Southside Elementary School

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan




2005-06 Site Base Council Members

School Name: Southside Elementary School

Council Member Name / Address / Completed Training / Trainer’s Name
Jeanne Crump / 106Education Dr
Cynthiana, KY 41031 / YES / Robert Barr
Mara Gant / 106Education Dr
Cynthiana, KY 41031 / YES / Robert Barr
Stacy Smiley / 106Education Dr
Cynthiana, KY 41031 / YES / Robert Barr
Letitia Doram / 106Education Dr
Cynthiana, KY 41031 / YES / Thelma Blair
Sandy VanHook / 106Education Dr
Cynthiana, KY 41031 / YES / Thelma Blair
Cynthia Hill / 106 Education Drive Cynthiana, KY 41031 / YES / Robert Barr

The Southside Elementary school council and school planning committee reviewed the Assurances in the Kentucky Comprehensive Improvement Planning Guidebook (2004 and on-going) prior to approval of our plan.

Cynthia Hill, Chairperson, School Planning Committee Date: May 3, 2005

Plan Approved by the School Council:

January 24, 2006

School Council Members:

Jeanne Crump / Teacher
Mara Gant / Teacher
Stacy Smiley / Teacher
Letitia Doram / Parent
Sandy VanHook / Parent
Cynthia Hill / Principal

Note: Although the Assurance Certification is not included in the school’s improvement plan, the assurances for the categorical programs listed on the previous page should be reviewed by the school council and the school planning committee prior to approval of the plan by the school council. The Assurances for 2003-2004 are in the Comprehensive Improvement Planning Guidebook (2003-2004) and can be downloaded from the Web Page at:



We believe that community, parents and educators working together can create a school in which all learners can achieve and succeed. The mission/vision of Southside Elementary School is to promote the development of all students as self-motivated learners by providing an enthusiastic, interactive, challenging, and secure environment.


How Planning and Needs Assessment Teams Were Organized

SBDM Standing and Ad Hoc committees were charged to fulfill tasks which provided feedback and work products to identify needs, goals, and strategies to meet those needs. The committees and groups who were involved are as follows:

·  School Planning Committee

·  Assessment Committee

·  Core Content Study Groups

·  SBDM Council

·  Southside Certified Staff

·  Southside Staff

·  Southside Classified Staff

·  PTO

·  Family Resource Center Staff

How the Needs of the School Were Determined:

·  CATS Test Scores

·  Analysis of Scrimmage Test Results

·  Analysis of Student Planning Survey

·  Analysis of Parent Survey

·  Analysis of Parent Planning Survey

·  Analysis of Teacher Strengths and Challenges Survey

·  Analysis of Staff Planning Survey (Classified and Certified)

·  Analysis of Lesson Plans

·  Analysis of Open Response Items Used For Assessment On All Levels

·  Analysis of Student Questionnaires in CATS Testing

·  Central Office Needs Assessment

·  Parent, Student, Staff PAR Surveys

How Goals and Strategies Were Decided Upon:

Initially, Core Content Study Groups analyzed test results and reported to the SBDM Council and the Assessment Committee. The Southside Faculty analyzed survey results and identified growth areas. The Assessment Committee reviewed the recommendations of the Study Groups and Faculty and made recommendations to the Council. Content Committees made suggestions and revisions in 2004. The Technical Assistance Team studied SBRR and wrote a plan to address Reading and Literacy in our building. This study was used to write the Literacy/Reading Component. The SBDM Council approved the plan.

What Implementation of the Plan is Expected to Achieve:

·  Improved CATS scores as we strive to meet state goals

·  Attainment of Annual Yearly Performance Goals/ NCLB

·  Equity for all students

·  Increased parental involvement and a more informed “parent body”

·  Professional development that is meaningful and effective

·  SBDM Policies that drive effective instruction and encourage “best practice”

·  Implementation of a curriculum that meets state standards for success

What Process Was Used for Internal Review of the Plan:

The School Planning Committee and School Principal will monitor the

plan and make recommendations each semester in a report to the SBDM


How Public Comment Was Secured and What Response Was Made:

·  Through Parent Surveys

·  Through Staff Surveys

·  Through Student Surveys

·  Through Staff Discussion and Work Sessions

·  Through Open Committee Meetings

·  Through Association with the Kentucky Association of School Councils

·  Through meetings with District and School Staff

How Consolidated Planning Will Be Ensured in the Future:

·  Through the development of the Consolidated Plan as Mandated

·  Through Internal Review of the Plan

·  Through Amendments to the Plan


How will the Consolidated Plan and Other Important Information Be Shared With Stakeholders?

