Grant Agreement number: 60301.2010.001-2010.582
Project acronym: CORE
Project title: COmmon Reference Environment
Periodic report: 1stX 2nd□ 3rd □ 4th □
Period covered: from: 14/12/2010to:14/06/2011
Scannapieco Monica, ISTAT, Italian National Institute of Statistics (Italy):
Tel: 06/4673.2721
Project website[1] address:
This document is distributed under Creative Commons licence
"Attribution-Share Alike - 3.0 ", available at the Internet site:
The ESSnet COmmon Reference Environment (CORE)started on December 2010 and will end on January 2012. It involves six NSIs as participants, specifically:Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics) as coordinator, CBS (Statistics Netherlands), SSB (Statistics Norway),INE (Portugal Statistics), SCB (Statistics Sweden), and INSEE (France).
The CORE ESSnet principal objective is to continue the work of a previous ESSnet called CORA (COmmon Reference Architecture). CORA ESSnet, finished on October 2010, has produced the definition of an architectural model together with proof-of-concept software prototypes. Starting from CORA results, CORE has the objective to extend the architectural model by defining a complete information model. Moreover, CORE has the objective to provide a software environment for the automated execution of statistical processes, defined according to the designed information model.
CORE goes in the direction of fostering the sharing of tools among NSIs. Indeed, a tool developed by a specific NSI can be wrapped according to the extended CORA model and thus easily integrated within a statistical process of another NSI. Moreover, having a single environment for the execution of statistical processes as a whole provides a high level of automation in process execution.
The work of the ESSnet is divided into seven work-packages. Specifically:
- WP1: Project management
- WP2: Design of the information model according to GSBPM and alignment with NSIs information models
- WP3: Generic interface design for interconnecting GSBPM sub-processes
- WP4: Research workflow solutions for process management
- WP5: Implementation library for generic interface and production chain for .NET
- WP6: Implementation library for generic interface and production chain for Java
- WP7: Project dissemination and integration cost reporting
Figure 1. WPs organization and dependences
As shown inFigure 1, the results of WP2 and WP4, specifically deliverables: 2.1, 2.2 and 4.2, are preparatory for WP3 which is in turn preparatory (deliverable 3.1) for WP5 and WP6. Finally, WP3 (activities spent on implementation library for generic interface), WP5 (activities spent on integration for the sub processes in .Net) and WP6 (activities spent on integration for the sub processes in Java) are preparatory for the second task of WP7 that is the task devoted to the integration cost reporting. The WP1 is devoted to the management and the first task of WP7 is devoted to the dissemination activities.
The participation to each WP by each partner is detailed inFigure 2.
Istat / CBS / SSB / INE / SCB / INSEEWP1 / C / P / P / P / P / P
WP2 / P / C / P / P / P / P
WP3 / C / P / P / P
WP4 / P / P / P / P / C
WP5 / C
WP6 / C / P
WP7 / P / P / C / P / P / P
Figure 2. Participation to WPs (C=coordination, P=participation)
In the following sections, each WP is detailed. Particularly, the organization, the work done and the future works are described.
1.1 WP1: Project Management
WP1 started in month M1 and will end in month M13; it is coordinated by Istat.
Briefly, this WP considers all the duties of administrative management, it has the objective to ensure the achievementof its aims, objectives, and deliverables in accordance with its schedule and budget.
Until now the following meetings have been held:
- kick-off meeting - Luxembourg, 17-18 January 2011;
- CORE Lisbon Meeting – Lisbon 28-29 March 2011;
- CORE Intermediate meeting – Paris 20-21 June 2011.
With respect to the deliverables, the deliverable 1.1 Preliminary Report has been published on the CORE wiki and on the CORE official website. This document is the deliverable 1.2.
As for future work, a Rome meeting is planned that will be held in Rome on 3-4 October, and the final meeting will be held in Luxembourg in month M13. During this meeting, the CORE ESSnet results will be presented to Eurostat and to all the other NSIs that will be invited to participate to this workshop. Finally, the Final Report (deliverable 1.3) is due in month M13.
