is well known by at least one adult advocate who supports their educational experience
Supports District Goal: / Safe, orderly, and caring schools producing healthy and responsible students.
Supports State Goal: / Every student is healthy, safe, and responsible
Data Used: / Intervention Team Data, Educator Handbook Data
Strategies / Point Person / Evidence of Success / Funding / Personnel Involved / Timeline
Strategy 1: Design an advisory program/clubs that allows students to experience new opportunities while socializing with their peers, and making adult connections.
·  Create a program that meet during flex time on Tues & Thurs to allow students the chance to socialize with peers, and adults they may not necessarily get the chance to.
·  Ensure that club offerings are diverse and support the school brand of ART and STEAM / Administrative team / Decrease in student tardies, and absences
Parent and community stakeholders’ involvement on club days.
Student testimonials * student of the month acknowledgements
Traffic on social media, tweets, re-tweets.
2016-17 Parent survey results / N/A / All licensed and Classified staff, Administrative team / October 2017
Strategy 2: Begin the clubs the first six weeks school
·  Share the feedback with the staff through grade level meetings.
·  Share updates through the weekly preview, and ongoing advisory committee communication.
·  Work with teachers to create a diverse list of club offering that support our STEAM & ART brand.
·  Publish & communicate club offerings with parents through connect ed messages, and all social media platforms.
·  Allow students to start thinking through what clubs they would like to join with a club overview document.
·  Have club discussions during flextime.
·  Have students sign up for clubs at designated times.
·  Begin the first rotation of clubs.
·  Gather feedback on the process from the staff, and the committee via a survey to iron out issues for the next round.
·  Monitor clubs progress during flextime on Tuesday and Thursdays. / Administrative Team
Appointed Advisory committee / Student response to clubs available.
Student testimonials
Walk through feedback
Student reflection / N/A / All licensed and Classified staff, Administrative team
Community Stakeholders / October-June
Strategy 3: Allow students, staff, and parents to complete feedback surveys on the advisory program annually. Allow parents to share thoughts, and feelings around the advisory program in person.
·  Create end of year survey for students to complete prior to their last day of clubs.
·  Create a survey for teacher’s, and staff to complete during the May faculty meeting.
·  Create a survey for parents to complete online (linked through Canvas, the website, and social media).
·  Allow parents to share thoughts or feelings in person at PTO meeting or site based team meeting.
·  Compile the data collected, and use to improve planning for the following year. Share the feedback with all involved stakeholders / Administrative Team
Advisory committee
Grade Level Chairs / Increase in attendance
Decrease in behaviors and incidents.
Increased peer adult rapport.
Positive student, and parent feedback
Student performances from advisory clubs at various student nights, and sporting activities. / All licensed and Classified staff, Administrative team, Parents / October – June

School Improvement Plan Priority Goals