Gilmanton Conservation Commission

PO Box 550

Gilmanton NH 03237-0550

Tuesday, July 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., Academy Building, Gilmanton


Members in attendance: Tracy Tarr-chair, Richard de Seve, Patrick Hackley, Susan Hale-de Seve (alternate)

Members absent: Joseph Derrick

Tracy opened the meeting at 7:11 PM

A.  Land Protection Projects

1.  Twigg Land Conservation Project

a.  Request for Sunset Service on Friskie Hill from the Gilmanton Community Church.

The town administrator told Dick that if the GCC sponsors an event the town insurance policy would cover it.

b.  Possible Flax Retting Demonstration

The flax folks decided on a different venue because they hadn’t made their request early enough.

c.  Sign installation/construction

Pat said there is a company in Vermont that has a nice kit for a sign kiosk with white oak timber. He will look into the cost. There is a need for one kiosk on Frisky Hill to recognize sponsors. The kiosk design should be shown to the Gilmanton Land Trust.

Tracy said there is money in the conservation fund for the kiosks.

Pat will get more information about the kiosks and email it to Annette to blind copy to GCC members for their review.

MOTION by Dick to authorize Pat to spend up to $1500 per unit for two sign kits. Seconded by Sue. Vote was unanimous in favor.

Pat stated that it might take 6 weeks after the order was placed to receive the kits.

A building permit will be necessary before installing the kiosks.

d.  Management plan development

A plan is needed for Friskie Hill and Meetinghouse. Town folks were told they would have a chance to comment.

Pat asked about emailing a digital copy of the Friskie Hill and Meetinghouse agreements.

2.  Beaver Woods Nature Reserve

a.  Tracy had no new info on mowing.

MOTION by Pat to authorize Tracy to spend $100 to have Beaver Woods mowed. Dick seconded.

Vote was unanimous in favor.

b.  Gilmanton Land Trust

There are concerns – the report needs to be looked at.

B.  Review of June 10, 2014 Minutes

MOTION by Dick to accept minutes as amended. Seconded by Sue.

Vote was unanimous in favor.

C.  Conservation Easement Monitoring

Tracy will send members a spread sheet of properties.

D.  Wetland/Shoreland/Biosolid/Intent to Cut/Forestry Notifications Applications

1.  New Applications - none

2.  Old Applications - Dam being rebuilt off Joe Jones Rd. This was acknowledged by GCC a while ago.

E.  Review of Invoices/Costs/Budget

There seems to be enough funds in the budget.

Tracy reminded members to think about training that might relate to commission duties.

Tracy thought there was $14,000 in the conservation trust funds.

[Annette found about $38,000 in the fund as of 7/31/14.]

F.  Planning Board/Zoning Board applications - nothing now

Pat asked about Boards not printing announcements in the Suncook Valley Sun. He was told that it wasn’t cost effective, and the paper isn’t being distributed in Gilmanton now.

G.  Complaints/Violations/Concerns - none

H.  Upcoming Dates

Next Regular Conservation Commission Meeting, Tuesday, August 12, 2014, 7:00 pm

Motion by Dick to adjourn, seconded by Pat.

Adjournment at 7:55PM