1.2 WP2: Design of the Information Model according to GSBPM and alignment with NSIs
WP2 started in month M1 and will end in month M7; it is coordinated by CBS.
The main objectives of this WP are the creation of a first version of a generic information model for the statistical process and the development of a method to map it onto the business model of any NSI.
To this purpose anin-depth requirements analysis has been done. WP3, WP5 and WP6 have been seen as internal stakeholders while ESSnet observers have been seen as external stakeholders.Theneeds of these NSIs have been analysed and features have been specified to meet their requirements. A deliverable (2.1), containing the results of this analysis,was released on month M2.
In accordance with these requirements, a generic statistical information model has been defined. This result is contained in deliverable 2.2 the final version of which has been delivered on August 2011.
Future work of WP2includes the development of a mapping method and the drawing of examples of mappings. These results will be contained respectively in deliverable 2.3: Mapping methodology and deliverable 2.4: Selected case studies. Deliverable 2.3 was planned for M5 and 2.4 for M7. Both deliverables have been delayed, though this does not affect the work of the other work packages (as shown in the Figure 1).
1.3 WP3: Generic interface design for interconnecting GSBPM sub-processes
WP3 started in month M4 and will end in month M11; it is coordinated by Istat.
This WP has the main objective to design the software environment able to support the information model defined in WP2. Starting from the WP2’s results, we are realizing a detailed design of the supporting software environment. Specifically: we are specifying the services for the implementation of processes to be executed in the framework, we are defining such processes, and, finally,we are defining the data and related metadata that will be exchanged between tools.
The first results of this work aredescribed in deliverable 3.1 Technical Environment Specification v1 delivered on July 2011.
As future work of WP3, we will complete the technical definition of the environment and a detailed description of how data will be communicated will be provided. All the results obtained in WP3 will be included in deliverable 3.2 Technical Environment Specifications v2 due in month M11.
1.4WP4: Research Workflow Solutions for Workflow Management
WP4 started in month M4 and will end in month M10; it is coordinated by INSEE.
We have published deliverable 4.1 Evaluation grid used to evaluate the different tools on month M5 in which we define the dimensions we will use to evaluate and compare thedifferent tools.
We have defined a process scenario to evaluate tools with the aim of finding efficient tools to support the activities of interactions between services designed. We will study both open source and proprietary solutions in order to have a more complete assessment of the state of the art. As the implementation of services and the relation between their sub-processes can be different i.e. web services call, manual intervention, etc. we will analyze solutions that can support all these different interactions. The results of this work will be delivered in deliverable 4.2 Recommendation on process management tools due in month M10.
1.5WP5: Implementation Library for Generic Interface and Production Chain in .Net and WP6 : Implementation Library for Generic Interface and Production Chain in Java
WP5 and WP6 were scheduled to start in month M6but actually they started in month M4. They will end in month M13. WP5 is coordinated by CBS while WP6 is coordinated by Istat.
These WPs both have the aim of providing a working solution that permits the automatic execution of selected GSBPM sub-processes starting from WP3 and WP4 results. WP5 will provide an implementation in .NET while WP6 will provide an implementation in Java that are respectively proprietary and open languages.
We started the implementation in Java of services realizing production chains.
WP5 will publish deliverable 5.1 “Description of CORE implementation in .NET” in month M13 and deliverable 5.2 CORE implementation .NET in month M13.
WP6 will publish deliverable 6.1 “Description of CORE implementation in Java” in month M13 and deliverable 6.2 “CORE implementation in Java” in month M13.
1.6WP7: Project Dissemination and Integration Cost Reporting
WP7 started in month M1 and will end in month M13; it is coordinated by SSB.
The main objectives of this WP are the dissemination activity of the CORE results and the integration cost reporting.
