If you are proposing a new member, please read and initial this document before completing the application. This document is turned in with the membership proposal form and a current resume to the club secretary.

Sponsor Requirements and Responsibilities

The sponsor must be a member in good standing with the club. A member in good standing is current on their dues and has 60% or better attendance.

Are you a member in good standing? Yes ___ No ______

Have you made the proposed member aware of the time and financial commitments of Rotary? Yes______No______

Joining a large club like ours can be an intimidating experience. Your proposed member will need your help during their first year. Are you willing to dedicate time and energy to ensuring the success of your applicant? Yes______No______

Proposed Member Qualifications and Restrictions

Rotary International Membership Guidelines specify that a proposed member holds, or has held an executive position with discretionary authority. Specifically, they must be engaged as a proprietor, partner or corporate officer. Alternatively they may act as a local agent or representative that is in charge of an agency or branch in an executive capacity. Importantly, they must be in charge of their own schedule so they have the ability to regularly participate in the activities of Rotary during working hours.

Does your proposed member meet these requirements? Yes____ No_____

A diverse club membership is an important objective of Rotary International and our club. To meet this objective we restrict any classification to a maximum of 10% of the membership. In addition, we allow no more than 2 members from the same company or organization. Have you told your proposed member they may not be approved because we may not have an opening in their classification? Yes_____ No______

Once this application is submitted it must be processed by the Classification Committee and voted on by the Board. Then your applicant will need to attend an orientation meeting. Since each of these groups meet monthly, it can often take 90 days or more before induction of your applicant. Have you informed your proposed member it will likely be several months before they become a member? Yes_____ No______

Sponsor Signature: ______Date:______

Sponsor Printed Name:______

anchorage rotary

Membership Proposal

To the Board of Directors:

I propose

(Print Name)

AK, Zip Bus. Ph. Hm. Ph.

(Business Address)

Email Address Fax Number

Has this individual ever been a member of a Rotary Club? Yes No

If so, name of club, location, and when

Identify firm, company, or organization of proposed member:

Name of organization

For Profit Non-Profit 

Position and/or title______

Description of actual responsibilities



Attach a current resume for the proposed member to the application form

Does the proposed member control his/her schedule? Yes  No 

Sponsor’s Name Date proposed

Sponsor’s Signature Home Phone

Email Business Phone

Office Use Only

Routing:Date Received Date Sent

Club Secretary

Classification Committee

Board of Directors

Orientation Committee

Sponsor Notified of Board Action

Proposed Classification is ______% of the general membership

Sponsoring member in good standing? Dues  Attendance

Qualified for Membership Yes No

Classification Description Assignment