Advancing Skills in Osteopathy Program
OMM Fellows and Medical Students
About the Program:
The A.T. Still Research Institute offers a novel, series of courses entitled, “Advancing Skills in Osteopathy (ASO)” that gives participants the most scientifically advanced training in palpation worldwide. This program uses 21st Century objective scientific methods for feedback so participants can refine and standardize their fundamental palpation skills. Leading researchers and educators within the Still Research Institute and the ATSU-Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine’s Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine will give up-to-date evidence-based presentations on the neurobiology of palpation and the art of osteopathic practice. The ASO team, which includes experienced research assistants and coordinators, oversees extensive hands-on training during this program. A unique feature to this training program is its historical component. Led by staff from ATSU’s Museum of Osteopathic Medicine(SM), this feature gives participants an intimate experience of the history of osteopathic medicine upon the grounds of the American School of Osteopathy, where Andrew Taylor Still began a revolution in medicine that continues today. By incorporating living history with modern advanced technologies, the ASO program is an unprecedented and irreproducible program.
The goal of the ASO program is to provide motivated and skilled students with objective feedback, using state-of-the-art instrumentation, in osteopathic principles and practices
The goal of the ASO program is to provide objective feedback using state-of-the-art instrumentation to assist motivated and skilled students in osteopathic principles and practices refine and standardize their skillset and give them a personal, motivational experience of the osteopathic legacy.
Application Guidelines:
Applications must be submitted byApril 1 to be selected for the Advancing Skills in Osteopathy Program for Residents and fellows to be held in June or July. Course dates will be chosen by the majority of accepted participants
The ASO program is geared toward research experiences equivalent to 30 hours.
To be considered for this program, prior research experience is not required. However, applicants must possess or meet the following criteria to be eligible:
- Undergraduate Fellow within an osteopathic Fellowship program in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine or a student motivated to incorporate osteopathic manipulative skills in their specialty.
- Strong interest in a career as a clinician focused on whole-body healthcare and based on attention to the mind, body and spirit of their future patients.
- Strong interest in a career that directly contributes to clinical research or educational activities.
- Excellent communication skills (oral, written, and technological).
- Strong interest in science and the scientific method as a basis for critical thinking.
- Strong academic record.
- Admirable interpersonal skills.
- Evidence of leadership potential and/or community involvement.
Application Process:
To apply for the Advancing Skills in Osteopathy program, applicants must submit the following materials:
- Completed application (attached to this document).
- Letter of intent that addresses the following:
Reasons for interest in gaining experience through this program;
Academic/professional goals;
Personal interest in clinical and/or biomedical research and/or education.
- Up-to-Date Resume.
- A letter of recommendation and completed evaluation form from the Chair of the OMM/OPP department of the applicant’s training institution.
- Up-to-date Transcript from an osteopathic medical program.
Course Location:
The Advancing Skills in Osteopathy program will be held at the A.T. Still Research Institute facility located on the ATSU-Kirksville Campus at 800 W. Jefferson Street, Kirksville, MO 63501. Specifically, the laboratory for the Still Research Institute is located in the bottom floor of the Gutensohn Building.
Course Date:
The 30-hour course will be held in June or July with the dates determined by the majority of accepted participants.
Course Fee:
A reduced cost for fellows and/or medical students has been set at $995 per participant.
Name______Last First Middle
CurrentAddress ______
Street Address CityState Zip Code
Current Telephone ( ) - Email Address
Permanent Address
Street AddressCityState Zip Code
Cell Phone ( ) - Other Phone ( ) - home work other
Gender Male Female Birth Date __ __ / __ __ / ______(Month/Date/Year)
Affiliated College of Osteopathic Medicine/University______
Cumulative University Grade Point Average
Yes, I am interested in receiving information about tuition and travel assistance.
U.S. Citizen Yes No Permanent U.S. Resident? Yes No
Were you ever the recipient of any action for unacceptable academic performance (including but not limited to academic probation or academic warning)?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Were you ever the recipient of any action for conduct violations by any college or school?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Are there any disciplinary charges pending or expected to be brought against you?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Community Service & Leadership Activities (Positions held, and length of time)
Research/Lab Related Activities & Experiences (Positions held, and length of time)
Employment Experience (Positions held, and length of time)
Why are you applying to the ATSU Still Research Institute ASOprogram?
Applicant Signature Date
Notice of Nondiscrimination
A.T. Still University of Health Sciences (ATSU) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or veteran status in admission to or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Harassment and retaliation are forms of discrimination prohibited by the University. Any person with questions concerning ATSU’s nondiscrimination policies is directed to contact the vice president for student affairs at 660.626.2236 or the assistant vice president of human resources at 660.626.2790.
Deadline for Applications
- April 1for Summer Advancing Skills in Osteopathy program
Attach the following documents to Application
- Letter of intent
- Current CV
- Academic transcript,
- Evaluation information form
Mailcomplete application by the above deadline to the following address:
Brian Degenhardt, D.O.
Director, A.T. Still Research Institute
c/oCharity Thomann
800 W. Jefferson St.
Kirksville, MO 63501
Evaluation Information
To be completed by student and submitted with application
Evaluation I
Chair of the OMM/OPP department from the Applicant’s training institution
Address Street
City State Zip Code
Telephone() -Email______
Deadlines for Applications
April 1 for Summer Advancing Skills in Osteopathy program
Please ask evaluators to mail completed evaluation forms by above deadline to:
Brian Degenhardt, D.O.
Director, A. T. Still Research Institute
c/o Charity Thomann
800 W. Jefferson St.
Kirksville, MO 63501
To be completed by the Chair of the OMM/OPP department of the Applicant’s training institution. Please also attach a letter on official letterhead.
- APPLICANT INFORMATION (to be completed by applicant)
Legal Name of Applicant
Social Security Number
Permanent Address
Telephone() -Email______
Please Either Sign Box #1 or #2:
- I voluntarily waive and relinquish my right of access to this evaluation.
- I retain my right of access to this evaluation.
Applicant’s Signature Date / Applicant’s Signature Date
- EVALUATOR INFORMATION (to be completed by evaluator)
Rank or Title
Address City State Zip
Telephone Evaluator Signature
- EVALUATOR COMMENTS (to be completed by evaluator)
State nature, duration, and extent of your association with the applicant
Has applicant ever been placed on disciplinary or academic probation? Yes No
Are you familiar with how the applicant reacts in a stressful or crisis situation? Yes No
If yes, explain:
What unique strengths and/or potential for clinical research does this applicant possess?
Please describe this applicant’s work ethic.
Please describe any weaknesses of this applicant.
Please give your overall impression of this applicant.
Please check how you would rate this applicant on the following characteristics:
Communication Skills
Study Habits
Intellectual Curiosity
Intellectual Ability
Personal Hygiene
Emotional Stability
Ethical Standards
Attitude Toward Associates
Ability to Inspire Confidence
Do you recommend this applicant to the Advancing Skills in Osteopathyprogram? Yes No Undecided
Why or why not?
Deadlines for Applications
- April 1 for Summer Advancing Skills in Osteopathy program
Please mail completed evaluation by above deadline to:
Brian Degenhardt, D.O.
Director, Still Research Institute
c/o Charity Thomann
800 W. Jefferson St.
Kirksville, MO 63501
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