Hospital Snacks

Each week, please place individually wrapped snacks (cookies, crackers, etc.) in the bin in the foyer marked for hospital waiting rooms. No “out of date” items please. See Gene or Minerva Cook for more information. Thank you.

Special Food Pantry “Fill a Bag” Drive

Currently, we have an abundance of macaroni & cheese; but, we are lacking other staple foods such as the ones listed below:


Instant oatmeal

Instant grits

Pop tarts

Peanut butter


Canned meats (pop tops preferred)

Instant tea or coffee

Families Ministry and Food Pantry Ministry are asking each family to “fill a bag” with these items and bring it on Sunday morning, February 16th so we can properly stock our pantry and bless those families in need. See Kathy Schaefer or Deena Duke for details. Thank you very much for your help.

2014 Church Calendar!

  • Feb 9: Communion is served during the morning service
  • Feb 16: Food Pantry “Fill a Bag” Drive Today
  • Feb 19 -22: Leadership Conference at CampMaranatha

Bulletin Announcements

Please submit bulletin announcements on/before Wednesday evening to .

Life Lesson

Title: “Why Parables?”

Text: Matthew 13:1-3a, 10-17, 34-35, 53-58

Topic: The Kingdom Parables

Thesis: Jesus spoke in parables. His doing so fulfills prophecy and reveals the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven to those God appointed; yet, there were many who rejected Him and His teachings.

Point 1: The Revelation to a People Selected

(1-3a, 10-13, 16-17)

A. The Formal Religious are Blinded

B. The Familiar Relations are Blessed

Point 2: The Recognition of a Prophecy Satisfied

(14-15, 34-35)

A. The Parables Conveyed

B. The Prophecies Confirmed

Point 3: The Rejection of the Prophet by the Synagogue (53-58)

A. The Skeptics in Abundance

B. The Saying in Abidance




Church of God of Prophecy

Sunday, February2nd, 2014

Church Contact Info

Church Office: (336) 883-7953
FamilyLifeCenter: (336) 883-7180
Lead Pastor Ben Duncan
(Cell): (336) 870-0640

Address: 211 North Ward Avenue, High Point, NC 27262

Church website:

  • WardAvenueChurch of God of Prophecy – High Point

(See Rose Barnes or Allen Duke to post churchinfo/events on our FB page).

Inclement Weather Information

Watch TV station Fox 8 News (WGHP) for closings or delays.

Church Van Transportation

On Sundays, call Dwayne Moses 336-861-9341.

On Wednesdays, call Kathy Schaefer at 336-324-7010.

Service is for City of High Point and nearby areas only.

Please call One Hour in advance of pick up.

Phone Tree Messages/Prayer Requests

Call the Lead Pastor (i.e., cell phone above) to send out a
ministry message or local prayer request daily between 9am
and 9pm or for additions, deletions, or corrections to Phone Tree. The NC COGOP Prayer Line # is 919-714-9112. The International COGOP Prayer Line # is 423-559-5112.


We welcome everyone to our fellowship. “First time” guest? Please complete the Guest Card in the “Welcome” folder you received from the greeter/usher and place it in the offering.

Weekly Schedule


9:45am: Christian Education(Children, Youth, Adults)

10:30am: Worship in Song Life Lesson from Bible

10:30am: Children’s Church& Nursery (on First Level)

6:00pm: Family Life GroupsandOutreach/Visitation

(or other activity asannounced)


7:00pm: Prayer Meeting


7:00pm: Bible Studies (Children, Youth, Adults)

7:45pm: Choir Practice (2nd Wednesdays)

Serving Us This Week:

Moderator: Braxton Burney.

Speaker: Ben Duncan.

Nursery: Geraldine & Charlotte Laws.

Children’s Church: Kathy Schaefer.

Greeter(s): Paul & Janice Roper.

Usher: Larry Portis.

A/V: Travis Burney, Allen & Deena Duke, Austin Poole.

Music & Singing: Susan Poole & Praise Team.


We thank you for your faithful tithing and cheerful giving! Your taxdeductible gifts help us operate our ministries and meet our financial obligations. Thanks and God bless you!

Sunday: Love Offering for Pastor Duncan.

Wednesday: Hands Across NC (helps NC churches in need).

New Sermon Series

A new sermon series, The Kingdom Parables, begins today. This eightmessage sermon series is taken from Matthew 13 and addresses the parables that Christ used to inform us about the Kingdom of Heaven. Insights on these beautiful parables and how they are relevant to us today is the primary focus.

New Bible Study

A New Bible Study has begun for the Adult Classon Wednesdayat 7pm. The Bible Study is taken from the book titled, Spirit Rising – Tapping into the power of the Holy Spirit by author and Pastor Jim Cymbala, of Brooklyn Tabernacle. Come and learn how you too can walk on your faith journey in the fullness of the Spirit. Handouts will be provided. Purchasing the book is recommended but optional.

Heritage Ministries 2014 Memberships

Please consider joining the Heritage Ministries for 2014 with a $20 Membership, which helps maintain and improve our biblical theme park, Fields of the Wood ( You may join online at or place your donation in an offering envelope marked Heritage Ministry Membership. Thank you.

Leadership Conference 2014

The 2014 Leadership Conference will be held Feb 19-22, (Wed – Sat) at CampMaranatha. The theme is Systems, Structures, Strategies. The cost is $45 each. Applications and information are in the foyer.

2013 Receipts of Contributions

The 2013 Receipts of Contributions are now available for donors in the foyer (see card box). Please contact the Clerk & Treasurer if you have any questions about your 2013 donations record.