Texas Tech Book History Club
Meeting of February 18, 2016
President Joya Mannan called the meeting to order at 5:04pm in E/P 359. Mannan and Banschbach of the executive members were present. Dr. Kvande and Dr. Bauer were also present.
Mannan’s agenda included the Book Drive, Fundraising, and Events.
Mannan then opened the floor to new business.
- Mannan recapped the Book Drive process.
- Mannan said she would ask Sigma Tau Delta if they would like to help with the book drive. She mentioned they might like a cut of the proceeds, but also stated that members of STD must complete so many hours of volunteer activities per semester. She felt that they might use the Book Drive as a volunteer opportunity. Mannan will ask STD if they would like their name on the Book Drive flyer.
- Mannan also reiterated that the Tech Announce advertising must be done by a professor; flyers will still be put up around campus as in the past. Mannan said that she will talk to GSAC in April and ask them to reach out to all departments to inform them of the Book Drive.
- Because boxes may be in Holden Hall or the SUB thanks to STD potential involvement, a dolly may be needed.
- Advertising/Publicity
- Bauer and Mannan discussed that selling prints at the latest Creative Writing reading did not go as well as anticipated. Bauer pointed out that next time, the press should be put in the front of the room instead of the back of the room so that attendees have a better opportunity to view it and notice the prints for sale.
- Bauer suggested taking prints to First Friday events and the CASP studio. Mannan suggested that we might bind some of the extra journals from last semester and sell those as well.
- Bauer suggested taking a press to the SUB and printing “pithy” cards to sell.
- When selling cards, it might be useful to purchase envelopes to go with the cards and plastic sleeves to protect the print.
- Bauer suggested creating broadsides for the Comparative Literature conference and the Sowell Collection conference.
- Money
- Mannan informed the club that she had bought a square reader to use when selling prints. It is passcode operated so it will not be linked to any one phone. A link to the club web page will be added. The Book History club funds will be merged with the LPS club funds.
- Events
- Kvande suggested holding a printing soiree for the club members.
- Kvande suggested holding non-club member events as well – such as a linocut workshop.
- In line with these suggestions, Kvande mentioned the possibility of holding another Open House with printing, carving, and a display. The members present thought such an idea as feasible.
- Kvande suggested going through Bruce Cammack at Special Collections and holding an event for club members only. Perhaps one of the presses could be brought down to such an event.
- Bauer and Mannan mentioned having a field trip to the laser cutter shop, but ultimately decided against it.
- Bauer mentioned the possibility of taking a field trip to the print shop in Slaton to view a linotype set up. Mannan will check with the SGA to see what travel policies are for club trips. If too much paperwork, the club will take an unofficial visit to Slaton.
- Miscellaneous
- Mannan asked about the status of a press belonging to Steve Hubbard. Bauer reported that Hubbard told her the press was boxed up and he was “looking for it.”
- General meeting
- There needs to be a general meeting of the club. O’Hara will contact the club in the next week or so and create a Doodle to poll everyone for their “free” time. A meeting should occur before Spring Break.
The meeting adjourned at 5:36pm.