Call for Proposals

CAT Individual Faculty Large-Scale Pedagogy

Development Grant (Pilot)

Moravian College Full-time Faculty are invited to submit proposals for grants to support a faculty member dedicating the summer to further develop excellence in teaching and learning in a way that impacts the larger college community.

By March 15, 2017, please submit your application to the CAT Director, Erica Yozell, for your plan for a grant ($3,000). Decisions about grant awards will be made by the Director and the CAT committee by the end of March.

Grant Goals

·  Improve teaching, learning and student engagement at Moravian College through the research, design, implementation, and assessment of a teaching strategiy with broad pedagogical impacts some area of the college or curriculum.

·  Support sustained efforts at inclusive teaching.

·  Encourage pedagogical innovation and experimentation.

·  Encourage evidence-based practices and the implementation of new practices (that may themselves be studied as scholarship of teaching and learning).

·  Promote a climate in which teaching is highly valued.


·  Proposals Deadline: March 15. Awardees will be informed by the end of March.

·  Work should be completed over the summer 2017 and the ’17-’18 academic year. Faculty should dedicate at least 6 weeks of full-time work to the project over the summer.

Overview of Proposals:

CAT would like to recognize and support faculty leadership in effecting positive change in the teaching and learning environment across the college. Proposals should indicate how faculty will research, develop, and incorporate teaching practices that will impact student learning in their own courses and activities, as well as how the faculty will share their expertise with colleagues and strengthen our teaching and learning community as a whole. For the summer 2017 and ‘17-’18 academic year, we particularly encourage applications with a focus on diversity and inclusion, or on implementing high-impact practices into the curriculum.

Proposals should include:

·  Proposer’s name, department, rank.

·  Collaborators (if applicable).

·  Concise statement of the goals of the proposed initiative. Indicate specifically the scope and intended impact of the proposed activities.

·  Describe in some depth what the funds from the grant will enable you to do. Be concrete in your explanation. How will this work concretely enhance teaching and learning at Moravian College (in comparison to the current state)? Offer a theoretical framework or educational model on which the project is based; explain the ideas that drive the project. Explain how you can envision your impact on others and how you can contribute to institutional, programmatic, and/or individual goals.

·  Timeline for work during the summer 2017 and for the implementation in the ’17-’18 academic year.

·  Applicant can request travel funds to attend a relevant conference or institute, but there is no guarantee of available funds.

·  Provide a preliminary description of the resources that will be consulted.

·  Outline a plan of assessment of your project, appropriate for its scope. The assessment team for Student Success may be able to assist in these efforts.