New Testament Honors Bible Study Questions
Read the passages and answer questions.
Chapter 18: The Incarnation
Luke 1 & 2
1. Who announced to Mary she would have a child?
2. How did he greet Mary?
3. Why was Mary troubled by this? And then her response?
4. How did Elizabeth greet Mary?
5. What was Zechariah’s punishment for not believing Elizabeth was with child?
6. Who is Simeon? What did God promise him?
Matthew 2
7. Who does Matthew begin Christ’s genealogy with?
John 1
8. Write the first verse of the gospel and explain it.
Chapter 19: What Jesus Did
Matthew 4
1. What were the three things Satan tempted Christ to do?
2. Was Satan successful?
Mark 1
3. John the Baptist was preaching a baptism of what?
4. What occurred after Christ was baptized?
5. Who were the first four apostles called? What was their occupation?
6. What is Christ’s first miracle recorded in Mark?
7. What did Christ request of the leper after being healed? Did the man follow this? -
Mark 6
8. When it was getting late, what did the apostles want the crowd to do?
9. What and how much food was gathered?
10. How many baskets of food were leftover?
11. What was the number of men?
Mark 11
12. What did Christ order the apostles to do?
13. How did the crowd address Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem?
John 2:
14. What day did the marriage take place on?
15. Who was present at the wedding?
16. What was Jesus’ response to Mary when the wine was emptied?
17. And what was Mary’s response to the servants?
18. What does verse 11 state?
Ch. 20: What Jesus Taught
Matthew 5-7
1. List the eight beatitudes
2. One must first do what before offering his gift at the altar?
3. At what moment does adultery occur? In the action or before?
4. What does Christ say in return for “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”?
5. Should your almsgiving be done in public or secret?
6. Should your prayer be done in public or secret?
7. What prayer does Christ say to pray?
8. Christ states in verse 33 we should first seek what?
9. Summarize what Jesus means between the “Hearers and Doers” in 7:24-29.
Luke 10
10. A lawyer asked Jesus what he could do to inherit eternal life and what was Christ’s response?
11. Who were the first two people to pass the man on the road?
12. Who was the one that helped the hurt man?
13. What is moral of the parable?
John 6:25-71
14. What spiritual bread was given to the Israelites in the Old Testament?
15. Who is the bread of life?
16. How many times did Christ say he was the “bread of life”, “living bread”?
17. What is the reward for having the bread of life?
18. Which apostle professed Christ as the “Holy One of God”?
Ch.21: Cup of Consummation
Matthew 26:17-56
1. How does Christ identify the one who will betray him? Which apostle did so?
2. After blessing and breaking the bread what did Christ say?
3. Which apostle will deny Jesus? How many times? When will it happen?
4. Where does Christ go to pray before being arrested?
5. What happened to the apostles during this time? How many times did he find them this way?
6. What sign did Judas betray Jesus with?
John 18 & 19
7. What Jewish event was occurring during Christ’s trial/arrestment?
8. Who sentenced Christ to death?
9. Who did the Jews request be released from prison?
10. In chapter 19, what are some things the Roman soldiers did to mock Christ as a King?
11. Where did the crucifixion take place?
12. What title did Pilate write on Christ’s cross?
13. What title did the chief priests want it to say?
14. What happened to Christ’s seamless tunic? Also read Exodus 28:32 which states?
15. Who also stood by the cross?
16. What were the last phrases Christ said on the cross according to this passage? (4)
Psalm 22
17. What does this Psalm remind you of? Pick out three lines to compare
Ch. 22: Resurrection
John 20 & 21
1. Who was the first to notice the stone had been rolled away from the tomb?
2. Who were first two apostles to witness the empty tomb?
3. How many angels did Mary Madgalene see?
4. “Rabboni” means what in Hebrew?
5. In verse 23, Christ gives the apostles the power to do what?
6. Why is Doubting Thomas given this title? When did he have faith?
7. After Christ and the apostles brought the boat in from catching many fish, how many times did Jesus reveal himself to the apostles?
