TO:Rocky Carr

FROM:Cheryl Cordell

RE:Addition to Online Ombudsman Program Performance Report

DATE: August 11, 2004

Required data for the State Annual Ombudsman Report to the Administration on Aging (AoA) relates to personnel. The number of FTEs and full-time staff (see table below) are not collected in any manner from the AAA. To ensure accurate data in the National Ombudsman Reporting System (NORS), I request a new section on the Ombudsman Program Performance Report on Each AAA ombudsman program will report

___ Number of FTEs and___ Number of people working full-time on the ombudsman program.

NORS reports are due January 31 (see AoA info below); therefore, the data will be entered once a year, e.g., due November 26, to reflect the staffing at the end of the federal fiscal year, i.e., September 30. After all 28 programs have reported, I request a system-generated report of the state total.

SITE MAPOmbudsman Staff Annual Total


  • Number of FTE.Total the staff’s percentage of time budgeted to the ombudsman program, including those who work full-time and part-time. Each staff person who works full-time (minimum of 40 hours) is counted as 1 FTE. If staff works only part-time or a full-time employee works only a percentage of her/his time, the FTE for that employee reflects the percent of time s/he performed ombudsman work, i.e., 20 hours = .50. Enter the total FTEs (up to 2 decimal points).
  • Number of people working full-time on the ombudsman program. Total thenumber of people working full-time (minimum 40 hours per week) on the ombudsman program. Enter the total.

State Annual Ombudsman Report to the Administration on AgingOMB# 0985-0005, exp. 12/31/2005

D. Staff and Volunteers

Provide numbers of staff and volunteers, as requested

Type of Staff / Measure / StateOffice / LocalPrograms
Paid Program
staff / FTE's
# people working full-time on ombudsman program

Administration on Aging Requirement

PROGRAM INSTRUCTION: AOA-PI-03-02, January 28, 2003

SUBJECT: State LTC Ombudsman Reports for Federal Fiscal Years 2002-2005

LEGAL REFERENCE: Older Americans Act, as amended - Section 712 (c) & (h)(1)

This Program Instruction (PI) provides procedures for submitting the State Annual Ombudsman Report to the Administration on Aging (AoA).

Reports for FY 2003-05:Unless notified otherwise, reports will be due on January 31 of the year following the close of the Federal fiscal year, which ends on September 30 of each year. At the end of the fiscal year, AoA will send reminders to the state ombudsmen and state directors on aging, along with any changes in how the report should be transmitted and any extension in the due date which might be necessary. As mentioned above, the certification of state expenditures will be a separately-transmitted component of the report.