SUBJECT: Army Prepositioned Stocks – Europe (APS-2)



10 Sep 01

SUBJECT: Army Prepositioned Stocks in Europe (APS-2)

1. Purpose. To provide information on APS-2

2. Facts:

a. The Army’s Combat Equipment Group–Europe (CEG-E), maintains APS-2 equipment configured to brigade sets in Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. CEG-E also maintains a 155SP Field Artillery battalion set in Norway as part of the NATO Composite Force (NCF), which supports NATO Article V (Common Defense), as well as selected operational projects stocks, which are equipment sets designed to provide unique mission capabilities.

b. U.S. Kosovo Forces (KFOR) and U.S. Forces in Bosnia (SFOR) have used equipment from APS-2 to support ongoing operations. Tanks, Bradley vehicles, Howitzers, and mortars are among the major combat systems provided. For SFOR, 16,683 pieces of equipment were shipped between Dec 95 and Sep 00. For KFOR, CEG-E provided 10,678 pieces of equipment between Apr 99 and May 01.

c. USAREUR has proposed a new APS-2 configuration that will be significantly smaller than the present configuration. The remainder of APS-2 will be redistributed to other APS to increase overall readiness in APS and to other Army claimants. The reconfiguration and redistribution of APS-2 will greatly reduce storage and maintenance workload at APS-2 storage sites. Site closures resulting from the APS-2 Reconfiguration involve sensitive political-military issues that will require resolution between the Defense and State Departments and consultations with the host nations.

c. On 15 Aug, the Army Requirements Oversight Council (AROC) approved the proposed reconfiguration and redistribution of APS-2, subject to release of the Quadrennial Defense Review. The Army will revisit the plan at that point, adjust as necessary and take the brief to the CSA and SA for final approval. The AROC also directed that funds be reallocated to support APS-2 reconfiguration in FY02, and that remaining

requirements for the program (including a $30 million wedge to upgrade facilities at Livorno in anticipation that NATO funding

may not be available) be incorporated in the FY03-07 Program Objective Memorandum.

d. The new APS-2 configuration is specifically tailored to support EUCOM contingency requirements. It will consist of:

(1) An Immediate Ready Force of 5 M1A1s, 5 Bradley Fighting Vehicles (BFVs), 14 M113s, 20 up-armored HMMWVs, 3 HEMTTS, and 1 SEE.

(2) A Battalion Task Force of 30 M1A1s, 30 BFVs and 14 M113A3s.

(3) A Cavalry Troop of 10 Cavalry Fighting Vehicles.

(4) A Combat Service Support package.