8. How many times did Jesus ask if Peter loved him? What did this fulfill?
9. Was everything Christ did during His time on earth written down?
Luke 24
10. Jesus revealed Himself to Peter on his walk to where?
11. What did Jesus eat with the apostles? Why do you think he did this?
1 Corinthians 15
12. Which apostle did Christ first reveal himself to?
13. Who is “the least of the apostles” which Christ revealed himself to?
14. Read Isaiah 53:5-12. What is this passage speaking of, who fulfills it?
Ch.24: The Birth of the Church
Acts 1 & 2
1. How did Christ promise that the apostles would be baptized?
2. What did the angels say to the apostles after Christ’s Ascension?
3. What are the two requirements that need fulfilled for the apostle that will succeed Judas?
4. Who were the two possible men that could take Judas’ place?
5. Who was the one ultimately chosen?
6. What happened to the apostles once the Holy Spirit descended upon them at Pentecost?
7. During Peter’s speech, which prophet does he quote?
8. After the people heard Peter’s speech they wanted to atone for their sins of contributing to Christ’s crucifixion. What did Peter tell them to do for their atonement/penance?
9. How many people were baptized that day?
10. Those newly baptized in the church lived in community, what were some of their daily activities as Christians? (3:42-47)
Acts 8:
11. What were some of the recorded miracles/signs Philip performed?
12. What city did Philip perform these wondrous signs?
13. What did this person Simon do before being baptized by Philip?
14. What two titles did people give to this Simon?
15. Why did Peter and John travel to Samaria if the people were already baptized?
16. Why did Peter reprimand Simon the Magician? (v.18-21)
Ch. 25: Reaching Out to All Nations
Acts 8 & 9
1. Who did Philip meet on the road to Gaza?
2. What was this man reading?
3. What action did Philip perform during their travels together?
Acts 15
4. The Mosaic Law states what must occur in order to be saved?
5. Which two people went to Jerusalem to ask if this teaching was still necessary?
6. What does Peter say in response to the converted group of Pharisees that want to abide the Mosaic Law?
7. Who speaks on the dietary laws the Gentiles should be following?
Galatians 2
8. Who also went to Jerusalem with Paul?
9. Who does Paul consider the three pillars (which apostles)?
10. Paul talked about how he corrected Peter, what did Peter do wrong?
Ch. 26: Paul, An Apostle
Acts 22
1. What language did Paul speak when stating his defense?
2. Who was Paul educated by?
3. Did those traveling to Damascus with Paul also see the light? Did they hear the voice?
4. What did the Lord tell Paul to do in Damascus?
5. Who healed Paul’s sight?
6. Where will Christ send Paul?
7. Why did the Roman soldiers not scourge Paul?
2 Corinthians 11 & 12
1. Paul warns people against what or rather who?
2. How many times has Paul been beaten with rods? Stoned?
3. What does Paul boast of?
4. Paul speaks about a man whom God took up to where?
5. What did Paul ask the Lord to take away from him? What was Christ’s answer?
6. What number trip will this be for Paul to visit the Church in Corinth?
7. Do did Paul send to them?
Ch. 29: End of History
Matthew 24
1. What will happen as a result of “wickedness multiplied?”
2. What will happen immediately after the tribulation of days?
3. Who will mourn upon the appearance of the Son of man in heaven?
4. Who is the only one that knows the coming of the Son of man?
5. What does v. 42 state?
Revelation 5
6. How many seals did John witness?
7. Who was permitted to open the seals?
8. What did John see in verse seven?
Revelation 12
9. Briefly describe the first sign that appeared in heaven.
10. Who is this referring to?
11. What was the second sign that appeared?
12. Write v. 5
13. Who were the two characters battling in vs. 7-12?
14. Who won?
Revelation 21 & 22
15. What was seen coming out of heaven prepared as a bride?
16. What is the source of light for the city?
17. Who wrote Revelation? (Heard and saw things revealed in this book?)