Application for Green Sanctuary Candidacy

Congregation Information

Date of submission
Congregation Name
Web site
Green Sanctuary contact
Minister or Congregation Leader

Congregation Profile

(Please provide a brief introduction to your congregation. This should include: membership, average attendance, RE enrollment, demographics of congregants, staff support, brief historical highlights, significant issues, and any other information you think is important for us to know about your congregation. This would ideally be ½ page to a page long.)

Green Sanctuary Committee

(Please provide information about your Green Sanctuary Committee. This should include: statement of purpose/objectives for the committee or the committee’s charter, a brief overview of committee members including their congregational roles and environmental interests.)

UU Identity and Spirituality

Please outline how your GS Team and congregation will ground each aspect of your work in UU Identity and Spirituality.

Environmental Assessment 3 Parts

Please briefly describe the process you used for the assessment. The assessment has three parts—the professional energy audit, the congregational assessment and the environmental justice impact of congregational practices (which may be covered in the EJ portion of your application).

Summarize the major findings and include recommendations for possible responses. The assessment may include a third part, for individual congregant members. Recommendations may feed into the Action Plan, or may be longer-term and not necessarily expected to be completed within the time frame of your candidacy.

Your summary should be about 3-5 pages, depending on the complexity appropriate to your situation. It’s not necessary to include all the technical details of your findings. The congregational assessment includes an assessment of: Worship and Celebration, Religious Education—adult and children's, and Sustainable Living—grounds, parking lot, location, transportation, facilities, kitchen, food, recycling/re-useable, office and cleaning supplies, energy use, investment policies, congregation policies, congregation committees, etc. This also includes assessment of Environmental Justice impact of congregational practices (below). Feel free to include other information you think is relevant.

Environmental Justice Assessment

Please briefly describe the process you used for the assessment.Summarize the major findings and include recommendations for possible responses. The assessment may include a third part, for individual congregant members. Recommendations may feed into the Action Plan, or may be longer-term and not necessarily expected to be completed within the time frame of your candidacy.

Your summary should be about 2-4 pages long.

Action Plans

Environmental Justice(1 required, please feel free to use your checklist or tracking page)

Project Title:(2-10 word summary of project)

Assessment Result you are addressing:

Project Description:(1-3 paragraph narrative description providingmoderate detail)

Timeline for Completion:(Projected completion dates or target dates for progress.)

Lead:(Name of the person in your congregation who is responsible for this project.)

Worship and Celebration Projects(3 required. One should be related to environmental justice.Show how the projects are relevant to the different age groups present in your congregation. One should be ongoing for the foreseeable future.)

Project Title:(2-10 word summary of project)

Assessment Result you are addressing:

Project Description:(1-3 paragraph narrative description of the project, providing moderate detail.)

Timeline for Completion:(Projected completion dates or target dates for progress.)

Lead:(Name of the person in your congregation who is responsible for this project.)

Project Title:(2-10 word summary of project)

Assessment Result you are addressing:

Project Description:(1-3 paragraph narrative description of the project, providing moderate detail.)

Timeline for Completion:(Projected completion dates or target dates for progress.)

Lead:(Name of the person in your congregation who is responsible for this project.)

Project Title:(2-10 word summary of project)

Assessment Result you are addressing:

Project Description:(1-3 paragraph narrative description of the project, providing moderate detail.)

Timeline for Completion:(Projected completion dates or target dates for progress.)

Lead:(Name of the person in your congregation who is responsible for this project.)

Religious Education Projects(3 required. Show how they are relevant to the different age groups present in your congregation. One should be related to environmental justice. One should be ongoing for the foreseeable future.)

Project Title:(2-10 word summary of project)

Assessment Result you are addressing:

Project Description:(1-3 paragraph narrative description of the project, providing moderate detail.)

Timeline for Completion:(Projected completion dates or target dates for progress.)

Lead:(Name of the person in your congregation who is responsible for this project.)

Project Title:(2-10 word summary of project)

Assessment Result you are addressing:

Project Description:(1-3 paragraph narrative description of the project providing moderate detail.)

Timeline for Completion:(Projected completion dates or target dates for progress.)

Lead:(Name of the person in your congregation who is responsible for this project.)

Project Title:(2-10 word summary of project)

Assessment Result you are addressing:

Project Description:(1-3 paragraph narrative description of the project, providing moderate detail.)

Timeline for Completion:(Projected completion dates or target dates for progress.)

Lead:(Name of the person in your congregation who is responsible for this project.)

Sustainable Living (4 required, at least 1 must address climate change. At least 1 must reflect on and if possible address a result from the congregational environmental justice assessment. One must be ongoing into the foreseeable future.)

Project Title:(2-10 word summary of project)

Assessment Result you are addressing:

Project Description:(1-3 paragraph narrative description of the project, providing moderate detail.)

Timeline for Completion:(Projected completion dates or target dates for progress.)

Lead:(Name of the person in your congregation who is responsible for this project.)

Project Title:(2-10 word summary of project)

Assessment Result you are addressing:

Project Description:(1-3 paragraph narrative description of the project, providing moderate detail.)

Timeline for Completion:(Projected completion dates or target dates for progress.)

Lead:(Name of the person in your congregation who is responsible for this project.)

Project Title:(2-10 word summary of project)

Assessment Result you are addressing:

Project Description:(1-3 paragraph narrative description of the project, providing moderate detail.)

Timeline for Completion:(Projected completion dates or target dates for progress.)

Lead:(Name of the person in your congregation who is responsible for this project.)

Project Title:(2-10 word summary of project)

Assessment Result you are addressing:

Project Description:(1-3 paragraph narrative description of the project, providing moderate detail.)

Timeline for Completion:(Projected completion dates or target dates for progress.)

Lead:(Name of the person in your congregation who is responsible for this project.)

Communications Plan

(Please describe how you plan to:

  • Share practical information about environmental issues and sustainable living strategies with members of the congregation;
  • Invite participation in your many program activities, and
  • Collaborate with other groups, organizations, or communities within and beyond your congregation.)

Application Instructions

Using this format, submit your electronic application , or email us for snail-mail instructions.

There is a one-time $100.00 application fee, which should be submitted by check, made payable to “UUA”. Mail to: 24 Farnsworth St.; Attn: Finance Department; Boston, MA 02210.
IMPORTANT: clearly indicate it is your Green Sanctuary application fee and include your congregation’s full name, city, and state.

For additional information and advice for preparing your application, feel free to contact Rev. Karen Brammer via email at or by phone at 603.380.1603.