Local Plan Found Sound
The Local Plan (Allocations) was found sound by an independent Government Inspector on 7 July 2014, following public examination hearings held between 29 Apriland 1 May 2014. In her report, the Inspector, Sue Turner RIBA MRTPI IHBC BARCH MSC states: ‘I conclude that …..Local Plan (Allocations) satisfies the requirements of Section 20(5) of the 2004 Act and meets the criteria for soundness in the National Planning Policy Framework.’
The Allocations Plan was adopted by Council on 23July 2014. It forms the Havant Borough Local Plan, together with the Core Strategy, which was adopted in March 2011.
The Allocations Plan identifies sites for employment, housing, and green space. Together with the Core Strategy (Adopted March 2011), the Allocations Plan makes up the full Local Plan for Havant Borough.
Councillor David Guest, Lead for Planning Policy and the Built Environment said: ‘This is an important milestone for the Council and is a cumulation of many years of hard work and community involvement . The people of the borough have helped shape this key document which is an excellent platform for future planning applications and will encourage jobs and growth in Havant Borough.’
Havant Borough is the first local authority in Hampshire to have an adopted Core Strategy, adopted Allocations Plan and a Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule in operation.
The full report and the adopted version of the plan can be read at the Public Service Plaza or online at:
Neighbourhood Planning Update
A community group in Emsworth made an application to the council for recognition as a ’neighbourhood forum’ and for the Emsworth Ward to be designated a‘neighbourhood area’ for the purposes of neighbourhood planning in Emsworth.
On 23 July, Council approved the designation of the ‘Emsworth Forum’ and the proposed area as being appropriate, in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012. More information on neighbourhood planning can be found at:
Community Infrastructure Levy(CIL) Investment in Infrastructure
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy that local authorities can apply tonew developments in their area to help fund local infrastructure.
Havant Borough Council’s CIL Charging Schedule came into effect on 1 August 2013 and is now applied to new housing and certain types of new retail in the Borough.
The Council is now carefully considering the best way to invest the money generated from the levyin the Borough’s infrastructure. On23 July 2014 Council agreed a ‘Funding Decision Protocol’ to help make decisions on priorities and spending. Further information can be found on our CIL pages:
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
Community involvement in plan making and planning application decision making is important to the council. The council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), December 2013 describes how the council will seek to involve residents, businesses and other local organisations in these matters:
Appendix 1 of theSCI identifies consultees the council is required to consult with in accordance with statutory regulations. The appendix also includes a list of Havant Borough community groupswho the council will aim to involve in formal plan making and decision making where possible.This list is not exclusive or exhaustive. It is subject to change over time and will be updated annually through our Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) published in December each year.Updates to the latest version of the Appendix were helpfully informed by a local community group called the Havant Civic Society.
If you are a member of a newly formedorganisation or have taken up a prominent role such as a chairperson and want to make sure your group is kept informed of planning policy matters, please let us know and we can add your group to the next iteration of the document.
Contact us...
Tel: (023) 9244 6539Email:
Write to:Planning Policy and Urban Design,
Havant Borough Council, PublicServicePlaza,
Civic Centre Road, HavantPO9 2AX