Jeffrey D. Grynaviski

Curriculum Vitae

Wayne State University

Department of Political Science

656 W. Kirby, 2040 FAB

Detroit, MI 48292

313-577-2630 (main office phone)

313-993-3435 (fax number)

Academic Employment

Wayne State University. Associate Professor. 2011- Present

University of Connecticut. Assistant Professor-in-Residence. 2010 - 2011.

University of Chicago. Assistant Professor. 2002 - 2010.


PhD. Duke University, 2002. Political Science.

Dissertation. McDonald's, Martin van Buren, and the American Mass Party.

MA. Duke University. 2000. Political Science.

Completed exams with distinction.

BA. College of William and Mary, 1997. Government and Economics.

Graduated with departmental honors.

Awards and Grants

Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts Research Grant (SHARE). 2011.

Baxter-Ward Fellowship for Distinguished Alumni, College of William & Mary. 2010.

George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation Fellowship. 2006-2007.

David Greenstone Fund Grant. 2005-2006, 2008-2009.

Duke-UNC American Politics Senior Graduate Fellowship, 2001-2002.


Partisan Bonds: Political Reputations and Legislative Accountability. Cambridge University Press. Series on Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions. 2010.

The Bailout Paradox: The General Government's Partisan Response to Fiscal Crisis Among the States. Under Contract at Oxford University Press.


“Untangling Neural Nets” (with Scott de Marchi and Christopher Gelpi). American Political Science Review. May 2004.

“The Impact of Electoral Rules on Factional Competition in the Democratic South, 1919-1948.” Party Politics. September 2004.

“"Racial Distancing in a Southern City: Latino Immigrants' Attitudes Toward Black Americans," (with Paula McClain et al). Journal of Politics. August 2006.

“A Bayesian Learning Model with Applications to Party Identification,” Journal of Theoretical Politics. Autumn 2006.

“Specification Issues in Proximity Models of Candidate Evaluation (with Issue Importance),” (with Bryce Corrigan). Political Analysis. Autumn 2006.

“Black Americans and Latino Immigrants in a Southern City: Friendly Neighbors or Economic Competitors?” (with Paula McClain et al). Dubois Review. Spring 2007.

“Black Elites and Latino Immigrant Relations in a Southern City: Do Black Elites and the Black Masses Agree?” (with Paula McClain et al). In Jane Junn and Kerry Haynie eds. New Race Politics in America: Understanding Minority and Immigrant Voting. Cambridge University Press. 2008.

“Theories of Political Parties” (with John Aldrich). In Sandy Maisel and Jeffrey Berry eds. Oxford Handbook of Political Parties and Interest Groups. Oxford University Press. 2010.

The “Golden Age”: from Party Machines in the Age of Industrialization through the Progressive Reforms. Forthcoming in Marjorie Hershey eds. CQ Guide to Political Parties. CQ Press-Sage. 2014.

Other Published Work

“Review essay of To Form a More Perfect Union: A New Economic Interpretation of the American Constitution by Robert A. McGuire.” Perspectives on Politics. 2005.

“William Riker” and “Appropriations.” In International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd edition. Eds. William Darity. MacMillan Reference. 2008.

“Review essay of The Formation of National Party Systems by Pradeep Chhibber and Ken Kollman.” Journal of Politics. 2007.

Working Papers

“A Better Solution to the Problem of Projection Effects in Proximity Models of Candidate Evaluation” (Under Review)

“How do Legislators Commit Themselves to Partisan Logrolls in Emerging Democracies?”

“A Political Economic Model of Party Organization Type and Municipal Governance”

“Public Goods Provision and Ruling Party Type”

“Strategic Voting and Electoral Coordination in Southern Democratic Primaries.”

Invited Talks and Workshop Presentations

Binghamton University, College of William & Mary, Florida International University, Indiana University, Miami University, Notre Dame, Northwestern University, Pennsylvania State University, Rice University, Stony Brook University, University of British Columbia, University of California-Irvine, University of Chicago, University of North Texas, University of Rochester, University of South Carolina, University of Toronto.

Professional Service

Reviewer for American Journal of Political Science, American Journal of Sociology, American Politics Research, American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Party Politics, Perspective on Politics, Political Behavior, Political Research Quarterly, Public Choice, Political Analysis, Routledge, Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences

Epstein Book Prize Committee. 2007.

EITM poster judge at the 2005 Midwest Political Science Association meetings

Guest Associate Editor, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

Chair/Discussant at many professional meetings

Dissertation Committees

Jon Caverley, Jay Cost, Shang Ha, Renan Levine, Merri Rolfe, Michael Reinhard, John Girdwood.

M.A. Advisees

John Balz, Juan Fernando Ibarra del Cueto, Jose Antonio Hernandez Company, Joseph Fitzgerald, Hansong Cai, Stephanie Ryan

B.A. Advisees

Rebecca Cohn, Marco Franco, Dmitri Leybman, Simha Mummalaneni, Andi Littrell, Robert Popper, Monique Rogers, Josh Ruszkiewicz, Kateri Somrak,

Departmental/University Service

Chair, Oversight Committee for Introduction to American Government. 2012-

Graduate Affairs Committee. 2011-

Faculty Cosponsor. Political Economy Workshop. 2003-2010.

Goettler Prize Committee. 2006

Formal Theory Search Committee. 2005-2006.

Social Sciences Divisional Research Committee. 2005.

Omnibus Faculty Search Committee. 2004-2005.

Comparative Politics Search Committee. 2004.

Prizes, Fellowships, and Awards Committee. 2003-2004.

Graduate Admissions Committee. 2002-2003.

Courses Taught

American Political Institutions: Congress & the Supreme Court (graduate)

American Political Parties (graduate / undergraduate)

Applied Bayesian Statistics (graduate)

Congressional Elections (undergraduate)

Democracy and Social Science II (undergraduate)

Introduction to American Government (undergraduate)

Introduction to Quantitative Methods (graduate / undergraduate)

Legislative Politics (undergraduate)

Legislative Processes (undergraduate)

Linear Models (graduate)

The New Institutionalism (graduate)

Pooled Time-Series Cross-Section Models (graduate)

Political Machines (graduate / undergraduate)

Positive Political Theory (graduate)

Social Science Inquiry II (undergraduate)

Quantitative Data Analysis (undergraduate)