With respect to the dissemination of the results we have realized:
- CORE website hosted by Eurostat (
- CORE wiki hosted by Istat (
The CORE results have been presented at the following international meetings:
- New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics held in Brussels in 22-24 February 2011 (NTTS 2011)
- Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Meeting on the Management of Statistical Information Systems MSIS held in Luxembourg 23-25 May 2011
- Statistical Information Systems Architecture and Integration (SISAI)held in Luxembourg 7 - 8 June 2011. At this meeting have been presented not only CORE results but also the results of joint work between CORE and SDMX.
As future dissemination activities we will present CORE results at the IT Director Generals meeting in October 2011, the ESSnet workshop 2011, and Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Work Session on Statistical Metadata (METIS).Moreover, this WP collect, quality assure and report the amount of time spent on integration for the sub-processes in WP5 and WP6.
2.Project objectives for the period
The CORE ESSnet continues the work startedinthe ESSnet CORA. Thus its first objective is to revise the CORA model. Specifically, wehave taken the CORA model (including GSBPM) as a starting point, and turned it into a fully elaborated information model that covers operational logic and implementation aspects. The resulting model has the power to describe the relationships that link statistical goals to methods, methods to operations, and operations to software tools. Elements of process modeling, such as subdivision of processes in partial processes and in steps, as well as interfaces between steps, are explicitly part of the information model.
The second objective of the period is related to design of the CORE environment. In detail, we have defined (i) a way of exchanging data between tools designed inside GSBPM sub-processes, and (ii) wrappersof tools to be integratedinto the environment. We started developing services in Java for testing the designed solutions.
The thirdobjective of the period has been the analysis of possible middleware solutions to implement CORE compliant workflow. This implementation will enable the NSIs to integrate these CORE services into working processes. For these reasons, we have investigated the requirements that CORA (as the business context) and the services defined by CORE (as the technical components) impose on the integration middleware. We are also elaborating a few example scenarios based on concrete middleware solutions on how different NSIs could implement or use the required middleware and connect their services.
3.Work progress and achievements during the period
In the following sections, the work progress of WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6 are presented. WP1 (project management) and WP7 (dissemination) work progress are presented respectively in section 5 and section 6.
3.1 WP2
Progress: The principal goals of the WP2 are: (i) requirements analysis, (ii)information model, (iii)mapping method, and (iv) example mappings. With respect to the first goal, an agreement on the requirements to be analysed have been reached during the meeting held in Lisbon in month M3. A document concerning needs and features of the CORE interface has been delivered (deliverable 2.1 Requirements).With respect to the second goal,the information model has been designed and the results will beillustrated in the deliverable 2.2.
Significant results
A deliverable has been produced describing the requirements of the CORE interface (deliverable 2.1).
A second deliverable is in work, we have realized a third draft of the deliverable 2.2 Information model.
Key risks and countermeasures: not applicable
Deviations from planning: The third goal of WP2, the mapping method, has been delayed due to innovative character of the model.
Failed to achieve critical objectives:Not applicable
Use of resources: Theuse of the resources was in line with those declared in the proposal.
Corrective actions:Not applicable.
3.2 WP3
Progress:A first set of technical specifications for CORE have been provided. The level of detail of such specifications is intended as an input for a lower level design, in which specific technological choices, with respect to the platform implementation, will betaken.
Most of the provided specifications have been implemented as demonstration prototypes.
Moreover a concrete real scenario has been selected as an empirical test-bed during the whole implementation cycle of the CORE environment.
Significant results:
A deliverable has been produced describing the technical specification of the environment (3.1 Technical Environment Specification vs1).
Deviations from planning Not applicable
Failed to achieve critical objectives Not applicable
Use of resources The use of the resources was in line with those declared in the proposal.
Corrective actions Not applicable
3.3 WP4
The objective of the WP4 is to search efficient tools to support sub-processes modelling,
execution and monitoring.
The first task of this work-package was to create an evaluation grid according to requirements collected during M3. This evaluation grid has been finalized and sent to Eurostat during M5. This grid will be used to evaluate tools from M6 to M9.