·  Copies of the action component pages will be placed in the school

Office, Library, Teacher’s Lounge, Central Office and the Community

Education Center and will be made available upon request

·  Individual copies will be made for SBDM members and staff

·  A copy of the plan will be available on the Southside Elementary website

How Will Input Continue to be Gathered from Stakeholders?

·  Input from the stakeholders will be gathered from representatives on

The School Planning Committee and in the open forum of the SBDM

Council and other SBDM committee meetings

·  Parent, student and staff surveys will be developed and used as

Needed to secure feedback


2005 Index 2006 Target Distance

Male / 85 / 93 / 8
Female / 81 / 94 / 13
Free Reduced Lunch / 79 / 87 / 8
Not Free / Reduced / 87 / 99 / 12
Disability / 75 / 83 / 8
No Disability / 84 / 95 / 11

Action Component: LITERACY/ READING

District Name HARRISON Component Manager: CYNTHIA N. HILL


Priority Need / Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)
Our 2005 CATS Reading results were as follows:
·  An index of 96
·  6% Novice Level
·  14% Apprentice Level
·  66% Proficient Level
·  14% Distinguished Level / Our 2006 CATS Reading results will be as follows:
·  An index of 98
·  4% Novice Level
·  13% Apprentice Level
·  69% Proficient Level
·  14% Distinguished Level
Causes and Contributing Factors / Objectives with Measures of Success
A.  We do not have a Literacy Team in place at Southside Elementary School.
B.  We do not have a Literacy Plan in place at Southside Elementary School. / A.  By October 2004 representatives from all grade levels and most programs will combine efforts to serve as Southside’s Literacy Team. (now in place)
B.  By December 2004 the Literacy Team will create and facilitate a Literacy Plan for the 2004-05 and 2005-06 school years. The Kentucky Reading Project Teams for the summer 2004 and now 2005 will facilitate these plans. (created)

Action Component Amendment: LITERACY / READING

District Name: HARRISON Component Manager: CYNTHIA N. HILL



Objective Label / Strategy/Activity / Expected Impact in Terms of Progress and Success / Responsible Person / Start Date / End Date / Estimated Resources and Costs / *L
A1. / The SBDM Council will identify the membership of the Literacy Team when establishing work groups to complete specified tasks each year. / Southside Elementary School will have an identified Literacy Team. / SBDM Chairperson / 7/04 / On-
going / -0- /


A2. / The SBDM Council will define the role of the Literacy Team and outline the Team’s charge in a clearly articulated and detailed manner. / Southside Elementary School’s Literacy Team will have a clear understanding of their role and mission. / SBDM Chairperson / 7/04 / On-going / -0- /


A3. / Southside Elementary School Staff will receive an outline of the Literacy Team membership and charge. Each group will be asked to identify a staff member to serve on the Literacy Team as outlined in SBDM Policy. / The Literacy Team will be established with proper representation and will be notified of their responsibilities as a Team. / SBDM Chairperson / 7/04 / On-going / -0- /


A4. / The Literacy Team will report bi-monthly or as needed to the SBDM Council. / The SBDM Council will have a clear understanding of the progress of the Literacy Team and Plan. / Literacy Team Chairperson / 9/04 / On-going / -0- /


