Name ______

Research Skills & Drama Study Guide


1)  What are the six steps in the research process?







2)  What are two ways that might help you choose a topic for your research?



3)  What are two ways that can help you narrow down or focus your topic?



4)  Before Joe begins his paper, he wants to write his thesis statement or a sentence stating the main idea. Doing this will help Joe to…

5)  How might you focus your research on a topic like making your favorite recipe?

6)  The thesis statement of a research paper is…

a) The searching of materials on a general subject

b)  The limiting of a subject for proper research

c) The author’s reason for choosing a particular subject

d)  A sentence or two that states the purpose of the research

7)  Where is a thesis statement usually found in a paper?

A credible source is one that is both accurate and unbiased.

8)  A source is accurate if…______

9)  A source is unbiased if…______

10)  When evaluating the credibility of a source one should consider or think about…




11)  What is a primary source?

12)  What is a secondary source?

13)  What does an outline or a graphic organizer help you to do when writing your paper?

14)  (qtd in Hodgson 89). Means…

a)  Verification for this statement can be found in a book by B. Hodgson

b)  Hodgson is a well known authority on buffalo

c)  This is a statement taken directly from the work of B. Hodgson

d)  Putting this within a paper means the book does not need to be entered in the Works Cited page

15)  What is plagiarism?

16)  True or False—You should include all sources you have used in a paper on your Works Cited.


17)  What does MLA stand for?

18)  What is a parenthetical citation?

19)  Circle one—Where do you find parenthetical citations? Works Cited Page at the End Within the Body of the Paper

20)  What does a parenthetical citation contain? Give an example.

21)  When you see a title listed in parenthesis like this (“Cats”) in the body of a paper, what does this mean?

Use this sample works cited to answer question 22 and 23.

Works Cited

“Cats” Software Tool Works Multimedia Encyclopedia. Computer software. Denver:

Software Tool Works, 2011. Web.

Roger, Addison. Cats Have Personality. New York: Galahad Books, Inc., 1992. Print.

22)  Use the Works Cited from above—The citation (“Cats”).

a)  Refers to an article about cats

b)  Refers to a book about cats

c)  Refers to the primary topic of this paper

d)  Refers to a major film that deals solely with the topic of cats

23)  Use the Works Cited from above—Addison Roger is…

a)  The author of a book

b)  The author of this paper

c)  Editor of the National Geographic

d)  Developer of software on cats

24)  Give a correct parenthetical citation based on the following quote and information: Quote—“All bears hibernate in the winter” Author— John Doe Page number – 600

25)  Give a correct parenthetical citation based on the following quote and information from a small work: Quote—“Be careful what you wish for” Title—Genie Page number—35

26)  What is a Works Cited page?

27)  Circle one—Where is the Works Cited found in a paper?

Works Cited Page at the End Within the Body of the Paper

28)  How is a works cited page organized?

29)  A Works Cited Page should include…

a)  A list of the names of all authors and sources used in the paper

b)  All sources you have used in a paper even if they are not cited within the paper.

c)  Sources the writer considered using but was unable to find

d)  E-books and CDs readers might find of extra interest on the paper’s topic

30)  What is a hanging indent?

31)  Use the following MLA citation to answer the questions:

Austin, Jill. How To Be a Pro. New York: Children’s Books, Inc., 1994. Print.

1.  Who is the author?

2.  What is the title of the book?

3.  What year was the book published?

4.  Where was the book published?

32)  What is the MLA citation format for a source that is a book with one author?







33)  How would you write the MLA citation for this book with the following information?

1.  Author—Jennifer Bell

2.  Format of Publication—Print

3.  Name of publisher—Bantam

4.  Copyright date—2011

5.  Title of book—Joy of Cooking

6.  City of Publication—Richmond


34)  (Under the heading III Organization of a Play & subheading last act) The climax of a play determines…

35)  (Under the heading IV Elements of Drama) A tragic flaw is…

36)  Stage directions are set off in either ______or ______or by both—stage directions are notes that are included in the ______to guide actors and help readers picture the action and setting. Stage directions are parts of the play that are not said by the actors—instead stage directions are used to describe ______, the set, and character’s ______on stage.

37)  Foil Character—

38)  Soliloquy—

39)  Monologue—

40)  Dialect—

41)  What are three things that are a part of scene/set design…