Rental Application
801 N. Bambrey Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
P&L Homes, LLC
1212 Lafayette Road
Gladwyne, PA 19035
Application Date______
Move in date: July 1, 2015 End date: July 1, 2016 (renewable)
Monthly rent: $1700 + utilities
Personal Information:
Full name______Marital status______
Number of children ______Spouse name______
Social Security Number ______Date of birth______
Telephone numbers (h)______(cell)______
Email address______
Present address______
State______Zip code______
Length of time at current address______
Monthly rent______
Present landlord ______Phone number______
Reason for leaving______
In case of emergency notify______Phone______
Vehicle make/year______Tag number______
Operator's driver's number______State issued______
Rental app page 2—801 N. Bambrey Street
Present employer______How long______
Previous employer______Phone______
Student at______Year______
Checking account at______
Savings account at ______
Credit cards
Company______Account #______
Company______Account #______
Personal reference______Phone______
Applicant certifies that and represents that all information on this application is correct,
that they are not breaking their lease, that they have paid their rent/mortgage payment in
a timely fashion for the past twelve months, that they have received no notices of lease
termination or eviction, and that they have not filed for bankruptcy within the last five
years, and are presently financially solvent.
Applicant agrees to pay security deposit, equal to one months rent, first months rent and last months rent.
Applicant hereby authorizes lessor to verify accuracy of all statements in this application,
and also authorize all employers, previous landlords, mortgage holders, all banks and any other credit on this lease application, to release all information concerning me or my
accounts, my rental history or payments, my employment history, including the likelihood
of future employment, for the purpose of verifying this application, and determining my
ability to afford the contractual obligations of this lease.
Print Name______
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Questions: 215-990-4850