1. What are the official colors of HOSA?
A. navy blue, red, and black
B. white, purple, and maroon
C. navy blue, maroon, and white
D. blue, red, and white
2. The term “rules of order” refers to:
A. the United States Constitution
B. the HOSA, Inc., Bylaws
C. written rules of Parliamentary Procedure adopted by an assembly or organization
D. none of the above
3. What is the HOSA motto?
A. The Hand’s of HOSA Mold the Health of Tomorrow
B. HOSA and Health Science: a Healthy Partnership
C. Take time to be the best and let the hands of HOSA do the rest.
D. From inspiration to aspiration, HOSA helps around the nation.
4. When is National HOSA Week?
A. during the month of March
B. during the month of November
C. during the month of January
D. during the month of October
5. Who presides over a meeting in the absence of the President?
A. Vice President
B. Parliamentarian
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
6. What does the circle of the HOSA emblem represent?
A. the continuity of heathcare
B. the aspects of healthcare
C. caring of each HOSA member
D. none of the above
7. What is the next line in the HOSA creed…to this end, I ______
A. dedicate others to help through Health Occupations Students of America
B. dedicate my training, my knowledge and skills to help others through Health Occupations Students of America
C. help myself through knowledge in Health Occupations Students of America
D. lead others to be the best they can be through Health Occupations Students of America
8. When was the first South Carolina State Leadership Conference?
A. 1974
B. 1983
C. 1979
D. 1989
9. Using parliamentary procedure, in order to obtain the floor, a member must be:
A. Recognized
B. Organized
C. Elected
D. A voting delegate
10. The lowest ranking motion is:
A. Postpone indefinitely
B. Main motion
C. Fix the time to which to adjourn
D. Lay on the table
11. Referring to HOSA, what does the color “medical white” signify?
A. Loyalty to the healthcare profession
B. Compassion of HOSA members
C. It has no true meaning
D. Purity of purpose
12. The average number of HOSA chapters in South Carolina HOSA over the past five
years is
A. Thirty
B. Forty
C. Fifty
D. Sixty
13. Which category of events includes the Barbara James Service Award?
A. Health Professions
B. Leadership
C. Teamwork
D. Recognition
13. The National Leadership Conference is held in
A. the month of May
B. the month of June
C. the month of July
D. the month of February
14. The National Executive Council refers to
A. the National Officer Team
B. HOSA Board of Directors
C. HOSA Headquarters’ Staff
D. A National Committee
15. Health Professions events in the competitive events programs include:
A. Pharmacology, Biotechnology, and Personal Care
B. Nutrition, Home Health Aide, Nursing Assisting
C. Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, Veterinary Science
D. CPR/First Aid, EMT, and Forensic Medicine
16. A member does not have to wait to be recognized to make a motion to:
A. To a committee.
B. Rise to a point of order.
C. Amend an amendment.
D. Refer Limit debate.
17. The chair would state, “That ayes have it, the resolution is:
A. Carried.”
B. Adopted.”
C. Lost.”
D. Failed.”
18. If no formal rules have been adopted, what normally follows new business?
A. Unfinished business
B. Old business
C. Reports of select committee
D. Adjournment
19. Which of the following committees usually includes the officers of the
A. Standing
B. Special
C. Executive
D. Appointed
20. The levels of HOSA membership are:
A. Regional, State, and National
B. Local, State, and National
C. Regional, National and International
D. None of the above
Updated April 2012