November 5, 2009

Officers Present:Tammy Davis, CPCS, CPMSM, President

Fran Fallon, CPCS, CPMSM, Program Chair; President Elect

Rhonda Boyd, CPCS, Secretary

Linda Waldorf, CPMSM, CPCS, Treasurer

Anne Ennis, CPCS, Historian (Immediate Past President)

Members At Large:Geraldine Mulcahy, CPCS

Indi Daye, CPCS, President, Triangle Chapter, NCAMSS

Members Absent:June Hogg, CPCS, CPMSM

Malia Marion, CPCS

Deborah Chapman, CPMSM, CPCS

Call To Order:

Tammy Davis, President called the meeting to order at 5:50p.m.

Old Business:

Review/Approval of May 2009 Meeting Minutes: Rhonda:

The Board members were e-mailed the May 2009 Meeting minutes for review and approval. The minutes were approved by the Board members via e-mail and at this meeting. These minutes will be forwarded to John to post on the website under meeting minutes.

Review/Approval of August 2009 Board Meeting Minutes: Rhonda

The minutes of the August 2009 Board meeting were presented to the Board members for review and approval. A motion was made and properly seconded to approve the August 2009 Board meeting minutes as reviewed. These minutes will be sent to John for Archival.

Review/Approval of August 2009 Meeting Minutes: Rhonda

These minutes will be forwarded to the Board members prior to the next meeting for review and to be approved at the next Board meeting. Anne asked that the minutes be provided to the Board members prior to the meetings so they will have time to review them and approve these at the Board meetings.

August 2009 Meeting Evaluations: Fran

Fran presented the August 2009 meeting evaluation summary for the board members to review and comment for future meetings to be improved upon. It was noted that both speakers were well received by the membership at this meeting. There were several offers to host future meetings. It was reported that after the discussion held at the August meeting, the Board members would like to approve the Donna Masho Award for the registration fee and hotel expenses for the member who wins this award.

New Business:

Duties during November 2009 Conference:

  • Registration Table, Name Tags, Sign-in table- all will assist with these duties
  • Hostess Gift: Tammy informed the Board members that we will be presenting the NC Medical Board with a subscription to the Our State Magazine for the year for their lobby
  • Speaker Gifts: Tammy informed the members that the speakers will be receiving a portfolio with NCAMSS pens as a speaker gift along with thank you cards signed by all board members.

November 2009 Meeting Agenda & Program Evaluations: Fran

Fran presented the agenda for the NC Medical Board meeting tomorrow to the Board members. The

following topics will be covered from 8:45 a.m. through 12:30 p.m.: Disruptive Behavior and

Overview of the NC Physicians Health Program, Overview of the NC Medical Board Complaint Process,

Senior Staff Review, Senate Bill #958, NC Medical Board's New Website and Licensure Information,

Licensing Rule Updates and Communication Course, Registration and CME Random Audit Program,

and Legal updates. Tammy will present NCAMSS 2009 in Review and Previous of 2010 will be

discussed from 12:30 p.m. through 1:00 p.m. and the meeting will adjourn at 1:00 p.m. The Program

Evaluations are in the packet and ready for distribution at the meeting tomorrow.

Financial Report: Linda

Linda Waldorf presented the Financial Report for August 18, 2009 throughOctober , 2009 as follows: BB&T Checking Account Balance as of 10/ /2009: $31,378.25. The total expenses for this time frame were $ with the total income being$ .

2009 Membership Report: Linda/Geraldine

Linda Waldorf and Geraldine Mulcahy presented the 2009 membership report as follows:

There are currently 174 members that have paid their dues for 2010 with 70 of those being new members.

February 2010 Meeting Notice/Registration/Hotel Contract: Fran

The February 2010 Meeting Notice/Registration will be ready to distribute to the membership at large at least six weeks prior to the meeting. The hotel contract has been reviewed and signed and the block of rooms will be determined and sent out for the membership to make sure their reservations are made in a timely manner. The February meeting will be held at Pitt Memorial and hosted by Kelli Pack-Smith.

2009 Report from the Triangle Chapter of NCAMSS: Tammy in Indi’s absence

Tammy reported that the Triangle Chapter newsletter will be made available for all members via e-mail to review.

NCAMSS Scholarship Applications: Fran

There were none to review.

Potential Vendors for remainder of 2010 Meetings: Fran

Fran reported that she is working on getting vendors for future meetings and a suggestion was made to use the Synergy Magazine to gain potential vendors. Tammy and Geraldine will work on the Vendor Policy and have a draft ready for ready at the February meeting.

Committee Updates:

Membership Committee: Geraldine Mulcahy

There was a concern from Geraldine that with the privacy walls built into the computer systems in

most facilities that all e-mails being sent to the membership are bouncing back, therefore; most

correspondence is not reaching our membership. Tamm will get a letter of endorsement from MAG

Mutual and Linda will ask Jim Wilson for an endorsement letter as well.

Bylaws Committee: Linda Waldorf

Linda reported that the responses to the Bylaws recommendations for revisions are looking good. Each member was asked to go to our website and vote on these if they have not already done so.

Education Committee: June Hogg

No report was submitted due to the absence of June Hogg at this meeting.

Certification Prep Committee: Deborah Chapman

No report was submitted due to the absence of Deborah Chapman at this meeting. It was discussed that the cost of the go to Meeting was not something we felt we should pursue due to the cost to the Association and each member. It was felt that we should look for another venue for the Certification Preparation Calls.

Legislative Committee Formation:

No report was submitted due to the absence of Deborah Chapman at this meeting.

2010 Meeting Locations & Speakers- Fran:

The Meetings for 2010 have been booked for the following locations:

February 19, 2010: Pitt- Greenville- Kelli Pack-Smith is the contact

May 11-14th: Breakers Resort- Myrtle Beach, SC

August 20th: Gaston Memorial- Gastonia- Debbie Ward

November 5th: NC Medical Board

2011 Meeting Locations: Fran:

February - Charlotte

May- Crown Plaza- Asheville

August- Open

November- NC Medical Board

Donna Masho Award: Linda

Linda presented that the proposal was approved to have this award include the registration and Hotel costs for this award winner. She noted that she would be researching the Charlotte Cochran Fund to replicate this for our Scholarship & Award fund.

Stamps.Com: Rhonda

Rhonda informed the Board members that she signed up for strictly a trial membership to to see if this might be beneficial to the Board members who often have to purchase stamps for mailings. This trial will be evaluated and reported back to the Board.


Tammy noted that she will congratulate everyone on NAMSS Week-November 1-7, 2009 at the meeting tomorrow.

The following members became certified during the last testing period: Marvallena Gratham, CPCS, Sheila Avery, CPCS, Sharon Humphries, CPCS, and Lisa Bowers, CPCS. Cindy Starnes earned her CPMSM during the last testing period.

Tammy provided the Board members with the year in replay of all of the programs that the State Association provided over the past year and the progress that was made over the year. See minutes in book. Tamm y also provided the Board members with her NCAMSS 2010 Goals for the year for all to review . (See minutes in book)


The November 5, 2009 Board meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted By:

Rhonda Boyd, CPCS

NCAMSS Secretary