The Meeting commenced at 2:00pm and concluded at 4:03pm
Cllr Mohan Iyengar, Borough of Poole(Vice-Chairman in the Chair)
Cllr David Smith, Bournemouth Borough Council
Cllr Jane Kelly, Bournemouth Borough Council
Cllr Steve Butler, Dorset County Council
Cllr Bernie Davis, Christchurch District Council
DCC, James Vaughan, Dorset Police
AFCO Mick Stead, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
Colin Pipe, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner
Tina Ridge, National Probation Service
Pam O’Shea, Dorset CCG
Also in attendance:
Barrie Crook, Safeguarding Adults Board
Sarah Elliot, Local Safeguarding Children’s Board
Tim Martin, Head of Legal, Democratic and Strategy Services, BoP
Anthi Minhinnick, Community Safety Partnership Manager, BoP
Andy Frost, Community Safety Team Manager, DCC
Karen Graham, Community Safety Officer, Purbeck District Council
Andy Williams, Community Safety Partnership Manager, BBC
John Ferguson, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Richard Furneaux, Principal Data Analyst, Borough of Poole
David Webb, Youth Offending Service
Will Haydock, Public Health
Chris Harrod, Democratic Support Officer, BoP
Apologies for absence were received from Rachel Partridge (substituted by Will Haydock),Martyn Underhill (substituted by Colin Pipe), Cllr Karen Rampton, Cllr Rebecca Knox (substituted by Cllr Steve Butler), Sally Shead (substituted by Pam O’Shea), Jan Thurgood and Cllr Bill Pipe.
There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 4 August 2016, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the chairman as a correct record.
Andy Frost, Community Safety Team Manager, introduced his report which provided Board Members with details of the community safety performance measures and actions partners had agreed for 2016/17 and clarified the groups responsible for delivering them.
Comments and discussion included:
- That although anti-social behaviour (ASB) was mainly being dealt with at the individual CSP level as a local issue, members of the Board would welcome a discussion at a future meeting to help understand what contribution they might make to the area of work
- That it would be beneficial to combine / cross reference partners’ various needs assessments
- That a number of actions / activities are relevant and link to the work of other partnerships and groups especially the Safeguarding Boards. It was important to be clear about who was doing what, take a joined up approach to any shared actions and avoid duplication.
- That partners needed to evaluate their current approach to work on reducing re-offending
RESOLVED that the agreed performance measures and actions for 2016/17, and groups delivering them be noted.
Richard Furneaux, Data Analyst, introduced his report which provided the Board with an update on performance for the previous quarter.
Officers responded to Board Members’ requests for clarification, details included:
- There was an upward trend of serious sexual incidents being reported. It was felt the increase was due to increased confidence amongst victims to report.
- There were concerns about the number of charges for sexual violence offences which was lower in Dorset than in other areas. DCC Vaughan was looking into this with the Crown Prosecution Service and would provide an update at the next Board meeting.
- Work was being undertaken to ensure that Police files were robust enough to ensure that convictions could be made.
- It was considered important for the LSCBs and the LASBs to work together to ensure that victims transitioning from childhood to adulthood were not missed and that agencies had effective procedures in place
- Sarah Elliot explained that the Safeguarding Children’s Boards were doing an audit on sexual violence and agreed to link this in with community safety partners’ work
- It was highlighted that a number of perpetrators suffered with mental health problems or had another form of mental illness and that it was important to ensure that support was given to prospective and repeat offenders.
- Members of the Board emphasised the need to ensure partners were using performance information to direct actions and make a difference. They were keen to have a better understanding of cause and effect and know how theme groups were operating in order to tackle issues.
RESOLVED that the Report be noted.
Andy Frost, introduced a report which provided an update on progress for the Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) including in relation to the delivery of delegated functions.
Agreed governance arrangements required such reports to be taken from the CSCJB to the three statutory CSPs twice a year.
Board Members considered the Report and had nothing to add.
Resolved that the Report be noted.
Anthi Minhinnick, Community Safety Manager, introduced her report which provided Board Members with an update to the Modern Slavery Duty and local governance arrangements.
Officers responded to Board Members’ requests for clarification, details included:
- Dorset Police had a number of Officers that were trained to deal with Modern Slavery
- Data had been supplied which indicated that approximately 220 victims had been supported over the course of an 18 month period
- The majority of the public were unaware of what modern slavery was and how it affected people around them.
- The Board should take ownership of the Modern Slavery Agenda and receive progress updates from the Pan Dorset Anti-Slavery Partnership Group
RESOLVED that Board Members:
(i)Ensure information regarding the Home Office Pilot be communicated across agencies
(ii)Agree the Community Safety and Criminal Justice Board take ownership of the Modern Slavery agenda and it becomes a thematic area for oversight, governance and accountability as detailed in Section 8.4 of the Report
Board Members noted the contents of the profile which had been discussed as part of the Performance Report.
RESOLVED that the Report be noted.
Barrie Crook, Independent Chair of the Local Adult Safeguarding Boards, introduced his report which sought to ensure thatthe findings of the Local Adult Safeguarding Boards were included within the multi-agency strategy on sexual violence and that the Sexual Violence Strategic Group were made responsible for the governance of this issue.
Officers responded to Board Members’ requests for clarification, details included:
- Whilst this Board would oversee this area of work at a strategic level, the Sexual Violence Strategic Group would be responsible for co-ordinating delivery
- The report would also be presented to Dorset’s health and Wellbeing Board
(i)the Sexual Violence Strategic Group incorporates the findings of this paper within the multi-agency strategy on sexual violence.
(ii)the Sexual Violence Strategic Group should be responsible for co-ordinating delivery of this issue, reporting to the CSCJB and supported by the Safeguarding Adults Boards who will be responding to the key priorities set out on pages 6 and 7 of the Report.
Will Haydock, Public Health, gave a brief presentation that outlined the aims of the Strategy.
Officers responded to Board Members’ requests for clarification, details included:
- There was a great need for joint working, particularly with cross-cutting issues and the vision of the Strategy was to reduce harm to individuals and the wider community.
- The strategy had already been implemented and was monitored by the Dorset Drug and Alcohol Board
- The role of the CSCJB would be to monitor the actions taken that related to community safety and criminal justice and their outcomes
RESOLVED that the Strategy be noted
Andy Williams, Safer Communities Manager, introduced his report which set out the key priorities for partner agencies and identified areas where there was duplication of work between partnership groups or gaps.
Officers responded to Board Members’ requests for clarification, details included:
- Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Serviceemphasised the need for partners to use the information contained in the report within their own agencies so people were aware of who was doing what.
- The Board recognised that the decisions taken at today’s meeting regarding oversight of sexual exploitation and modern slavery work helped to give clarity
RESOLVED that Board members:
(i)Note the links between the work programmes of these statutory partnerships and agree that areas of joint activity be reflected in the forthcoming Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence strategies.
(ii)Agree the links between the Boards are clarified in terms of reporting and accountability for specific areas of work.
Andy Frost introduced the Forward Plan and reminded Board Members that this was a flexible document. He invited Board Members to comment, details included:
- The Forward Plan needed ensure a joined up approach to work
- That as work progressed, the CSCJB needed to be taking decisions and giving direction that guided agencies in their work
- The February Meeting had a heavy agenda and Board Members would need to note that they might need an additional 30-60 minutes to commit to the Meeting.
There was no urgent business.