Illinois Counseling Association

Region Report

ICA Governing Council Meeting, November 13, 2009

Tinley Park, Illinois

Dr. Katherine Howard, Executive Committee Region Representative

2008-2009 is off to a great start! We started July 1, 2008 with 2,124 members. Since then we have had 255 new members and 116 members renew. How fantastic is that?!

We have 5 energetic regional representatives:

Region I: Dr. Katherine Howard

Region II:

Region III: Pam Arnold

Region IV:

Region V: Nanci Grandone

Region VI: Rebecca Pender

Region VII: Robert Walsh

If you have not met your Regional Representative drop her or him an email. If you would like your Regional Representative to speak at a local function to talk about the benefits of joining ICA, let them know. Your Regional Representative is there to be your voice back to the Governing Committee of ICA, to help you spread the word about ICA, and to assist you in making connections with ICA Divisions and ICA Chapters.

If you are in Region II or Region IV and are interested in serving as a Regional Representive, please contact the Executive Director of ICA, Ronna Heinig @

Illinois Counseling Association

Region I Report

ICA Governing Council Meeting, November 13, 2009

Tinley Park, Illinois

Dr. Katherine Howard, Region I Representative

Region I of the Illinois Counseling Association (ICA) is off to a wonderful start! The region began the fiscal year with 901 active members. As of 11/05/08, Region I has added 154 new members!

I have been working on several outreach projects. Since August, I have spoken to several student groups at both the Schaumburg campus and the Chicago campus of Argosy University recruiting new students from each event. I have been actively working with students encouraging them to join ICA so they can take advantage of the volunteer opportunites available at the annual conference.

I have also created an ICA logo and forum group that members can attach to their networking profiles on an internet professional networking community ( As a direct result of this membership outreach, two former members renewed their lapsed memberships with ICA and one new member joined ICA. Since this was unveiled, and without any fanfare, 14 ICA members have joined and are now proudly displaying their ICA membership logo’s on their internet profiles. This is a free service to all members of ICA.

I have initiated a monthly email newsletter to Region I members and in October emailed 943 active Region I members. I also emailed all recently inactive members of Region I encouraging them to renew their memberships and register to attend the Annual Conference.

I have contacted several Colleges/Universities in Region I seeking opportunities to conduct presentations to the counseling students as to the benefits of membership in the ICA. Follow-up emails and phone calls will be made in November/December. I have been working with the ICA Executive Director on updating the ICA student webpages and campus information.

Since working with counseling students is a personal passion of mine, I will be assuming responsibility for developing more of the job placement benefits and listings on the ICA website as well as assisting with developing more internship sites for counseling students.

I have also been trying to develop a Region I calendar of events for Region I members. If you know of any events in Region I that you would like to share with other Region I members, please email these events to me and I will add them to the next e-news. Region I members should be receiving regular e-news/calendar, so if you are a Region I member and you have not received any emails from Dr. Katherine Howard, please send your email address to and reference ICA Region I in the subject line. Be sure to meet me at the Annual Convention in November.

I can always be contacted at for any questions/comments/concerns.

Katherine Howard

Illinois Counseling Association

Region III Report

ICA Governing Council Meeting, November 13, 2009

Tinley Park, Illinois

Pam Arnold, Region III Representative

I have been working with Quincy University in order to form a chapter.

We have been fortunate to be working with Blessing Hospital to sponsor many workshops. More will be offered after the beginning of the year. If anyone in my region is not receiving my emails, please contact me.

As always, I am interested in your opinions, goals, and questions to best serve all of you. What are your needs? Do you require more workshops from the areas of licensure, private practice, school counseling, employment, ethics, agency issues, or other topics?

I will be teaching a Red Cross Disaster Mental Health class in Quincy in January. For those of you who are Illinois certified school counselors, you may take this class. YOU DO NOT NEED LICENSURE! As many times as I have been “out” this year, it is apparent that more mental health trained professionals are needed.

If anyone has questions, please contact me at .

Pam Arnold


Quincy, IL

Red Cross disater Mental health



2008 Conference: Expanding the Gateway to Music Therapy
November 18-23, 2008. St Louis, MO
Web site:

IMCHA sponsored

NCE/LPC Test Prep -2 Day Fees: IMHCA Members: $205 Non - Members: $245

Date March 14-15,

Location- NIU Hoffman Estates

NCMHCE Test Prep- 2 Day Fees: IMHCA Members: $205; Non - Members: $245

Jan, 25-26; March 14-15;July 25-26; September 26-27

Location- NIU Naperville Campus

Mail registration with a check payable to IMHCA to:


P.O. Box 706

DeKalb, IL 60115

Illinois Counseling Association

Region VI Report

ICA Governing Council Meeting, November 13, 2009

Tinley Park, Illinois

Rebecca Pender, Region VI Representative

Hello All - I am excited that I am your new Region VI Representative!

My hope in the coming months is primarily outreach. It seems that there are not a lot of people outside of the university that participate in ICA. I want to focus on gaining opinions, goals, and questions that current members and hopefully future members have regarding the organization and counseling in general. I also want to gain input on the Southern Confernece and work with area groups to bring much needed presentations to Region VI.

Any ideas and help you all can share with me would be greatly appreciated. It really will be a grassroots movement as Region VI has not had a representative in several years.

If you are in Region VI, please email me at and let’s get acquainted.

Rebecca Pender

Illinois Counseling Association

Region VII Report

ICA Governing Council Meeting, November 13, 2009

Tinley Park, Illinois

Robert Walsh, Region VI Representative

Greetings! I am representing the 640 ICA members from the City of Chicago. My mission is to reflect the needs and goals of my members to the ICA Governing Council. As the newly elected Regional Representative, I will gather this information from Chicago members through a questionnaire to be sent as a blast e-mail in co-operation with ICA executive director Ronna Heinig. The development of the blast e-mail capability will be after January 1. We are interested in opinions, goals, and questions of our members from the areas of; licensure, private practice, school counseling, employment, ethics, agency issues, and other topics. I am excited to be able to help.

If you are in Region VII, you can contact me at .

Robert Walsh