A second task was conducted during M6. A short process scenario has been released to evaluate tools. This scenario consist of three steps chained to calculate an aggregated statistic. These steps have to use different types of communication to evaluate more aspects of tools. Thus, three different steps have been chosen: a web service call, a manual interaction and a language specific program (Java archive or .Net application). This scenario has to be approved during M6 meeting.
The web service creates a sample database from a bigger original database. This web service respects core information model first draft from work-package 2. Indeed it uses XML schema created according to this first draft. These schema and this service have been created during M6.
The manual interaction consists in a manual validation/modification of the sample.
The last step calculate a simple statistics on the sample.
The third task of this work-package is to select a short list of tools to evaluate. A list has been created for Java technology, and is in progress for .Net technology. These lists will be discussed during M6 meeting in Paris, and this should lead to a sub-list of evaluated tools at the end of M6 or at the beginning of M7.
Significant result
Deliverable 4.1 was delivered during M5.
A web service respecting WP2 model has been released during M6. This web service will be included in a process to evaluate tools.
Deviations from planning Not applicable
Failed to achieve critical objectives Not applicable
Use of resources The use of the resources was in line with those declared in the proposal.
Corrective actions Not applicable
4.Deliverables tables
Table 1. DeliverablesDeliverable name / Lead beneficiary / Delivery date from Annex I (proj month) / Delivered
Yes/No / Actual / Forecast delivery date / Comments
1.1 Preliminary Report / Istat / M3 / Yes / M3
2.1 Requirements / CBS / M2 / Yes / M3
2.2 Generic statistical information model / CBS / M5 / Yes / M9 / Delayed without being on critical paths
2.3 Mapping Methodology / CBS / M5 / No / M11 / Delayed without being on critical paths
2.4 Selected Case Studies / CBS / M7 / No / M11 / Delayed without being on critical paths
3.1 Technical Environment Specification vs1 / Istat / M6 / Yes / M7
4.1 Evaluation grid used to evaluate different tools / INSEE / M5 / Yes / M5
5.Project management
The management of CORE is dividedinto two main tasks: the first task is related to all the duties concerning administrative management, while the second task is concerned with the quality assurance of the project results.
With respect to thesetwo tasks, the main activities performed in the reference period are listed in the following.
Organization of project meetings. As planned threemeetings have been organized and held, namely:
- kick-off meeting - Luxembourg,17-18 January 2011;
- M3 Meeting – Lisbon, 28-29 March 2011.
- Intermediate Meeting – Paris, 20-21 June 2011
The meetings were very important for work organization and partners’ coordination. Each of the meetings was successful with respect to both partners’ participation and involvement. Detailed minutes of each meeting were produced and sent to Eurostat representative right after the meeting itself.
Project Planning and Status.The advancement of the planned project activities was followed a technical committee involving the project leader and the WP leaders. This was nominated at the kick-off meeting. All CORE WPs are carrying on their work on time, respecting the schedule presented at the proposal stage.
Collaborative network management tasks and achievements. In order to make as easier as possible the collaboration among the different CORE partners, a project wiki was established. The purpose of the wiki was not only to be a place for finding and sharing all projects documents, but also to be a place for exchanging ideas and comments on the work going on. Each participant to the CORE ESSnet has his own account to access the wiki. This tool has been successfully used by CORE participants, especially for carrying on the work of some crucial work-packages like WP2. The management also paidspecific attention to coordination inter-WPs. To this scope, the physical meetings were particularly important for the set up phase of the common work, and the management took care of following the actual realization of such work. Moreover, the involvement of CORE observers was particularly taken into consideration. Each WP is successfully achieving the objectives planned for the period.
Usage of dissemination activities. The principal dissemination activities set-up for the CORE ESSnet is a web site hosted by Eurostat. WP7 was in charge of developing the project web site as detailed in Section 6.
6.Dissemination action towards the ESS and Integration Cost Reporting
Disseminations activities and integration cost reporting are the main objectives of WP7.
Description of work
We have organized the work of this WP into two main tasks.