Ohio Veterinary Educational Supply Service (OVESS) Constitution

Article I: Preface

The name of this organization shall be Ohio Veterinary Educational Supply Service herein referred to as OVESS. OVESS shall be a student organization at The Ohio State University. All auditing and payment of taxes shall be made through the Office of Student Life at the Ohio State University. OVESS shall be administered by these bylaws.

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of OVESS is to offer textbooks, instruments, and equipment for sale to veterinary students, faculty, and staff of the College of Veterinary Medicine at a discounted cost. OVESS shall generate funds sufficient to:

1.  Employ a manager, assistant manager, accountant, and other employees needed to operate OVESS (as decided by)

2.  Pay for all operating expenses of OVESS

Article III: Non-Discriminatory Policy

OVESS and its members shall not discriminate against any individuals for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Article IV: Membership: Qualifications, Categories, and Removal

All dues-paying members of the Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association (SCAVMA) will be considered members of OVESS. All members of OVESS, as well as associated faculty and staff at The Ohio State University - College of Veterinary Medicine, will be able to purchase items from OVESS without any additional fee. Any non-members of OVESS or individuals who are not faculty or staff associated with The Ohio State University - College of Veterinary Medicine, will be charged an additional fee at the time of each purchase from OVESS. All incoming first year students will be exempt from the fee until 2 weeks after the SCAVMA Introduction Meeting, when they have the opportunity to join SCAVMA. Students can remain part of the club as long as they are a member of SCAVMA and the College of Veterinary Medicine. No one will be asked to leave the club unless they egregiously violate the College of Veterinary Medicine Honor Code.

Article V: Executive Board

Section 1: The executive board of OVESS shall be: Manager, Assistant Manager, Accountant, and Faculty Advisor. Other Executive Board members can be added at the discretion of the Manager, Assistant Manager, Accountant, and Faculty Advisor.

Section 1.1: Manager

The Manager is Assistant Manager from the previous year and is promoted to the position directly following Spring Break during the individual’s second year of veterinary school. Specific duties include:

A.  Maintain the proper amount of books, instruments, and veterinary-related supplies for the College of Veterinary Medicine by ordering as needed

B.  Coordinate with the College of Veterinary Medicine to acquire the required and recommended books and supplies for each student class, then provide an ordering list to the students each semester

C.  Train the Assistant Manager about OVESS protocols and procedures and work with the accountant to provide appropriate supplies to students

D.  The Manager works during the autumn and spring Semesters and during any OVESS book and supply distributions within the few weeks before the start of Autumn semester

E.  Work 3 one hour shifts a week during school semesters

F.  Help out with the fall cookout and autumn semester order pick-up, as well as the spring semester order pick-up

G.  Maintain good communication with both the manager and accountant

H.  Maintain good communication with the students, faculty, and staff through the OVESS email

I.  Update the policies, prices, and books in stock as needed

J.  Work with the College of Veterinary Medicine staff to order the white coats provided to students during the “White Coat Ceremony”

K.  Attend President training with the Ohio Student Union

Section 1.2: Assistant Manager

The Assistant Manager is the manager in training for 1 year before assuming the role and duties of manager the following year. Specific duties include:

A.  Work with the manager and accountant to learn about the running of OVESS

B.  Maintain the facebook page and any other website or advertising of OVESS

C.  Work 3 one hour shifts a week during school semesters

D.  Operate and manage OVESS during the summer months. This includes being open for 4 one hour shifts and handling all the autumn semester class orders

E.  Help out with the fall cookout and fall semester order pick-up

F.  Maintain good communication with both the manager and accountant

G.  Order books and supplies as needed

H.  Maintain good communication with the students, faculty, and staff through the OVESS email

I.  Update the policies, prices, and books in stock as needed

J.  Begin planning the ‘What you Need for 3rd Year’ lunch lecture which will occur just after becoming manager

Section 1.3: Accountant

The Accountant manages all of the finances for OVESS. Specific duties include:

A.  Pay bills prior to due date

B.  Deposit checks

C.  Receive credit card payments in Quickbooks

D.  Pay Ohio sales tax by the 23rd of each month

E.  Reconcile checking and savings account on a monthly basis

F.  Send information to the OVESS tax preparer, an outside certified accountant, for the OVESS annual taxes to be prepared

G.  Maintain and monitor the credit card payment system

H.  Keep organized financial files in the OVESS office

I.  Attend the Treasurer training with the Ohio Student Union each year

J.  Purchase and maintain office supplies

K.  Apply for funding from the Ohio Union, as deemed necessary

L.  Assist the Manager and Assistant Manager as needed

Section 1.4 Faculty Advisor

The Faculty Advisor shall serve as advisor to OVESS, and liaisons between OVESS and the Veterinary Medical Faculty. When available, the Faculty Advisor shall attend all lecture meetings, as well as Executive Board Committee meetings. The Faculty Advisor shall complete the faculty advisor Student Organization Advisor training with the Student Union every three years. Faculty Advisors shall be members of the faculty of The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Section 3: Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held as needed at the discretions of the Manager or Assistant Manager.

Section 4: The Manager, Assistant Manager, and Accountant will receive a stipend of no more than $4000 per year, as well as a $400 OVESS store credit per year.

Article VI: Appointment of Members to the Executive Board

Section 1: The Executive Board shall be responsible for appointing members to the position of Assistant Manager and Accountant.

Section 2: Students considered for the Executive Board shall be professional, veterinary students enrolled in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program in the College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University and must be in good standing with the college.

Section 3: Appointment Process for Assistant Manager and Accountant

A.  At the beginning of the spring semester an email will be sent out to the first year class with information about and applications for the available positions. Applications will be due the first week of February.

B.  The Executive Board will review the applications of the candidates and select an evening during February to hold interviews.

C.  Those candidates selected for the position will be selected based off of eligibility, experience, personality, and drive for the position they applied.

D.  All candidates will be notified of a decision by the end of February.

E.  Those selected for the positions will begin training the last week of February.

F.  In the event no one applies for the available positions from the incoming first year class of veterinary students, then students from the second year veterinary class will be offered the position for a one year term.

Section 4: All other student positions of the Executive Board will go through an election process during the same time frame as the Appointment Process for the Assistant Manager and Accountant.

Section 5: After the Assistant Manager’s one year term, the individual will be promoted to the Manager position for an additional one year term.

Article VII: Removal of Elected Board Member

Section 1: Grounds for Removal of Elected Board Member

Any officer may be removed from office for any cause found to be significant by a two-thirds vote of the Elected Board

Section 2: Procedure for Removing an Elected Board Member

Any OVESS Elected Board Member may move that an officer be removed from office. He/She must attend a Board meeting and state in a motion the officer’s name and the specific reason he/she wishes the officer be removed from office. The motion must be seconded, but it may not be discussed further at the meeting. At the following Board meeting proponents of the motion may speak first. Opponents of the motion may speak next. When discussion is concluded, a vote shall be taken of members present. A motion for a secret ballot shall be considered in order and shall require a majority vote for passage. Members of the Executive Committee, excluding the officer in question, shall supervise the voting. A two-thirds vote of members present shall be required for passage of the motion. If the motion is carried, the person shall no longer hold office, but he/she shall retain all rights and privileges of membership.

Article VIII – Method of Amending Constitution

Proposals, notice, and voting requirements. Proposed amendments should be in writing, should not be acted upon but read in the meeting in which they are proposed and approved by a majority of members present at meeting. All members must be notified at least one week prior to any vote pertaining to the constitution.