2016Main Cycle Grant Application Form

  1. Narrative
Please submit concise responses, limited to five (5) pages and using these headings, subheadings,question numbers.
  1. Please state theorganization’s mission and the population you serve.
  2. Describe the structure and role of the Board of Directors, meeting frequency and average % attendance, the % of Board contributing to annual fundraising, and the total Board contribution amount in the last fiscal year.
  3. Describe current programs and the organizational structure supporting those programs.
  4. What guides your staff and Board to achieve the mission? Describe the organization’s strategic plan and how it is reviewed and refined periodically.
  5. Describe the organization’s most significant recent accomplishments. What factors contributed most to its success?
  6. What major challengesdo you face and how have you addressed changing needs or emerging opportunities?

  1. Please outline the program or initiative the grant will support.
  2. Describe the target population and what change this program/project will make in their lives. Please cite number of people the program/projectwill serve and how regularly (monthly, weekly, daily).
  3. Please comment on the priority of the need or objective within the community.
  4. How does this program/project specifically address the underlying conditions contributing to this need?
  5. Please list the key individuals managing the program/project’s operation with brief summaries of their role and qualifications (no resumes, please).
  6. What other organizations and/or programs provide similar services to the community? What unique characteristics does your program/project have to serve your program participants?

  1. Explain how you will measure the effectiveness of your activities. Please describe criteria for a successful program and the results you expect to achieve.
  2. How do you track the results?
  3. Throughoutthe course of the year what steps do you take to assess progress toward program goals and make necessary adjustments?

  1. Please quantify direct services provided to New Canaan residents and/or include the connection to New Canaan through volunteers, Board membersor donors.
  2. How do you collaborate with other local service providers to maximize services and results for your target population?
  3. How do you ensure your target population knows about the services you offer? Do you actively promote your services in the community and if so, how?

  1. Financial
Please provide the following:
  1. Budget for this grant request showing projected income and expenses.
  2. Listing of all funding sources that have been solicited for this request (foundations,corporations, etc.). If this is not a new project, please provide program funding information for previous years.
  3. Organization's total annual operating budget and actual income-and-expenses for most recently completed fiscal year and current year.
  4. Most recent Form 990.
  5. Most recent annual financial statement (audited, if available) and management letter (if available)
  6. If you have an operating reserve or endowment, please tell us the size of the fund and describe any restrictions on the use of the funds.

  1. Other Supporting Materials
Please provide the following:
  1. Organizational chart
  2. Board membership list including hometowns and professional affiliations
  3. Annual Report
  4. Letters of agreement if this is a collaborative proposal (not letters of support)