The following is an example of a budget narrative that should meet NOAA Grant Management Division requirements. Specifically, the example demonstrates how the Budget Narrative is organized to reflect the Budget Object Class

Categories found on the NOAA Standard Form SF-424A:

a.  Personnel

b.  Fringe Benefits

c.  Travel

d.  Equipment

e.  Supplies

f.  Contractual

g.  Construction

h.  Other

j.  Indirect Charges

Also, please note that the total amount that is reflected in each category on the SF-424A must match the amount for that category in the Budget Narrative. Justification must include funds requested from NOAA as well as matching funds. Matching funds and/or cost share are generally only provided when required by the program announcement.

a. Personnel:

Funding in the amount of $__ is requested from NOAA to defray the cost of Prof. ____'s salary for__ months AY and __ months summer salary.

Funding in the amount of $__ is requested from NOAA for a graduate student research assistant’s wages for __ hours per week for ___ weeks at $__ per hour AY, and __ hours per week for ___ weeks at $__ per hour during the summer. This research assistant is critical to the project and will ______

The total cost for personnel for the project is $______The request to NOAA is $_____, with a match of $Z.

Salaries are inflated at an annual rate of 3% per published UNH guidelines.

b. Fringe Benefits:

Fringe benefits are calculated at the federally negotiated rates of 45.0% through 6/30/13, 46.3% through 6/30/14 and 44.5% thereafter for full benefits, and 8.9% through 6/30/13, 7.9% through 6/30/14 and 8.3% thereafter for partial benefits. Fringe benefits for the salaries of the personnel listed above equal $_____ . The amount of $__ is being requested from NOAA.

c. Travel:

(1) Airfare (Professor _____and graduate student) to (conference or location) =______($____ x 2)

(2) ___ days lodging ($_____) and per diem (# days x $____) for each traveler. Ground transportation costs are estimated at $_____Travel costs for presenting preliminary results on the project activities are estimated at $____ total. This entire cost is being requested from NOAA.

d. Equipment (provide description and estimated cost per unit (if appropriate) for items >= $5000):


e. Supplies:

Funds are requested from NOAA to cover (list each item or category of items with estimated cost). The total request to NOAA for supplies is $_____.

f. Contractual:

Funding in the amount of $______is requested for a subcontract with (institution or company) for (brief statement of work). This amount is requested from NOAA.

g. Construction (funds in this category are not appropriate for this grant):

h. Other – Services:

A total of $XXXX is requested for other items to support the project including $XXX for publication costs. Tuition totaling $XXXX is being requested for # semesters for the graduate student, based on published rates. The total request to NOAA for Other/Services is $____.

j. Indirect Charges:

Indirect charges totaling $______at the rate(s) of XX% are requested from NOAA. Facilities & Administrative (indirect) costs are calculated according to UNH’s current negotiated rate agreement with the Federal government. For the proposed budget, an "on campus" rate with a Modified Total Direct Costs base (modified for NSF requirements) is applied. The applicable fiscal year rates, as shown on our Federal agreement, are __% (7/1/201_-6/30/201_) and ___% (7/1/201_ until amended); however, because project years overlap fiscal years, a composited rate is used, as shown on the detailed budget pages. The US Department of Health and Human Services is UNH’s cognizant federal agency.