Create Your Own Interactive Publication on China!!!
Volume 1
Your Job: Assume you are a journalist who has been given the unbelievable opportunity to write your first publication that will appear on the web. Your assignment is to create an interactive Word document in the form of an electronic newsletter focusing on China. Each publication must include at LEAST THREE originally written pieces. Even though your boss has selected China as your topic of research, you are allowed to choose your area of focus and nature of the document. You may select any one of the topics below, or choose something else of interest that is approved by your boss (teacher), that you think would make an interesting read.
You may be sharing these with your respective history classes, so be sure to win them over with something exciting!
Part I – Choose a Topic:
- Chinese youth & new opportunity/ consumerism
- Environmental concerns in & aboutChina
- Chinese production of goods for Western world
- Poverty in China
- Aspects of the communist government that are controversial - lack of free speech/assembly/religion/prison camps, etc.
- Pressure placed on students to do well on the government exams key to opportunity/a better life
- Government response to natural disasters
- China one-child policy/family structure/role of women
- Conflict over Tibet
- Technological trends/Censorship
- Business/trade/Piracy/Lack of regulations
- Epidemics in China
- China’s influence in North Korea/helping to end nuclear program/providing aid
- Illegal immigration in China
- Other
Part II - The Research and Content
Minimum of 5 sources to create 3 different original written perspectives
- Online research (think “ABC’s of Web Literacy” when selecting your sources)
- Find a minimum of 5crediblesources, read the articles, take notes, and create 3 different originalpieces to post in your interactive publication.
- Each article should be at least3-4 paragraphs.
- Be sure tousein text citations as well as a works cited page/section - if you are unsure whether you are using a credible source, please ask.
3 Written Summaries to be completed for homework! Due dates TBD
Part III - Expectations for theInteractive WordPublication
Your newsletter MUST include all of the following:
- Your name and page numbers
- Title – see projecttitle above – be creative – can create a logo and a special name for your publication (should pertain to your topic/theme)
- Images – from Internet, use Photoshop or any other program, snipping tool or print screen –WRAP, LINE AND ROTATE
- Borders – could be around images, table, and/or entire publication
- Table – use creatively somewhere in the publication to enhance with data
- Table of Contents - usetabs with dot leaders
- Internal Hyperlinks/ Bookmarks – from table of contents to bookmarks created within the publication
- External Hyperlinks - to all articles/sources used
- Columns – must demonstrate the use of columns somewhere within the publication
- Citations – within body of text (in-text citations) and at the end of the document(works cited page/section)
- Other - be creative and insert ads, comic, crossword, or any other features that can enhance the look of your interactive publication