Saturday, 2nd

9:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal

Sunday, 3rd

8:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal

9:15 am Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am Worship Service/Communion

Sunday School

11:30 am Children’s Choir

1:30 pm Elijah’s Promise

6:00 pm Sr. & Jr. Youth Groups

Wednesday, 6th

1:00 pm Adult Bible Study

6:30 pm Men of St. Paul’s

7:30 pm Confirmation Class

Thursday, 7th

7:30 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

Saturday, 9th

9:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal

Sunday, 10th

8:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal

9:15 am Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am Worship Service

Sunday School

11:30 am Children’s Choir

Monday, 11th

7:30 pm Consistory

Thursday, 14th

7:30 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

Friday, 15th

Jr. Youth Group Lock-in

Saturday, 16th

9:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal

Sunday, 17th

8:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal

9:15 am Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am Worship Service

Sunday School

11:30 am Children’s Choir

6:00 pm Sr. Youth Group

Wednesday, 20th

1:00 pm Adult Bible Study

7:30 pm Confirmation Class

Thursday, 21st

7:30 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal


Saturday, 23rd

9:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal

Sunday, 24th

8:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal

9:15 am Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am Worship Service

Sunday School

11:30 am Children’s Choir

4:00 pm AGO Hymn Festival

Monday, 25th

7:30 pm Ministry Teams

Wednesday, 27th

1:00 pm Adult Bible Study

7:30 pm Confirmation Class

Thursday, 28th

7:30 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

Friday, 29th

Tricky Tray Set Up

Saturday, 30th

9:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal

6:00 pm Vera Bradley Tricky Tray

Pastor Rich takes Friday Off.


April 30 – Vera Bradley Tricky Tray

APRIL 2016


If you read the daily slice that is sent out via mail chimp the following story will be familiar. It is a story worth repeating.

Jenny’s house us situated on a little country lane, which is often used during rush hour by drivers who want to avoid the nearby main road and traffic lights.

A few weeks ago workmen arrived to repair the badly damaged road surface, bringing with them large barriers and “No Entry” signs.

Jenny was worried at first thinking that she would not be able to get her car out until the road work was finished. But taking a second look at the sign she realized the sign said, “No Entry: Access for Residents ONLY.”

She was relieved because this meant there were NO detours or barriers for her. She had the right to go in and out whenever she liked because she lived there. She felt special.

The story reminds us of what Jesus did for you and me.

In the Old Testament, access to God in the tabernacle and the temple was strictly limited. Only the high priest could go in through the curtain and offer sacrifices in the Most Holy Place, and then ONLY once a year. (Lev 16:2-20)

But at the very moment Jesus died, the temple curtain was torn in two from top to bottom, showing that the barrier between God and man was destroyed forever. (Mark 15:38)

Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, all who love and follow Him can come into His presence.

Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, all those who love and follow Him can come into His presence at ANY and ALL times.

He has given us the privilege and right of access to God. Our access to God’s loving presence, to God’s grace and mercy, to God’s comfort and reassurance, to God’s guidance is always open.

May we never take for grant, but rather always give thanks to Jesus for paying such a high price to enable us to have unrestricted entry into God’s presence.


Pastor Rich


3 - Communion

Matthew 28

Living Your Convictions


John 10

Living a Restored Life


Isaiah 41:9-10, Matthew 14:26

Stepping Out


Matthew 11:28-30

Living a Pressure Reduced Life


God of Promise and God of Hope, who through your great mercy have granted us new birth through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we praise your wonderful name!

God of Glory and God of Might who through your great power have granted us new strength to endure all things through faith in Christ our risen King, we praise your wonderful name! Amen


April’s communion offering will support the Interfaith Network of Care and the American Legion.


16 billion jelly were made for Easter. None change the world but a gift to St. Paul’s does.


