Institution Mixte Mont-Des-Oliviers de Gros-Morne


Route Nationale 5, Impasse Majuste Gros-Morne

Phones: (509) 36995209 / 36723335

Mont-des-Olivier’s School

Financial Report

For project animals 2014

No / Name of Gardor animal / Qte / Cost unit/$ Ht / Total cost / $ HT
1 / Edmond Duvernat
Bought with a child / 1 beef
1 child / 3,500.00
1,000.00 / 3,500.00
2 / Cantave Louis / 1 beef / 3,500.00 / 8,000.00
3 / Henri Jean-Baptiste / 1 beef / 3,000.00 / 11,000.00
4 / Gesnel Pierre
Mother with child / 1 Beef
1 child / 3,500.00
1,000.00 / 14,500.00
5 / FenelCamars
Bought mother with child / 1 beef
1 child / 3,500.00
1,000.00 / 19,000.00
6 / EmmatelMauris
Mother with child / 1 beef
1child / 4,000.00
1,500.00 / 24,000.00
Total / 10 beef / 25,000.00
7 / Goat (Cabrit)
Philippe Philemon / 2 cabrit / 400 X 2 / 800.00
8 / AsseDuvernat / 2 cabrit / 400 X 2 / 800.00
9 / ClaumèneDuvernat / 1 cbrit / 400 / 400.00
10 / Jean Raymond / 2 cabrit / 400 X 2 / 800.00
11 / MithonyLerius / 1 cabrit / 400 / 400.00
12 / Feranold St-Hubert / 1 cabrit / 400 / 400.00
13 / DolnéWilguet / 2 cbrit / 400 X 2 / 800.00
14 / Gesnel Pierre / 2 cabrit / 400 X 2 / 800.00
15 / FenelCamars / 2 cabrit / 400 X 2 / 800.00
Total / 15 cabrits / 6,000.00

Resume of project

Numbers of beefanimals 10 beefs

Numbers of cabritanimals 15 cabrits

The total are: 25 animals

Cost total of beef ______25,000.00

Cost total of beef ______6,000.00

Doing the total are: $ HT 31,500.00

Fénelon Célexant

Préparé par: CELEXANT Fénelon
