The West Midlands Synod

Missional Discipleship / People of the Way

Mission StreamOptions

Friday 13th and Saturday 14th October 2017


Holiday Inn, Birmingham City Centre

Listed below are details about the different mission streams and leaders to enable you to make your choice as to which mission stream you wish to attend.

1.Holy Habits - led by Andrew Roberts (Methodist Regional Learning & Development Officer)

Andrew Roberts, author of the book Holy Habits, will explore the missional life of the first Christian community as portrayed by Luke in Acts 2.42-47. A community formed and shaped by ten practices or holy habits. He will also give an overview of his book – which is being used by many missional communities to shape or reshape their living – and the forthcoming Holy Habits Resources for Churches,

2.Living faithfully so all of God’s Creation may flourish– led by John Cooper (Christian Aid)

We all want to save for a rainy day. But what if our savings are causing the storm?Discover the difference renewable energy is making to some of the poorest communities in the world. Find out why high street banks need to make the shift away from fossil fuels into renewable clean energy, how you and your church can help make that happen and be part of a rolling month of climate activity in the workshop. Plus – find out how this, and other actions, can help your church gain Eco Congregation credentials.

3.Discipleship & Evangelism – led by Nick Stanyon (Synod Evangelist)

Our Synod Mission statement is clear that being a disciple involves making more disciples.

In this mission stream, Synod Evangelist Rev Nick Stanyon, will explore this more fully and help participants go back to their churches more enthused, at ease and equipped to be ‘making more disciples’.

There will be practical ideas and resources (many already used by other URC’s in the Synod) which you might take back to your churches. Hopefully there’ll be a bit of fun too!

4.Women & men working together in the 21st Century–led by Janet Wootton (Director of Learning and Development for the Congregational Federation -retired)

The ordination of Constance Coltman in 1917 was a truly ground-breaking event. She was a pioneer not only in women’s ordination, but in women’s education and suffrage, pacifism (significantly, in the depth of a World War), and social justice. This Synod Day comes just three weeks after a series of events to mark the centenary of her ordination, including a global conference drawing on the experience of pioneering women in CWM churches, a public lecture, and service of celebration. We will hear a little of Constance’s own story, and also those of women currently breaking new ground around the world, before considering what are the issues of mission and justice surrounding the lives of women and men in our own context, and where God is calling people to be pioneers today.

5.Animating Discipleship– led by Richard Church & Francis Brienen (Deputy General Secretaries of the United Reformed Church)

In this Mission Stream we willexplore what whole of life discipleship implies for worship and congregational life. What practical steps can be undertaken by a congregation that wishes to put 'Walking the Way, living the life of Jesus today' at the heart of its purpose and its community life together? We will introduce you to resources focussed on this area and learn together through questions and conversation.

6.Child Friendly Church Awards – led by Chris Burgham(Synod Children’s & Youth Development Officer)

Boring? Cold? Strange smell? Old fashioned? Irrelevant? Have you heard these words describe your Church? It is ONE perspective and it’s not just about the building! Let’s start to show people how very wrong they can be…the Child Friendly Church Award can help you to take a look at how others and you may see your Church and offer some ideas/resources/assistance in changing that. Sometimes it is small things, other times it is big things…at all times it is exciting!

7.Forming a strategy for church growth-led by Steve Faber (Moderator of the West Midlands Synod)

This session will look at what we mean by church growth and how we might work towards achieving it. If you come expecting a simple formula to follow or a quick fix, you will be disappointed. However, if you are interested in learning some ways in which you can co-operate with God in God’s mission, and if you would like some practical tools to help you formulate plans to grow your church, you will find something of interest and relevance here.

8.Creating, using & meditating with a Labyrinth – led by Isabel McIntyre(member at Ansty Road)

Labyrinths have been used for centuries, think of the Minoans, the Egyptians, Pliny and many others. In Britain labyrinths and mazes have been inter-changed, but they are now becoming more popular as a form of prayer and meditation. A walk that allows you to spend time reflecting, praying, leaving your burdens in the centre and returning to daily life the same way.

Ansty Road URC has a labyrinth outside, open to all. Why did we create it, how do we use it, and how do we get the best out of our time spent Walking the Way? A short talk on this, followed by some time to try using a finger labyrinth to see if another form of worship can be opened to you.