Income $18,515.95 $37,444.24

Expense $19,277.49 $43,231.54

Gain/(Loss) ($762.54) ($5,787.30)



The Shoe Drive raised $1216.10

iGive raised $112.12

Applebee’s Breakfast raised $933

Soup Sales raised $1109

FISH guests were well fed & cared for Snow Removal did not cost us anything

Delivered 162 Cans of Soup to Crisis Room

Communion offering: Milltown Fire Department $1,244; Wounded Warrior Project $1,244;

Support Our World Vision child, Ben

Provide meal at Elijah’s Promise


Your caring and sharing of time, talent, and treasure is NEEDED with:

Delivering Altar & Chancel Flowers

Serving on Consistory

Ministry Teams

Caring for our Homebound

Helping with the:

Tricky Tray - April 30

Yard Sale - June 4

Duck Race - July 4

Vacation Bible School - July 25-29

Wine & Beer Tasting Fund Raiser - September 24

Sr. Youth Group

We will have our regular fun and faith filled meets Sundays April 3 & 17 at 6pm.


Going to be away from church this Sunday? Remember to give by giving now.

Texting SPUCC to 77977;

Click on the donation link on our website: www.stpaulsmilltownnj.org

Use our FREE church APP.





Circle the date, tell all your friends, and get ready to buy your tickets.

This fund raiser is to benefit the Senior Youth Group Mission Trip.

If you have any questions AND/OR would like to help contact Diane Weyer by:

phone 732-543-1387 or



You can get St. Paul’s Church’s APP for you smart phone, tablet and computer. Just go to the app store and search for stpaulschurchnj and GET IT.


MISSED Sunday worship? You don’t have to. By clicking on URL below you be directed to St. Paul’s very own youtube site.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCII6N0njctlY1Ke8MXK7ybg/feed OR click on the video reel icon on our Church App.

Vacation Bible School

Save the date: July 25-29



To those who served at Elijah’s Promise on March 6th.

Grace Kothari

Lorraine Fisezi

Kimberly George

Margaret Schmidt

Our next date to serve at Elijah’s Promise is March 6th.

Following are the steps involved in this project:

. Every first Sunday of the month we gather at 2:00 pm at 21 Nelson St. in New Brunswick.

. Prepare the food and serve between 2:00 pm & 4:30 pm.

We invite volunteers to be part of this noble cause. If you are interested,

please contact Margaret Schmidt at




In an effort to cut costs, only shut-ins and out of area members (without email) will have the Tidings mailed to them. If you have an email address, please allow us to send your Tidings via email. Send a note to this effect to

Hard copies of the Tidings are available in the Narthex. Please take a copy after worship.



Dear Pastor Rich and St. Paul's Church,

Thank you so much for your donation for Dance Marathon and Embrace Kids Foundation. It really means so much to me that you helped me raise my total. Because of your amazing generosity, I feel it is more than deserved to make you a tee sponsor of our upcoming golf outing. The marathon is on April 1st and 2nd and is open to visitors; if you are interested, stop by to meet the families of Embrace Kids and all the students that have worked together for the cause.


Ben Erb

The Officers and Members of the Milltown Fire Department thank you very much for your donation to our department.

St. Paul’s Sunday School,

What a pleasant surprise. You made my day. I was very happy when I received your Valentine’s Day card. I didn’t get may this year. Yours was very special to me.

So thank you for thinking of me and God loves you, too.


Dorothy Schroff

Thank you for supporting the Rutgers University Dance Marathon and Embrace Kids Foundation.

Your gift truly makes a difference. Embrace Kids Foundation exists to lighten the burden, maintain normalcy and improve the quality of life for families whose children are facing cancer, sickle cell and other serious health challenges. We provide over $1.6 million in programs and services to children and families throughout the greater New Jersey area, at absolutely no cost to the family and include services such as financial assistance, academic tutoring social services, health education and inspirational events.

We are deeply grateful for your generosity and support of our efforts.

Dear St. Paul’s,

Thank you for allowing Pack 223 to use the Rec. Room for our Annual Pinewood Derby. The room was perfect. The people in the rectory were friendly and accommodating.

We appreciate what you have done.

Jim Pullaro

Cubmaster Pack 223



Landis & Betty Brindle


Dot Schroff


Nancy & Michael Duffy

Kimberly Miller

Michael Joseph Duffy III



Marjorie Conger

Doris Weber

Gladys Kuhlthau Christ

Ruth Karren

Eleanor Potito


Ken & Judy Skalla

Music at St. Paul’s

April 24 Hymn Festival

On Sunday April 24, 4pm, St. Paul’s will host a hymn festival! This event is organized by the Middlesex Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Come sing favorite hymns and listen to hymn arrangements presented by local organists and a guest instrumentalist!

