Carers Leeds

Leeds Partnerships NHS

Expert Patients Programme

NHS Leeds

Courses Connect Carers in Leeds

This leaflet gives details of the information and training courses for carers in Leeds and is a regular feature of the Carers Leeds newsletter. It includes information and a timetable of the training provided by NHS Leeds Expert Patients Programme, the Leeds Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust and Carers Leeds.

Carers Leeds Carers Leeds runs a varied and informative range of workshops and training opportunities for all carers, to increase their health and wellbeing and to give information to assist them in their caring role. Our latest programme includes women only courses for speakers of Urdu/Punjabi.

NHS Leeds Expert Patients Programme (EPP) The NHS Leeds Expert Patients Programme Team delivers a range of different courses for unpaid carers of adults or children with long-term health problems (as well as for people who themselves have long term health problems). The courses are to help people cope and look after themselves and others to achieve the best possible quality of life. The course for parent carers is “Supporting Parents” and the course for people with long-term health problems is “Sick of not feeling well”.

Leeds Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust Carers Connections provides information and training sessions/courses for carers who offer support to people with mental health difficulties. It aims to offer both one-off information sessions about mental health topics and longer courses to enable carers to cope with their caring situation.

Courses Connect Carers in Leeds – information and training

Course Name

Who is it for? All carers

What is it about? One to one guidance with an employment advisor to write your CV. 1 or 2 sessions of 1 hour as required for carers considering applying for employment, courses or voluntary work.

Date: To be arranged with individual

Time: 1 to 2 hours individually arranged

Venue: Carers Leeds

6/8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1 6PT

Contact Carers Leeds

Phone Margaret on 380 4309 or 246 8338 ext 210


Course Name Caring for the Carer

Who is it for? WOMEN ONLY carers -

Urdu/Punjabi speakers

What is it about? Join this 3 week training programme on the techniques and benefits of massage.

Date: Thurs 1st, 8th & 15th Oct

Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm

Venue: Woodsley Road Multicultural Community Centre


Contact: Carers Leeds

Phone Camille on 380 4303


Course Name Caring for the Carer

Who is it for? WOMEN ONLY carers -

Urdu/Punjabi speakers

What is it about? This 4 session course is a programme on the techniques and benefits of massage.

Date: Thurs 1st 15th Oct

12th & 26th Nov

Time: 1.30pm – 3.30pm

Venue: RETAS, 233 -237 Roundhay Road, Leeds


Contact: Carers Leeds

Phone Camille on 380 4303


Course Name Yoga for Carers

Who is it for? All carers

What is it about? This 4 session course will improve, preserve and enhance your energy levels. Your holistic wellbeing will be greatly improved.

Date: Wed 7th 14th 21st & 28th Oct

Time: 1pm – 3pm

Venue: Barbados Association,15 Reginald Row, Chapeltown


Contact: Carers Leeds

Phone Camille on 380 4303


Course Name Supporting Parents

(6 session course)

Who is it for? Parents & carers of children with health problems or other challenges

What is it about? For parents and carers of children with health problems, disabilities or other challenges. To help you cope even better and improve family health and quality of life.

Date: Thurs 8th 15th & 22nd Oct


Thurs 5th 12th & 19th Nov

Time: Sessions 1 & 6 10.30am – 1.30pm

All other sessions 10.30 – 1pm

Venue: Mencap Hawthorn Family Support Centre, Lonsboro Tce, East End Park LS9 9NE

Contact: NHS Leeds EPP Team 305 7591


Course Name Bi-Polar Disorder

(2 sessions)

Who is it for? Mental health carers

What is it about? This 2 session course aims to cover what is bi-polar disorder, how can you best support someone who experiences bi-polar disorder and what is it like to have bi-polar disorder.

Transport available

Date: Mon 19th & 26th Oct

Time: 6.15pm for start at 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Venue: Therapy Suite

Becklin Centre

Alma Street



Contact: Carers Team

Carers Connections

295 4422

Email: [email protected]

Course Name Moving & Handling

Who is it for? All carers

What is it about? For carers who want to reduce risk of back pain & injuries. This session will have a practical element.

Date: Wed 21st Oct

Time: 10.30am – 2.00pm

Venue: Carers Leeds

6/8 The Headrow, Leeds


Contact: Carers Leeds

Phone Margaret on

380 4309 or 246 8338 ext 210


Course Name Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

(1 taster session & 5 sessions)

Who is it for? All carers

What is it about? This course will show you how to produce a plan to keep yourself healthy. You are welcome to come to the first session to see if this course is for you when we will show you what the rest of the course will cover.

Transport available

Date: Thurs 22nd 29th Oct 5th 19th 26th Nov & 3rd Dec

Time: 6.15pm for start

6.30pm – 8.30pm

Venue: Carers Leeds 6/8 The Headrow



Contact: Carers Team

Carers Connections

295 4422


Course Name Sick of not feeling well

(6 session course)

Who is it for? People with long term health problems

What is it about? This 6 week course for people living with long term health problems will help you cope even better and improve how you look after yourself and your quality of life.

Date: Tues 3rd 10th 17th 24th Nov 1st & 8th Dec

Time: sessions 1 & 6 10.30am -1.30pm.

All other sessions 10.30 – 1pm

Venue: St George’s Centre, St George’s Road Middleton

LS10 4UZ

Contact: NHS Leeds EPP Team 305 7591


Course Name Getting the most out of your medication –using internet

Who is it for? Mental health carers

What is it about? A chance to access information about mental health medication using the internet & to ask questions about the side effects of medication from a pharmacist. Service Users can attend as well.

Transport available

Date: Tues 10th Nov

Time: 2.30pm – 4pm

Venue: The Library Mount Annexe

The Mount

44 Hyde Tce


Contact: Carers Team

Carers Connections

295 4422


Course Name Introduction to Psychosis

(3 session course)

Who is it for? Mental health carers

What is it about? This course will cover what is psychosis and how can you support someone who experiences psychosis.

Transport available

Date: Tues 10th 17th & 24th Nov

Time: 6.15pm for start at 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Venue: Therapy Suite

Becklin Centre

Alma Street Leeds


Contact: Carers Team

Carers Connections

295 4422


Course Name Being an Older Carer

Who is it for? Older carers

(over 60)

What is it about? An opportunity to explore how it feels to be an older carer and look at options. Lunch will be available.

Date: Wed 11th Nov

Time: 10.30am – 2.00pm

Venue: Carers Leeds

6/8 The Headrow, Leeds


Contact: Carers Leeds

Phone Margaret on 380 4309 or 246 8338 ext 210


Course Name NIA (Now I Am)

Who is it for? All carers

What is it about? Nia is a form of exercise performed barefoot to diverse and inspiring music. Now I Am relaxed, energetic, focussed, creative, graceful, strong.

Date: Wed 25th Nov

Time: 1.30pm – 2.30pm

Venue: Carers Leeds

6/8 The Headrow, Leeds


Contact: Carers Leeds

Phone Margaret on 380 4309 or 246 8338 ext 210


Personalisation and Self Directed Support - Information sharing days for family carers

A day of learning and sharing information on Personalisation and Self Directed Support. Sessions have been organised throughout the country to inform you about this government policy and how it might work for you. Our local session will be held on Wednesday 7th October at the Carlisle Business Centre, 60 Carlisle Road, Bradford BD8 8BD. The session will open at 10.30am for coffee, to start at 11am and end at 3.30pm. A light lunch will be provided. To book a place or find out more contact Pip on 0113 262 6409 or email: The aim of these changes is for people to have more choice and control in the support they get from Adult and Social Care Services.