Australian AID – Helping Homes of Hope improve and expand their services.

6 September 2012

The Acting Australian High Commissioner, Mr. Glenn Miles, today officially opened new offices for civil society organisation, Homes of Hope.

“Australia recognises the critical work that Homes of Hope is doing in advancing gender equality in Fiji particularly in the area of sexual exploitation of women and children through trafficking, incest, abuse and commercial sex work. Gender equality is central to the economic and human development of any country – it is an important human right. It is smart economics, but most importantly it is the right thing to do,” said Mr. Miles.

With funding support from Australian AID of F$165 000, Homes of Hope constructed new offices as well as a bus shelter and purchased two vehicles that will allow them to improve and expand their services.

Homes of Hope was established in 1996 and has provided long term residential care to over 100 women rescuing them from situations where they were being sexually exploited through trafficking, abuse and commercial sex work.

The Acting Australian High Commissioner commended the staff and directors of the Homes of Hope.

“Your work incorporates a holistic approach that works with women and children to counsel, train and provide them with practical skills to rebuild their lives.”

This sentiment was demonstrated with Homes of Hope holding a graduation of nine of its members on the same day, successfully completing certificates in business training.

Homes of Hope is one of 32 civil society organisations that have been successful in receiving funding through the AusAID Fiji civil society infrastructure and capital grant proposal call.

“We know that civil society organisations face challenges in delivering their services to communities due to a lack of infrastructure and capital. We wanted to do something to respond to this need to enable civil society organisations like Homes of Hope to reach the most vulnerable and marginalised communities in Fiji. Through the AusAID Fiji civil society infrastructure and capital grant proposal call, organisations are now better equipped with the resources to reach those most in need,” said Mr. Miles.

Australian AID’s focus in Fiji is to improve education, health and livelihoods for the poor.

As Fiji’s largest bilateral donor, Australia is increasing its support to Fiji to an estimated F$100 million in official development assistance by 2014.


For clarifications or further information contact: The Public Affairs Section, Australian High Commission, Suva. Tel: (679)3382211 – Ext 246 Fax: (679) 3382065