7th Grade Small Group Mathematics Syllabus
Teacher: Dana Matte
McClure Middle School
2011 – 2012
At McClure, we are focusing on moving our students from "meeting" standards to "exceeding" standards through the use of higher order thinking skills and rigor while we ensure that all students improve in math and reading.
Course Description
Math 7 is the seventh grade on-level math course. The focus of this class is on the mastery of rational numbers; solving linear equations in one variable; basic geometric constructions; transformations; describing and sketching solid figures, including their cross-sections; relationships between variables in tables, graphs, and formulas; characteristics of linear relationships; and data analysis.
Holt Mathematics Course 2: $54.95
Skinny workbooks: $1.50
Thick work text: $10.50
Online text can be accessed at: my.hrw.com
Course Expectations
- Each student is to complete all work in pencil.All graded assignments must be done in PENCIL.
- Homework is an extension of the classroom and is assigned in conjunction with classroom assignments. Students are expected to complete each assignment.
- Grades will be taken weekly from homework, class work, and quizzes.
- Work is “on time” when it is completed and ready to turn in at the assigned time.
- When absent it is the students responsibility to obtain assignments that were missed, and they will have one day for each day they were absent to make up their work.
- Each student is responsible for making up all assignments and scheduling makeup tests.
- Students are expected to follow the McClure Middle School behavior management plan.
- Tests will be given at the end of each unit, and quizzes will be given throughout the unit. Per Cobb County policy, all unit tests will be kept on file at school. Parents are welcome to request an appointment to come and review the tests at any time.
- Extra help will be given in class. Students can schedule morning sessions with me as needed.
- Late work will be accepted up to one week late without penalty.
My class BLOG is updated on a daily basis. It is a wonderful tool that can help you stay informed. Not only will it discuss what was covered in class, but it will also provide helpful links to web sites, downloads of Power points, handouts, etc. It can be accessed through the school web site at or directly at
E-mail address:
Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, concerns, etc. as it is the best way to get in touch with me.
First Nine-Weeks Standards
- Students will pose questions, collect data, represent and analyze the data, and interpret results. (approximately 4 weeks)
- Students will understand the meaning of positive and negative rational numbers and use them in computation. (approximately 5 weeks)
Second Nine-Weeks Standards
M7A1Students will represent and evaluate quantities using algebraic expressions. (approximately 3 weeks)
M7A2Students will understand and apply linear equations in one variable. (approximately 4 weeks)
M7G1Students will construct plane figures that meet given conditions. (approximately2 weeks)
Third Nine-Weeks Standards
- Students will understand relationships between two variables. (approximately 3 weeks)
- Students will demonstrate understanding of transformations. (approximately 4 weeks)
Students will use the properties of similarity and apply these concepts to geometric figures.
(approximately 2 weeks)
Fourth Nine-Weeks Standards
- Students will use the properties of similarity and apply these concepts to geometric figures.
(approximately 2 weeks)
- Students will further develop their understanding of three-dimensional figures. (approximately 2 weeks)
Extend and Review
- A review and extension on topics covered this year. (approximately 5 weeks)
All Units will include skills to maintain the following skills learned in Math 6:
- Operations with positive rational numbers, including mixed numbers
- Line and rotational symmetry
- Surface area and volume
- Ratios
Grading Procedures
Tests/Projects = 40%
Quizzes = 30%
Homework = 15%
Class work = 15%
This syllabus is subject to change in order to accommodate individual needs, which may require additional or less time on a standard.
Please return this portion to Ms. Matte.
I have read the attached Math 7 syllabus and understand the course expectations.
Student signatureParent signatureDate