
Rink Hockey Committee Conference Call

Sunday, January 12, 2014

1:00pm EST

Call Attendees: Tom Hughes, Don Allen, Jim Jost, Brian Moyer and Mark Brailey

1.  Treasurer’s Report- Jim Jost

Ending Collected Balance
as of 01/10/14 $2,175.22

2.  Coach’s Testing Program-Don Allen

Testing is almost ready to be published. Don is just working on some formatting issues. Tests should be available by February. Coaches will have to fill out an application and go through a background check.

3.  Referee’s Testing Program-Mark Brailey

Mark is working on tests. Level one is complete and will be formatted. Testing will be performed by an authorized tester then sent to Mark for grading. Application will have to be filled out in order to take test. All officials will now have to pass a background check also. Seminar with testing will be held before the start of Nationals for referees that wish to referee at nationals. You must be a level 3A or 3B to referee at Nationals. USARS will handle referee credentials.

4.  Coach’s Conference Call-Tom

USARS has given permission to hold a conference call with all U.S. coaches available. Don & Tom will work an agenda up. Call will be held during the week around 9PM. E-mail will be sent out to see which day Tuesday or Wednesday would be better.

5.  Honor’s Committee Nominations

Committee decided on the Honor Nominations Recipients to be presented for 2014. Tom will submit the recommendations to USARS.

6.  National Dates- July 2-July 8, 2014 with registration and practice on July 1st.

No recent repercussions on the dates.

7.  Ladies & Men’s World Team tryouts immediately following the conclusion of Nationals. Coaches and Staff for both Teams will be determined at a later date.

8.  Ladies World Championships-Tourcouring, France October 24-November 2.

Date and place has been confirmed.

9.  Men’s “B” World Championships-Valkenswaard, Holland

The dates will be decided in late February at the FIRS EB Meeting. Holland is shooting for first week of October.

10.  Face book page-Don Allen

Don and Kimberly Hughes are working on the process. Moderator’s will monitor content and will remove any comments as they see necessary.

11.  Other business-

Roller Sports will be included in the summer Youth Olympics held in China. What disciplines that are included have not been decided at this time.

FIRS will hold a 2017 World Roller Games, which will feature all disciplines of roller sports. Approximately 6,000 to 8,000 athletes will participate in the games requested by the IOC. More can be found online.

Call quality is bad. There was echoing and garbling continuously. Only Jim was understandable. The rest of us had to repeat ourselves many times so everyone could understand.

12.  Next Conference Call- Sunday, February 9th, 1:00 eastern time.