Name: ______Male______Female______
Watershed is a nationally and internationally recognized Integrated Learning Program for 7th grade. Created by Mark Springer and Ed Silcox in 1987, Watershed is a yearlong full day program, which replaces the traditional seventh grade curriculum. Skills and concepts are integrated around the specific study of a local watershed through a combination of classroom activities and site visits, which meet the PA Common Core State Standards for Language Arts, Social Studies and Science. Watershed is a researchbased program, which focuses on scientific investigation through experimental design while incorporating data interpretation/analysis, math and reading skills to solve problems. Students are encouraged to gather, retain, interrelate, apply and communicate first hand information about watersheds with special emphasis about what it means to live sustainably in the 21st century.
Parents: Informational meetings for students (parents are welcome to attend) will be held in the Watershed room the Monday, April 25th.
Selection for the WATERSHED program will be accomplished randomly by a computerized lottery. Students become eligible for the lottery by expressing their interest on this form, signing the pledge, and typing a response to the essay question: “In Watershed, students work in multiple groups on many project-based assignments; we change groups frequently. Write a letter to your first project team. Tell them what it will be like to work with you, what will you offer the group? Why you chose the program, and what you are looking forward to the most in Watershed.”
Submit the forms and attached essay to your science teacher no later than Tuesday, May 10th.
Students should return the form; even those who do not wish to enter the lottery.
____YES, I am interested in WATERSHED. Please put my name on the list for possible selection. I understand that this makes me eligible for the WATERSHED program in 7th grade, but it neither guarantees my selection nor obligates me to participate if I am selected.
An orientation/information meeting for all students and families selected from the lottery will be held on May 25th at 6:30 P.M. in the Watershed Room.
____NO, I am NOT interested in WATERSHED.
Student Signature ______
Parent Signature ______
Daytime Phone #: ______Parent E-mail ______
Watershed: Participants' Responsibilities
Students who elect to participate in the Watershed Program will be expected to:
A.Produce quality work that is complete and on time.
B.Positively and actively participate in all Watershed activities.
C.Take pride work and progress.
D.Accept responsibility for behavior and accomplishments.
E.Apply new learning to one’s own life, and the community and beyond.
F.Exceed basic and stated expectations.
A.Pay attention and cooperate at all times.
B.Keep a daily, written log summarizing each day's activities and accomplishments.
C.Set specific goals on a daily, weekly and yearly basis.
D.Take home and share the monthly self-assessment form.
E.Complete a minimum of an hour of Watershed homework each night.
F.Try new experiences with an open mind and positive attitude.
G.Responsibly prepare for the physical discomforts that may accompany long bus rides, being wet for extended periods and being outdoors in all types of weather.
H.Be concerned for safety in all situations.
I.Listen to the teacher at all times
J.Act appropriately during class
In short, we expect each student to act in accordance with the five C's:
II. PARENTS who elect to participate in the Watershed program will be expected to:
A.Show an active interest in the student's learning experiences
B.Support the student's progress toward fulfilling his/her expectations as listed above.
C.Reinforce the student's effort by:
-discussing each day's activities with your child
-following the progress of specific assignments
-reviewing and signing self-assessment forms
-insisting that the student devote at least one
hour per night to Watershed related homework
-being involved in Watershed activities whenever possible, e.g. Open Houses, meetings, field trips, etc.
D. Communicating questions and concerns directly to the teachers whenever the need arises.
Student Signature______
Print Student Name______
Parent Signature ______
Print Parent Name______
Parent E-mail: ______
610-386-6300 ext. 7210