The Anson County Board of Commissioners convened for a recessed meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. in Room 31 located in the Anson County Courthouse.

Commissioners present: Blake Hildreth, Chair

Neil Jones, Vice Chair

Steve Lear

Ross Streater

Jarvis Woodburn

Staff members present: Chris Wease, County Manager

Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board

James Bennett, Assistant County Manager

Chairman Hildreth called the recessed meeting to Order, noting the purpose of said meeting was to hold the second public hearing for the scattered site housing grant. Chairman Hildreth noted other items for discussion are the meeting with the Town of Wadesboro, appointments to the facilities committee, an announcement relative to a Public Hearing and a report from County Manager Wease on an item relative to the new prison and a report from Vice Chair Jones on a recent meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. Commissioner Streater asked if any action would be needed on the prison item with County Manager Wease answering adoption of a Resolution to move forward with the sewer project is needed and acceptance of the grant. Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, to approve discussion of the additional items. Motion carried unanimously

Commissioner Lear commented that he knows from time to time there are situations and emergencies that need to be addressed suddenly but he would like the Board to set an Agenda the beginning of the month and stick to it. He noted that he would like time to study over certain items and feels it is not good practice to place items before the Board that require immediate action. Chairman Hildreth agreed it was a point well taken. Commissioner Streater commented that when decisions are made just after receiving the information it sometime is not the same decision that would have been made after studying the situation. Chairman Hildreth voiced that when a Commissioner is not comfortable with making a decision on something that has just been presented, if they would voice this to the Board, in most cases action can be delayed until a later time.

Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to open the Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously

Mary Beck of Hobbs, Upchurch presented the information to the Board. Ms. Beck noted this was the second of the two required Public Hearings that must be held in order to apply for any CDB Grant. The Public Hearing held December 20, 2002 outlined that the grant is for scattered housing to benefit those that are considered very low income. Only owner occupied homes can receive assistance with a Deed of Trust being held on the property for a time to be determined by the amount spent on the property. This is to prevent those receiving assistance from selling the property and making a profit off work done by the government. Ms. Beck also outlined the Lead Base Paint requirements, noting that contractors must be certified in lead base paint. Mobile home units are not eligible under this grant. The main items scheduled for this project are rehabilitation, relocation, demolition and clearance. Ms. Beck noted that since all seven towns have decided to participate in the project, the grant calls for one house per town and one for the county. Ms. Beck stated they hope to do more but voiced that it is important not to certify we will do more and then run out of money. Ms. Beck noted the first of many committee meetings was held with lots of discussion and information shared. Ms. Beck noted the environmental review would take 30 days for completion. There were no comments from the public. Motion by Vice Chair Jones, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously

In regular session, motion by Vice Chair Jones, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, to adopt the Resolution, that we apply for the Grant and reaffirm the Budget Ordinance that was adopted November 12. Ms. Beck noted that the budget in the grant application included a clearance line item of $9,000.00, noting we probably will not use that much but we have it in case we run into a problem. Relocation assistance is $44,500 in case we need to relocate someone while doing the rehab with rehab assistance of $255,000. We have $45,000 for lead base paint, $3500 for planning and $40,000 for admin services to total $400,000.00. Ms. Beck asked if the contract has been approved with County Manager Wease answering it was slated for the February meeting. County Manager Wease noted that the budget ordinance adopted November 12 was not incorporated in the record of the meeting and to reaffirm for the Finance Officer and auditors, it will be placed on the February Agenda to be a part of the record.

Motion carried unanimously


2003 Scattered Site Housing

BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the following grant ordinance is hereby adopted:

Section 1: The project authorized is the Community Development Block Grant Project described as the 2003 Scattered Site Housing Project between the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Community Assistance, and Anson County, more commonly described as CDBG#02-C-0983.

Section 2: The officers of this unit are hereby directed to proceed with the grant project within the terms of the grant documents, the rules and regulations of the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Community Assistance.

Section 3. The following revenues are anticipated to be available to complete this project:

Community Development Block Grant Funds: $ 400,000.00

Section 4: The following amounts are proposed for the project to-date:

Clearance $ 9,000.00

Relocation Assistance: 44,000.00

Rehabilitation Assistance: 255,000.00

Lead-Based Paint: 48,000.00

Planning 3,500.00

Administration: 40,000.00

Total $ 400,000.00

Section 5: The Finance Officer, Dorothy V. Tyson, is hereby directed to maintain within the grant project fund sufficient detailed accounting records to provide the accounting to the grantor agency required by the grant agreement and federal and state regulations.

Section 6: Requests for funds will be made to the grantor agency in an orderly and timely manner as funds are obligated and expenses incurred.

Section 7: The Finance Officer is directed to report quarterly on the financial status of each project element in Section 4 and on the total grant revenues received or claimed.

Section 8: The Finance Officer is directed to include a detailed analysis of past and future costs and revenues of this grant project in every budget submission made to the Board.

Section 9: Copies of this grant budget ordinance shall be made available to the Finance Officer, if different from the County Clerk for direction in carrying out this project.

Adopted the 12th day of November, 2002.