If you are interested in joining a pick-up choir for the event, please speak with Emily!

Donations at the hymn festival will be split between the AGO and St. Paul’s Organ Fund.

Organ work coming up

Did you know that our pipe organ will be 70 years old in 2017? This instrument has served our worship well and should continue to do so long into the future. We do, however, have some parts that need rebuilding, so you will be hearing more in the coming weeks about upcoming work and its financing.

Our organ includes many leather and felt components, that at 70 years of age, are quite brittle. The organ’s overall volume is partially determined by the opening or closing of shutters, or shades, which are driven by pneumatic systems. Many of the pneumatics no longer work, and so the shades are stuck partially open or closed (In fact, standing in the sanctuary, you can look toward the organ case and see that the shades are not uniformly open.) Many leak. When the organ is on, we can hear hissing and whistling caused by leaking air.

A thorough repair of the shade power pneumatic system and some adjacent parts (regulators) would give us a quieter sanctuary on Sunday mornings. And from a musical point of view, the organist would have greater control over the volume of sound.

St. Paul’s has an Organ Fund to deal with major repairs such as these. Over the coming weeks and months, we will be soliciting donations to this fund.

For more details about the work or the organ itself, talk to Emily. She would be happy to answer questions or give you a tour of this large instrument!



3 Consistory Team #3

10 Emma Rumen

17 Grace Kothari

24 John Garback



3 Bunny Theurich

10 Sandy Muller

17 Curtis & Joan Peck

24 Gregory Reeves

*Greeters are asked to arrive at church by 9:20 a.m.


Judy Skalla


March 14, 2016

In Attendance: Rebecca Jones, Julie Park, Dick MacDowell, John Garback, Greg Reeves, Steve Kircher, Don Wesen, Chuck Rucinski, Joanna Ciacco, Emma Rumen, Rob Ramsen, Sean Sullivan, Debbie Paley (Financial Secretary), and Pastor Rich Weyer

Steve K. called meeting to order 7:33pm. Pastor Rich read devotional and lead attendees in prayer to begin meeting.

Minutes for the February consistory meeting were approved with no changes. Motioned by Dick M./seconded by Don W.


1.  Milltown Fire Department thanked St. Paul’s for the donation.

2.  Thank you from Cub Scout Troop 223 for allowing them to use the social hall for their Pine Wood Durby.

3.  Ben Erb thanked St. Paul’s for the $294 donation given to his fraternity, to support their university’s dance marathon, which was supporting Embrace Kids Foundation.

4.  Milltown PBA sent letter asking St. Paul’s to consider supporting their annual fundraiser in the from of a donation.

5.  Ben Erb contacted St. Paul’s asking if we would consider donating to his fraternity’s Golf Outing fundraiser.


1.  February’s Finances Reviewed by Consistory

2.  Shoe Drive: We received the second check for our donation, $452.90. In total we received $1,216.10 for our complete shoe donation. Thank you congregation for all the hard work!

3.  iGive: We received 80.59 dollars in give backs in the month of March. Please remember to use iGive for all online shopping .

4.  Benevolence: 7% of our month income was $996.13, therefore…

a.  St. Baldrick’s received $757.13

b.  World Vision Child received $50

c.  Elijah’s Promise received $187

5.  Applebee’s Flap Jack Fundraiser raised $933 for St. Paul’s

6.  Fundraisers for the year

a.  Yard Sale in parking lot to be coordinated with the Milltown wide yard sale day will be coordinated by Robin Sullivan. Thank you Robin for lending your time and support to this event.

b.  July 4th: the Sr. Youth Group will run Duck Race, ducks will be sold at the Little League opener.

c.  Wine and Beer Tasting has a tentative date of September 24th, 2016. The consistory has a play-by-play booklet of the necessary steps to make this event a success; we are looking for volunteers from the congregation to start a committee to plan this fundraiser.