B1. / The Literacy Team will research and recommend a Phonics Program to meet the Phonics Component in Reading on the Primary (Second Grade) Level an Ad Hoc Committee may be named to study the problem / A program / strategies will be implemented on the second grade level to strengthen the Reading Learning System in the area of Phonics. / Literacy Team Chairperson / 9/04 / 12/04 / $1000.00
Section 6
Title One
Reading First Impact / L/R/S
B2. / The Literacy Team will review the Reading First Proposal and identify portions of the plan that can be implemented even though the grant was not funded. Recommendations will be made to the Council. / The Reading First RFP will provide a Road Map to follow to be aligned with SBRR as funds become available / Literacy
Team Chairperson / 9/04 / 12/04 / -0- / L/R/S
B3. / Literacy events will be offered every other month at the school to encourage parents to be more involved with the school and their child’s reading progress. / Parents will be better informed re: strategies to help their child in the area of reading. They will learn what resources are available to them. They will establish home/school connections with school staff. / Principal with the assistance of a planning team / 10/04 / 06/06 / $3000.00
Reading First Impact Study Funds
KRP Site Funds
Title I Funds / L/R/S
B4. / The Literacy Plan will include activities to promote collaboration with community resources in the area of Reading/Literacy / Activities to promote literacy will be coordinated with the SWFRSC, First Steps, and Public Library. Students, Parents, Teachers will receive support for their efforts from these agencies. / Principal/
School Librarian/
SWFRC Director / 10/04 / 06/06 / $2000.00
Reading First Impact Study Funds
KRP Site Funds / L/R/S
B5. / A Summer Reading Academy will be held to meet the needs of students who are at risk in the area of Reading. / Primary students will participate in fifteen days of intense reading instruction based on Scientific Based Reading Research during the summer. / Principal and District Instructional Supervisor / 06/04 / 06/06 / $2000.00
E.S.S. Funds / L
B6. / Southside Elementary School staff will be trained in Scientific Based Reading Research / All classroom teachers will understand the five components of effective reading instruction and will implement the strategies in their reading learning system. / Principal
District Instructional Supervisor / 09/04 / 06/06 / $3000.00
PD Funds
KRP Training / L/R/S
B7. / A resource library will be established providing resources focusing on Reading and SBRR. / Teachers will have current SBRR research available to them when planning reading instruction and prescribing intervention plans. / Principal and Literacy Team / 09/04 / 06/06 / $1000.00
PD Funds
3M Grant
Title I Funds / L
B8. / Teachers will be trained in the use of the DRA and/or QRI reading assessments to assess the reading level of the students. Students will be assessed periodically throughout the year to guide instructional practices for individual students and classroom instruction. / The KRP teams will train the staff in the use of these assessments. They will outline timelines within the school literacy plan to schedule assessments. They will analyze the results and make recommendations. / Principal and KRP teams / 06/04 / 06/06 / $1000.00
P.D. Funds
Reading First Impact Study Funding / L
B9. / Primary classrooms will be staffed with resource personnel to assist during the ninety minute uninterrupted reading block each school day. / Student teacher ratios will be decreased during reading instruction time for Primary students. The children will get more individualized instruction. / Principal
SBDM Council / 06/05 / 06/06 / $35,000
Title I
Title II
Section 6
Staffing allotment / L/R/S
B10. / The PASS (THINKLINK) assessment system will be purchased to assess students 2nd – 5th on a periodic basis throughout the school year. / These written and online tests given strategically (three times) before the state assessment window will be analyzed to guide teaching and learning. / Principal and Classroom teachers / 09/05 / 06/06 / $1,600
Section 6
Title One / L/S

Action Component: MATHEMATICS

District Name : HARRISON Component Manager: CYNTHIA N. HILL


Priority Need / Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)
In our 2005 CATS studies Math results, we found:
·  An index of 77
·  19 % Novice Level
·  46% Apprentice Level
·  34 % Proficient Level
·  12% Distinguished Level / In our 2006 CATS studies Math results, we will have:
·  An index of 90 or more
·  8% Novice Level
·  31% Apprentice Level
·  49% Proficient Level
·  12% Distinguished Level
Causes and Contributing Factors / Objectives with Measures of Success
A.  Our math program has been inadequately aligned with state standards such as the Learner Goals, Core Content for Assessment.
B.  Data on sub - groups show that more of these students are not meeting math performance standards. / A.  A. Our curriculum and adopted programs will be fully aligned with state standards.
B.  Support programs will be created and implemented to advance noted sub – groups. Student’s.progress will be noted on the AYP NCLB Report marked at 100%Achievement gap goals will be met by 2014.

Action Component: MATHEMATICS

District Name : HARRISON Component Manager: CYNTHIA N. HILL



Objective Label / Strategy/Activity / Expected Impact in Terms of Progress and Success / Responsible Person / Start Date / End Date / Estimated Resources and Costs / *L