County Manager Wease stated that he and Commissioner Woodburn would be attending the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy meeting on January 27 at Richmond Community College beginning at 2:00. The Commissioners are scheduled to meet with representatives of the Town of Wadesboro at 6:00 p.m. the same day and asked if everyone would be willing to change the meeting time to 7:00 p.m. Board members agreed to change the meeting time to 7:00 p.m.

Chairman Hildreth noted at the last meeting, a Resolution was adopted relative to having a committee of citizen’s look at the possibilities for a future administrative office area for the county. The committee will be comprised of district representation and appointments were to be made tonight. After discussion, Board members agreed to allow more time for selection of this group and will call the name of their appointed representative to the County Manager. Vice Chair Jones voiced that he believes in deadlines and made a motion that the deadline for submission of these committee members be extended until next Tuesday, January 21, 2003. Commissioner Woodburn seconded the motion. Chairman Hildreth then asked if the names would be reported to the County Manager with Vice Chair Jones answering yes. Motion carried unanimously;

County Manager Wease reported on a public hearing scheduled for January 16 at 7:00 p.m. in Courtroom #2 concerning property near Flynt Wansona. The hearing is sponsored by the Department of Water Quality and is given as information. Commissioner Streater asked what the hearing was about with County Manager Wease answering it deals with ground water or wells on the property that do not meet quality standards established by the State and Flynt Wansona is requesting a variance.

County Manager Wease shared with those present a copy of a memo received today from Mary Beck reference the US Highway 74-sewer remediation project. The Resolution shows our intent to use the $3,000,000.00 of high unit cost grant to complete our project. All appropriate documents have been signed and we will comply with all regulations of the grant. County Manager Wease noted this is the grant that will upgrade our sewer line from the main interceptor to Polkton and also upgrades the various pump stations along the way. Goulds Fork and Pinch Gut pump stations are included. County Manager Wease noted the total project is just over $3,000,000.00 with approximately $5,060,000 coming from the Western-Anson sewer bond fund and a small amount from another Grant. County Manager Wease asked the Board, in the interest of time, to adopt the Resolution associated with the project. County Manager Wease voiced that this will not commit the Board to a contractor but affirms our use of the money. Motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner Lear, to approve. Chairman Hildreth asked if upgrading was replacement of the actual sewer lines or repairs as needed with Ms. Beck answering it was 44,000 linear feet of force main new sewer lines and upgrading Goulds Fork and Pinch Gut. Vice Chair Jones asked if this was primarily to serve the new prison with Ms. Beck answering it would serve the new Prison, Peachland and Polkton. Commissioner Lear wanted to make sure this did not financially commit us to anything different from what the Board had approved with County Manager Wease answering the Board has already approved the project. County Manager Wease noted this was a formality as another Resolution will be presented at a later date asking us to continue the project. Motion carried unanimously


WHEREAS, The North Carolina Water Revolving Loan and Grant Act of 1987, and the Education Clean Water and Parks Bond Act of 1993, has authorized the making of loans and grants to aid eligible units of government in financing the cost of construction of wastewater treatment works, wastewater collection systems, and water supply systems, water conservation projects; and

WHEREAS, The North Carolina Environment Management Commission has offered a (State Revolving Loan, Grant or State Bond Loan) in the amount of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00 for the construction of the Anson County Highway 74 Remediation Sewer Project; and

WHEREAS, Anson County intends to construct said project in accordance with the approved plans and specifications; and


That Anson County does hereby accept the State Revolving Grant Offer of $3,000,000.00 and;

That Anson County does hereby give assurance to the North Carolina Environment Management Commission that all items specified in the grant offer-Section 11-Assurances will be adhered to; and

That Blake E. Hildreth, Jr., Chairman of the Anson County Board of Commissioners, and his/her successors so titled, is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the appropriate State agency may request in connection with such application on the project; to make assurances as contained above; and to execute such other documents as may be required in connection with the application; and

That Anson County has substantially complied or will substantially comply with all Federal, State and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances applicable to the project, and to the Federal and State grants and loans pertaining thereto.

Adopted this the 14th day of January, 2003 at the Anson County Courthouse, Wadesboro, North Carolina.

Vice Chair Jones reported for information only, on a recent Library meeting where selection of the new Director was discussed. He mentioned that Library Board members Foye Ray, Johnnie Pettiford, Bill Huntley and Jake Killian were present and indicated an interest in filling the position with someone that has worked there twenty-eight years. They feel that Barbara Pope and Diane Welch have been loyal employees, outlasting many Directors, and these Board members feel that the appointment of one of these ladies would offer stability to our Library. Ms. Carol Walters of Sandhills voiced a strong opposition to this suggestion and clearly stated that she would listen to Board members but that Sandhills had the authority to name the Director. The mentioned Library Board members voiced to Vice Chair Jones that they want their voice heard and feel we might need to consider withdrawing from Sandhills and becoming our own Library. Commissioner Streater asked if the two employees recommended by the local Board have the educational background for the position with Vice Chair Jones noting they do not have a masters but have run the Library for twenty-eight years. Vice Chair Jones notes there are precedence in many operations where people like this with this type experience could run the operation by waiving the degree. Vice Chair Jones reminded Board members that their predecessor did not have a degree but was supposed to be working towards the degree. Vice Chair Jones noted the issue is not so much whom Ms. Walters is considering but the idea of recognizing these folks that have been the Library for all these years.