Monday, April 23, 2007 1:30-3:00 p.m.

Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Conference Room


Members Present:

JERRY PHELPS, Psychological and Counseling Services

FATHER JOHN PAUL FORTE, Center of Ethics and Spirituality

DAVE KOCH, Campus Recreation

ELLEN BECK, Family and Preventive Medicine

BRIAN MURRAY, Student Health and Wellness

ED SPRIGGS, Associate Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs

Members Absent:

REINA JUAREZ, Psychological and Counseling Services

PATTI SEYFERT, Vice Chancellor Student Affairs

Call to Order:

Jerry Phelps called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m.


1. Updates (Jerry Phelps)

·  Wellness Fair

Jerry reported on upcoming Wellness Fair May 11 with theme of “Make the Connection.” All stakeholders will be represented and we will give away an ipod as an incentive to complete a survey. Jerry has confirmed that CES, Rec and PCS will have tables in addition to a Wellness Center Initiative table and the Health Education, Nutrition and SHA tables. Jerry encouraged each unit to connect with student health for coordination of giveaways, tables, etc...

Ed expressed concern that the Jerry was not being specific enough in coordinating the fair.

Jerry stated that the fair is being coordinated by SHS and not him. So all decisions need to go through the student health advocates. He is grateful for their support and collaboration because this project will be a nice pilot for other mobile endeavors.

However, Jerry stated that this process represents a snapshot of his dilemma in this project - being expected to complete certain tasks/projects for the wellness center but not having authority/resources to carry them out.

·  Student Presentations

Jerry reported on presentations that have been made to Muir, TMC, Revelle, Warren and Sixth College Councils, and the Student Health Advocates. We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback. Students expressed needs for stress management, felt that a center for positive wellbeing would be useful and liked the proposal that students would be involved. As a larger sample of reports is collected, a more formal report will be made.

·  Wellness Website

Jerry received an estimate from ACS on a website, which will be developed for the Wellness Center.

Dr. Murray brought up the domain name. Wellness was mentioned, but there was a concern that would be too broad, while student wellness would be too narrow. Jerry indicated he would send an email with domain names to the group and get their vote.

·  Fundraising Meetings (set with Dr. Murray, to be scheduled with Dr. Juarez, Fr. John Paul, Dave Koch). Fr. John Paul and Dave Koch approved.

2. Organizational Structure of Wellness Center without walls

·  Name: Wellness Center; Brand to be determined.
No objections

3. How do we work together to deliver programs.

Jerry discussed a proposal: In order to fundraise for programs, Development has suggested that we target programs to be developed. A worksheet for foundations development was handed out to all the participants.

Proposal: Each unit is responsible for one Wellness Center “branded” Program

Wellness Center Point person

Coordinates the Mobile Wellness Center

Promotes the Wellness Center,

Manages the Wellness Website

Coordinates fundraising efforts

·  Orientation Video (tabled)

·  Wellness Public Health Campaign (Are you Flourishing?)

  1. With posters that emphasize mind/body/spiritual/social wellness

Ed Spriggs noted that we need opportunities for fundraising. He prefers new programs that demonstrated the transdisciplinary model, though we could be taking “baby steps” by developing existing programs such as the Wellness Class and the Wellness Program, this is not his preference.

Dr. Beck thought that this proposal had merit, and was supportive of each unit being responsible for a collaborative program, with Wellness Point person coordinating mobile wellness village, managing the website and coordinating programs and fundraising.

Dr. Murray expressed concern that wellness fairs only got 400-500 people for one day and the wellness class only reaching 40 people. He recommended increasing exposure for the Wellness Center on a continuous basis. One recommendation would be to pilot a larger scale wellness program at a college.

Fr. John Paul suggested emulating the success of Sungod: having a “wellness festival.”

Dr. Beck suggested having weekly events which are participatory and experiential and have rotating staff at one site.

Dr. Murray concurred that one 4 hour fair seemed small.

Dave Koch recommended that we have not just an event, but a specific site or sites that become our branded site. He also recommended that we have a presence at Welcome Week.

Dr. Beck noted that a Medical school program could be set up in mid Fall. She stated that we need continuous programs to make a brand, but these could be in the form of a group. Dr. Beck also mentioned reaching transfer students.

Ed reminded us that this will be a learning process and that we need to start and learn from our mistakes, solving problems during the next few years to address the different needs of each constituency so that we can be ready when we have a building.

Jerry mentioned that the wellness fair proposal did target different groups.

Fr. John Paul noted that the Catholic Community had a successful welcome week progam in the Stonehenge area. He also mentioned that we need to be flexible in how students define wellness.

Dr. Beck suggested that we use the site as a temporary location, but others noted that the site was occupied by the active recreation programs like volleyball and basketball.

Dr. Beck noted the Are you Flourishing initiative that Jerry proposed and felt that this could form the basis of a brand. Such a brand could be a flower that symbolizes flourishing.

Jerry noted that he could easily target TMC as one pilot site. Outcomes and benchmarks such as participation in recreation, student health and Psychological Services could be compared to another college.
Ed thought that TMC was an appropriate pilot site and had as its mission a sense of community service and could serve as a tie in to social or spiritual wellness.

Finally, Dr. Beck suggested another series of programs at the end of this year dovetailing with the Wellness Peers stress free zone.

Ed asked Dave Koch about the status of the Wellness Website that he had been working on with Triton Link.

Dave Koch reported on the wellness website that he has been working on with Triton Link. He stated that it had been in the works for over 1 ½ years, because it has been moved back in priority by various other projects. Its goal would be to be a resource list for all wellness related services for faculty, staff and students.
Ed wondered if it would have an interactive component and Dave said that it did not yet have that. Dave mentioned that it would dovetail with the Wellness Center site.

Next Steps:

1)  Tentative Next Meeting: Wednesday May 23, 2007 from 1:30-3:00 was a good date for Jerry, Ed Spriggs, Ellen Beck and Fr. John Paul.

2)  A proposal for the pilot project will be developed by Jerry and sent to the stakeholders.

3)  Meetings with Development, Jerry and each stakeholder to create a prospecting strategy will be completed in the next month.

4)  Jerry will begin work on the website and ask partners for content and domain names.

5)  Jerry will collect data at the wellness fair.

6)  Jerry will continue to work on the wellness center logo and brand. He will send out the next iteration to the team.

7)  Members will attend or have their direct reports to attend and promote the May 11 Wellness Fair. The Wellness Fair is being organized by Debbie Pino-Saballet and the SHAs so stakeholders should coordinate with them and cc: Jerry.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m.

j. phelps Page 4 4/25/2007