Question for written answer P-006133/2012
to the Commission
Rule 117
Antolín Sánchez Presedo (S&D)
Subject:Illegal aerial pesticide spraying and public health (death of bees)
A few weeks ago it was announced that extensive fumigation is to be carried out in Galicia with Cascade, a product whose active principle is flufenoxuron, in order to combat infestation by gonipterus scutellatus (eucalyptus snout beetle) in 100000 hectares of eucalyptus plantation.. The fumigation calls for 50000 litres of dilute flufenoxuron. Under Regulation (EU) No 942/2011 of 22 September 2011, this chemical has been banned by 31 December 2011 at the latest, although Member States are allowed a grace period under the terms of Article 46 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 ‘for the disposal, storage, placing on the market and use of existing stocks’ where ‘the reasons for withdrawal, amendment or non-renewal of the authorisation are not related to the protection of human and animal health’.
Numerous studies show the use of this neurotoxin to be inadvisable due to its harmful impact on plant and animal life, as well as on human health. It is particularly linked with the disappearance of large numbers of bees in Galicia, in some areas amounting to 80% of bee colonies, raising the threat of their extinction in this region. As bees are responsible for pollinating agricultural crops, this could lead to the collapse of agriculture (according to the FAO, 80% of cultivated plants are pollinated by bees and 76% of human food depends on their presence). Einstein himself warned that the survival of the human species depends on bees. Furthermore, aerial pesticide sprayingresults in up to 60% of the agrotoxins dispersed falling outside their target area over a distance of several kilometres, affecting natural areas, drinking water, crops and even animal species such as arthropods. There have also been cases of flufenoxuron poisoning in humans. It is classified as a substance which is potentially harmful to breast-feeding babies and dangerous to the aquatic environment.
In addition to this proposed fumigation, four pesticide brands containing flufenoxuron as their active ingredient are still authorised for sale in Spain. Can the Commission clarify whether the grace period applied in Spain complies with the terms of Article 46 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, given the risk to public health and the environment? Does aerial pesticide spraying with flufenoxuron comply with Community law, when there are other ways in which the above-mentioned pest can be combated? Does the Commission have maps of the areas being aerially sprayed and can it be sure that no protected natural spaces will be affected? What urgent measures can the Commission apply, in order to prevent serious damage being caused by widespread aerial pesticide spraying with flufenoxuron?
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