International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education

Human Rights and Conflict Resolution: Tensions and Opportunities

June 17 - 22, 2015, Arlington, Virginia, USA

Sponsor Levels and Benefits

$5,001 - $7,500 / Name/Logo in the Conference Program
Recognized at Events
Full Page Ad on Inside Cover of the Conference Program
Organization Listed on the Conference Web site with Link
Display table at the Conference June 19 - 20, 2015
5 Complimentary Conference Registrations, June 19 – 20, 2015
$2,501 - $5,000 / Name in the Conference Program
Full Page Ad in the Conference Program
Organization Listed on the Conference Web site with Link
Display table at the ConferenceJune 19 - 20, 2015
4 Complimentary Conference Registrations, June 19 – 20, 2015
$1,001 - $2,500 / Name in the Conference Program
1/2 Page Ad in the Conference Program
Organization Listed on the Conference Web site with Link
Display table at the Conference June 19 – 20, 2015
3 Complimentary Conference Registrations, June 19 – 20, 2015
$501 - $1,000 / Name in the Conference Program
1/4 Page Ad in the Conference Program
Organization Listed on the Conference Web site with Link
Display table at the Conference June 19 – 20, 2015
2 Complimentary Conference Registrations June 19 – 20, 2015
$250 - $500 / Name in the Conference Program
Business-card Sized Ad in the Conference Program
Organization Listed on the Conference Web site with Link
Display table at the Conference June 19 – 20, 2015
1 Complimentary Conference Registration June 19 – 20, 2015

Please note, at this conference, no sales are permitted at display tables.

International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education

Human Rights and Conflict Resolution: Tensions and Opportunities

June 17 – 22, 2015,Arlington, Virginia, USA

Sponsor Information

Note: Schools, Colleges and Universities may allocate their sponsorship directly to students from institutions for only $30 per day per student for the main conference on June 19 and 20. Please note on your form below if this is how you would like to allocate your sponsorship. This is a significant discount and includes lunch.

Conference Sponsor Commitment:

Provide a financial contribution to support the Conference (and/or in-kind such as keynote or pre-conference workshop)

  • Place a link from your Web site (preferably the front page) to the information on the main conference page.
  • InsertConferenceinformation in your upcoming newsletters, journals, or other relevant publications.
  • Distribute the Conference information at relevant presentations or conferences.

Please complete the following form and return it to:

Mailing Address: Julie Shedd, Ph.D.

George Mason University

School for Conflict Analysis MS 4D3

3351 N Fairfax Dr.

Arlington, VA 22201

Co-Sponsorship: By Check: Please make all funds payable to George Mason University and mail the check to the address above. (Tax Payer ID Number: 54-0836354).

By Credit Card: Please fax this form to Dr. Julie Shedd, George Mason University – SCAR at 703-993-1302 or email to . You will then receive an email with a link that allows you to pay via ProPay, a secure processing system for credit card payments.

E-mail: Registration forms to

Fax: Attn: Julie Shedd, 703-993-1302

Questions?Contact Jennifer Batton at 216-952-5609 or via e-mail at

The copy for your ad must be sent electronically as a high resolution .jpeg or .mpeg file. Your ad will be printed exactly as submitted.

Deadlines: Please return the Sponsor Form by December 7, 2014. Payment (if applicable) is not due until January 15, 2015.

International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education

Human Rights and Conflict Resolution: Tensions and Opportunities

June 17 - 22, 2015 Arlington, Virginia

Sponsor Levels Form

Contact Name:

Organization Name:

Mailing Address:

E-mail Address (Required for Confirmation):

Phone Number:Fax Number:

Web site:

We will place a link from our web site to the main conference web site.


We have a Newsletter/Journal/other publication in which we will place a brief summary publicizing the Conference.


Name of the Journal/Newsletter/E-Newsletter:

Deadline for the summary:

The summary should be e-mailed to (please provide the name of the contact person and an e-mail address):

The summary should be e-mailed in this format (please provide any specific directions here as to length, font, etc. needed):

We will make Conference information available at our conferences/presentations.


I will need ______number of handouts by ______(date).

Financial Contribution (Or in-kind equivalent):

Our organization is able to contribute:

 Platinum ($5,001 - $7,500) Amount: ______ Gold ($2,501 - $5,000) Amount: ______

 Silver ($1,001 - $2,500) Amount: ______ Bronze ($501 - $1,000) Amount: ______

 Copper ($250 - $500) Amount: ______

I will pay my sponsorship (if not in-kind) by  Check OR  Credit Card (you will be emailed a secure on-line form)

*** If you would like your funds to be allocated to sponsor a reception, others’ participation in the conference –such as student scholarships from your institution, or for another specific purpose, please contact Jennifer Batton at 216-952-5609 or by email at . ***

Deadlines: Please return the form by –December 7, 2014. Payment (Due January 15, 2015): Bycheck, please make all funds payable to George Mason Universityand mail to the address below. (Tax Payer ID Number: 54-0836354). By credit card, please fax this form to Dr. Julie Shedd, GMU – SCAR at 703-993-1302.

Mailing Address: Julie Shedd, Ph.D., George Mason University - School for Conflict Analysis MS 4D3, 3351 N Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA 22201