Seymour Heights PAC

January 18, 2017

In attendance: Jenn Janetka, Brynn Belisle, Rebecca Ashton, Chanin Smyth, , Alison Anderson, Piera Pedemonte, Davinder Dowling, Kelly Pershick, Andrea Nader, Alysone Martel, Stacie Graham, Yoko Schroder, Ken Bell, Ann Copp, May Patterson, Jason Patterson, Giacomo Falorni,

Regrets: Amanda Hauptman, Megan Martin, Jen Vermiere, Michelle Reid


Call to order: Meeting is called to order at 7:02 pm

Motion to adopt November 2016 minutes: Pass

Motion to adoption agenda for January 2017: Pass with addendum to add Karate Demo - Yoko

Admin Report: Chanin/Ann

  • Dance performance today went really well
  • Grade 4/7 parents – Foundatain Skills Assessments are happening now. Mandated but carried out with the least amount of stress. The data is used to track trends for instructional practice. Parents shouldn't worry too much about results.
  • Gradual entry into the new Food Access Program. Funded by the Government – not taking the place of hot lunch programs but runs in conjunction with. The purpose is to make sure that every student has access to food everyday. Schools are tiered based on demographics. We are placed in Tier 2 to purchase food. A new fridge has been purchased for the staff room solely for the program.
  • Grade 5 – Mr. Cardle – Kindness Research Study will be taking place in the class to determine if intervention does increase kindness.
  • Volleyball is about to start. Boys/Girls Grade 6 and 7. Parent volunteers may be needed for Grade 6 girls.
  • Ice/Safety – the school is doing its best to keep everyone as safe as possible. All unsafe areas are still closed.
  • School Plan is continuing on with diversity. A big push in the next few months about “Tool Box” program – defining students needs for learning so that every student at SH will be comfortable with the 12 tools. See handout.
  • Supreme Court ruling has been announced by handing out $50M for class size and composition. NVSD will receive $1.2M and this translates into 10-13 teachers from now until June. Chanin discusses what this will look like for us starting in September.
  • We are overdue for a full emergency release – May 19th has been the chosen date. Parents will be notified. Parent volunteers will be needed beforehand.

Treasurer's Report: Davinder

  • Davinder outlines the line items
  • We will not be receiving any money for ski passes this year.
  • The cheque drive will be postponed until next year.


Hot Lunch Program: Piera

  • Not enough volunteers for hot dog day. A letter will go out to parents and sign up sheets in the hallway. 4 parents are needed for each day.
  • Spring ordering is open until 10 days before end of school.

Heights Night

  • Parents are needed to volunteer.
  • Tentatively Thursday, May 25th
  • Amanda is heading this fundraiser


  • Stress/Anxiety in children. Ken will figure out a date that works for their speaker. This is a free talk for parents.
  • Dyslexia – The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia. This movie will be shown on March 2nd at Windsor. Tickets are at the door by donation.
  • Terry Small – How to Get Better Grades for kids and parents. See attached. $1000 plus GST. This will be tabled until next school year.

Spring Fundraisers:

  • Plant sales: Kelly Perchick will look into heading this up

Grade 7 Update:

  • Raised roughly $2500. Sky Zone on February 29th. No Playland this year. A letter will go out to the Grade 6 parents for decorations and hosting a party after the grad ceremony.

School Annual – Jason Patterson

  • In about 2 weeks, a rough outline needs to go the printer. The cost will be kept under $20. A notice will go to teachers about submitting photos.


  • No update - meeting is next week.

FOS: Kelly P.

  • No update – meeting is next week.

Karate: Yoko

  • Training is at St. Pius.
  • Demo classes are available to schools for students and parents. Students get to try karate. Demo is at night in the gym and advertised to the school.
  • Insurance will need to be sorted.
  • A date will be chosen.

Social Media: Ken

  • Website/Facebook have not been updated at all this school year.
  • Are these necessary? Is there someone to run them?
  • Tabled until next meeting

Club G:

  • A presentation will be made to PAC at the February meeting.

Raffle: Stacie Graham

Meeting is closed at: 8:15